How to Thrive During Eclipse Season

Two Options for Navigating the First Eclipses of 2023:

If you’re feeling depleted and looking for a resource to support your resilience...

If you could use some direction and food for the soul...

If you’re ready to land right here on earth, in this living ceremony of soil, sky, and self...

No astrology experience necessary to participate and benefit.

Walk with Me

Live Guidance with Intuitive Astrologer Virginia Rosenberg

$150 | Includes 2 Live Calls + PDF Guide

  • Live call in honor of the Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20 @ 12:00 Noon Eastern Standard Time (recording will be provided)

  • Live call in honor of the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 4 @ 12:00 Noon Eastern Standard Time (recording will be provided)

    • During the live calls, we go deep into the energies of each eclipse and the medicine they hold in relationship to all 12 signs of the zodiac. There will be opportunities to meditate, journal, and be in reverence to earth and sky. If there is time, we will have Q and A.

  • Downloadable PDF sent to your inbox for each eclipse.

    • Contains a reading for each eclipse, how the eclipse affects each sign, journal questions for inner alchemy, and a guide for thriving through any eclipse season (they happen every 6 months!)

  • A final message sent to you for integration and reflection once eclipse season ends.

Self-Guided Journey

How to Thrive During Eclipse Season PDF GUIDE

$44 | Includes a PDF Guide for each eclipse

  • How to Thrive During Eclipse Season PDF GUIDE sent to your inbox for each eclipse.

  • Contains a reading for each eclipse, how the eclipse affects each sign, journal questions for inner alchemy, and a guide for thriving through any eclipse season (they happen every 6 months!)

  • A final message sent to you for integration and reflection once eclipse season ends.

These Eclipses bend time.

Are we old, or are we new? Are we dying, or are we being reborn? 

The answer is always both.

Change is our nature, and yet it asks everything of us.

Extract every last drop of medicine from the precious known world.

Clear the channel for what is to come.

Keep the ancestors close, and the Earth closer.

Do you long to live in connection with the earth and cosmos?

Do you see your life story as woven with something bigger?

These Eclipses will be felt by all, but they are especially impactful for those with placements in Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) and Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). 

The Eclipse Guide is for anyone who seeks cosmic context. Those willing to self-reflect and see themselves as elements of a greater whole. This guide is for all levels of astrological knowledge, from none to tons.

Invest in Grounded Guidance throughout Eclipse Season

** All purchases are final, non-refundable, and non-transferable. **

About Your Guide

Meet virginia

Virginia Rosenberg is a renowned intuitive astrologer. She is a mother, a seer, a dirt-worshipper, and a beloved writer. Her passion is recreating culture through sharing genius, wisdom, and meaning. She has performed thousands of readings and taught hundreds of classes, workshops, and retreats for people worldwide. Her writings have gone viral, are translated into multiple languages, and are used as teaching tools in spiritual groups all over Earth. She lives in the ancient mountains of Western North Carolina with her partner and two young children.