June 2017 Forecast: Word to the Wise

Sample of the In-Depth June Forecast:

The Astrological Theme for June 2017 is "Word to the Wise."

Words are spells. Whether spoken, written, or thought, they contain potent vibrations that morph the field of consciousness. It benefits us and our collective to use them wisely and to support unity. The symbolic shape of letters and the invisible harmonic essence of connected symbols creates the inner and outer environment in which we spend our lives.

The words we work with every day stem from the history that grew them up. People of privilege (primarily male-bodied people with socio-cultural-economic status) are the parents of most common recorded language. [Check out this book: The Alphabet vs. The Goddess by Leonard Shlain] The supremacist perspective and philosophies embedded in these languages infuses the experience of the masses and often reinforces systems of oppression. June asks us to reclaim language that supports natural truth. Decolonize the mind. How? Tell stories. Perceive the non-verbal. Listen to the truth of various forms of life and nature. Allow your perspective to adjust and evolve. Stimulate modes of communication that can't necessarily be written. Connect with speech and thought with the refinement born from authentic experience.

Take the hint. If you have a feeling about something, trust it. Step beyond the bounds of the linear mind and touch something greater, something more intelligent, something that can continuously guide you through mapless territory.

Throes of information are constantly swirling. Read between the lines. Instead of taking words at face value, listen close with more of your senses. Sharpen into keen perception.

Words contain Worlds.

"How are we listening to and for Words of Wisdom being summoned our way, being beckoned forth from our inner selves and from each other?" - Stephanie Seker

Act and speak from your center: Words to and from the Wise.

In June's Forecast:

  • How to cultivate wisdom
  • Working well with secrets
  • Archetypal medicine
  • Incantation and journaling recommendations
  • Potent dates to plan your life
  • Crystal and flower essence remedies pertinent to the month

Want to read more? Go HERE to see your options for viewing the full report; including this month's forecast, day-by-day transits to help you plan/navigate your month, magic questions to meditate on, and crystal and flower medicine aligned with the theme "Word to the Wise."

Curious how this month's astrology resonates with your particular charts? Click HERE to instantly book a session with Virginia.

It's an absolute gift to be able to continue this work. May this forecast be your graceful navigation guide, your invitation to return home, and your empowerment to step more fully into your astounding multidimensional Self.


To Life

As always, THANK YOU for your support.

May we anchor the highest dreams of our collective heart into reality.