Podcast: The Liminal Woman

From the Host:

Virginia is a woman who speaks with eloquence and wisdom, drawing you in to listen closely as she shares her insights on intuitive astrology and the shifts happening at this time.

Her approach blends intellect and intuition seamlessly, creating a beautiful balance without theatrics. She is open and playful with complex subjects in astrology and it is so refreshing.

I hope you enjoy our conversation where we express our own personal realities and how we are currently perceiving the collective reality.

Love + Magic, Britt Johnson

Podcast: Side Note: Major Astrological Events - What You Need to Know

In this mind-bending conversation, astrologer Virginia Rosenberg reveals why 2025 will be a historic year of massive transformation. We dive deep into how major planetary shifts will reshape everything from technology and government to our personal lives. Virginia explains why the fall of "empires" happening right now is just the beginning, and how the movement of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn into new signs signals a dimensional shift that will fundamentally change how we experience reality.

Samantha talks with Virginia about what these cosmic changes mean for conscious entrepreneurs, why water and healing become central themes, and how we can navigate this period of intense change with grace. We explore the rise of technocracy, the future of human consciousness, and why personal liberation might be the key to our collective evolution.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why multiple governments are currently experiencing collapse and what this means for 2025

  • How the North Node moving into Pisces will affect business decisions and personal growth

  • What Uranus in Gemini reveals about the future of education and communication

  • The connection between ancient Atlantis and our current technological revolution

  • Ways to maintain agency and power during this transformational period

About your host: Samantha Fackler is an Executive Leadership Coach and Marketing Advisor who transforms how women entrepreneurs grow a freedom-based business. After scaling 100+ companies over 12+ years with both Fortune 500 companies (think Apple, PayPal, LinkedIn) and early-stage founders, she brings a rare blend of corporate strategy and holistic leadership to help you scale intentionally. Her approach? Building aligned, profitable businesses without the burnout narrative. Because success shouldn't cost you your wellbeing.

Lessons from Living in Catastrophe

On October 11, Pluto stationed Direct in Capricorn: Tectonic Plates & Final Completions.

Pluto’s final direct station in Capricorn in our lifetimes marks the end of an era. We are living through the breakdown of systems, structures, and institutions that have governed the last 250 years. This is the energy of deep transformation—death, destruction, and ultimately rebirth. It is time to let the old ways fall away. What are you holding onto that feels outdated or burdensome? Let it go.  Let things die. Make compost of empire as we the people assume responsibility.


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 When the grid went down, my primal body came on.

Without the constant hazy hum from corporate frequencies and signals, 
Without the harsh glare of artificial light,
I could clearly hear and feel the instincts emitted from the land and my own body.

“This is a Healing.”

An enveloping kind of love coursed and washed through me.
The swell of my heart flowering open felt uncontainable.
We are held. We have been tracking toward these moments all along.

Timelines converged.
I realized all the ways my future self had laid a path for my past self.
And that the guidance that was with me then is with me now.

Mentally scrolling through the people I couldn’t touch base with in the blackout, I remembered our friends who surprised us when they suddenly moved away just over a month ago. As they departed, they had given me a single item: a rain suit for my 2 year old son. He’s worn it once - to see the flooding on our road as the rains began to cease.

The days following the floods overflowed beyond the usual confines of perceived time.

Neighbors convened in a spirit of concern and mutual support.

We tracked the damages we could see with our own eyes in the immediate vicinity:

The house surrounded by 4 feet of water, its residents watching from an upper level porch. Two other houses submerged at least up to their foundation. A van floated away. A shed gone. A trailer missing. A pool and playset destroyed. A septic tank displaced. Downed electrical poles and transformers. A landslide blocking our road. Another road completely washed away.

We spent the next many days ensuring that those within walking distance had what they needed. Together we faced the reality that there was no telling when electricity would be restored or when fuel would become available. Without access to phone or internet, we instinctively shared the resources and information we had. We strategized ways to conserve the little fuel in our possession. Filled and distributed jugs of water. Cooked and shared meals as meat defrosted in our freezers. Offered each other comfort and refuge.

That’s when my heart swelled. Whelmed with gratitude. Overcome by the goodwill and generosity of the human spirit. It dawned on me that this is what life would be like if masses of people weren’t held captive by the pressures of ‘modern’ society. We would be spending quality time with one another. Sharing anything we have to give. Helping each other through. Raising each other up. Tending to the land and our loved ones. Creating beauty, innovation, sanctity… Celebrating life.

Days later at a grocery store when food became available to access, I recognized a woman I had met years prior. She spoke to my own inner sense;

“It feels like this is what we’re all here for.
This, and what is yet to come.”


For in my bones I know this catastrophic flood is just one event leading us through a collective transition that will touch us all.

This experience has galvanized me and my community to become more resourceful, resilient, and skilled to navigate what lies ahead.

Lessons I am learning from catastrophe:

  • The more dependent we are on corporate and governmental entities for our survival and daily needs, the more fragile we are as a society.

  • The time is now to transition our infrastructure to be compatible with life.

  • Everything we have is for sharing with others. Resource yourself to the end of extending those resources to those who can benefit. Pooling resources lessens the burden each individual carries.

  • Neighborly ties are incredibly important. Build relationships with the people in your immediate vicinity. In emergency situations, things like political affiliations and polarized beliefs become inconsequential. Words can’t express how healing it is to reach towards each other and relate beyond these fissures, which are largely figments of our imagination that act as armor for our hearts.

  • Choosing to make purchases within your local community and/or supporting small businesses matters so much. In fact, it can help ensure that what you want to see in the world survives and flourishes. Consider prioritizing keeping cash circulating locally. When the grid was down this was the only way people could procure needed supplies, and cash was scarce.

  • Each person has a unique role to play based on their circumstances, skills, gifts, capacities, perspectives, and callings. No one's role is worth more or less. We take turns in giving and receiving and doing what is needed. Rather than compare or judge, acknowledge that immaculate perfection resides in the interdependence that arises from the interplay of our unique nature. Look for the ways disagreements can strengthen collaborative innovation.

  • Every community can and should have one or more hubs where food, water, medicine, safety, comfort, and other necessities can be accessed.

  • We outsourced our “power” when we consented to build a society dependent on an electrical grid that we, the people, have no control over. The electrical grid and the internet are externalized forms of the human nervous system. Human consciousness is home to incredible technologies that externalized forms can never fully replicate. Yet, when we become dependent on the external tech, we often stymy our ability to foster the cultivation of our inner God-given technologies.

  • Consider that we may be able to “see” better - particularly in the dark (literal and metaphoric) - without the interference of artificial light. When the lights eventually returned in our home they felt like an assault on my senses.

As this is only the beginning, I am aware that many more lessons lie ahead, and that there are models that have already emerged from disasters the world over. I look forward to gaining knowledge and skills needed to support the transition we are collectively living through. 

Life is precious.

I am so moved by the spirit of those I know who have been touched by this disaster. Amidst their losses, they exhibit so much gratitude and faith as they acknowledge every miracle that accompanies them amidst great uncertainty.

I am so moved by the hearts of those who have mobilized to support relief and recovery. 

Already, we are dreaming of adaptations and alternatives to ensure that our loved ones can thrive into future generations.

Here we are in paradise.
Here we are in a wasteland.
Our wasteland, grounds for our Paradise.

Tragedy is a catalyst for rebirth.

Cash is the best way to support those affected.

My family is collecting a hurricane relief fund. We plan to use this fund to support people through the longterm impacts on our local economy and ensure the resilience of our community.

You can contribute to that using any of these 3 options:

Additionally, if you or someone you know has an airbnb in the Asheville area they can offer to lodge a family temporarily, please hit reply to get in touch.

Long Live Appalachia,

Stay With Us: The Long Road Ahead

A rainbow stretched across the sky as we sat on the porch eating dinner. The kids named the colors one by one.

That night, the rains began.

The flooding stopped 8 days ago, but there continues to be an outpouring of tears flowing from eyes, and of care from the hearts of good people.

The aftermath of this catastrophe is unimaginable.

Based on reports circulating on the ground, the “official” death toll is vastly underestimated and will likely be in the thousands.

Since communication channels only just returned (almost 140,000 households still don’t have power in WNC), we are still in the early days of understanding the scope of devastation.

Besides the loss-of-life, in my immediate circle I know multiple families who are displaced, lost their homes and belongings, lost their businesses/livelihoods, and sustained serious injuries. Not a single person in this area will be unaffected by the impacts. Many have already been informed that insurance won’t cover their losses.

The lasting downstream effects are yet to be seen, measured, and comprehended. The floodwaters are highly toxic due to multiple plastics and chemical spills - they are burning through rubber boots. Over 70% of our region’s potable water infrastructure is compromised and will take a couple months to restore. Even when it is restored, there are likely unseen health impacts that will affect this community at large.

Many of the local businesses that did survive the flood no longer have a physical location to offer their services and wares. The impacts on the local economy and financial stability of residents will be felt ongoingly for a significant amount of time. Thousands have left the region. Those who are present here are spending as much time as they can on the ground supporting recovery efforts.

Through the overwhelming grief and intensity, there has been incredible beauty. The generosity and community care of both local residents and outsiders has stunned and humbled us to our core. Neighbors helping neighbors with meals, water, showers, laundry, childcare, and temporary lodging. Hardworking people chainsawing downed trees and fixing roads for days on end, doing everything they can to restore some order. The collaboration, resiliency, and generosity everyone has shown has touched and healed our souls.

I know people who are watching from the outside are eager to help. Thank you for your heart. I’m here to tell you that we are at the beginning of a very long road to recovery. Multiple months and most certainly years. STAY WITH US. I know this story is hot right now but as soon as it fades away, please don’t leave our side.

In terms of offering support from afar, here’s what I am seeing and hearing from within the region. There has been a huge influx of necessary supplies (food, water, fuel, etc.) donated. So much so that relief efforts on the ground are struggling with getting things distributed to those who need it. Information and needs are shifting rapidly. For the latest information/updates on how to help, check this instagram page.

A directly effective way to help is to give CASH directly to individuals and organizations on the ground. Most of us here are doing person-to-person support with all of our time and working with no current income.


Some individuals I personally know:

I know many more who need support but I don’t yet have their payment info. We are all reeling and at max capacity. Give us some grace and time - most of us haven’t even wrapped our heads around longer term needs as we have been focused on moment-to-moment SURVIVAL. I also intend to send out a list of local businesses you can purchase from when things are more stable.

If you choose to give to my family, you can do so via venmo or paypal. Since electricity returned to our home, my family has been cooking and feeding people, giving showers and laundry to those without water, cleaning out flooded businesses, offering childcare for volunteers, gathering and distributing supplies, and connecting people with needed resources. We are creating a fund specific to hurricane relief.

Finally, there is a need for herbal medicines. Tinctures for immune support, adaptogens, respiratory, nervines, support for grief/shock/heartbreak. Also wound salve and muscle balms. These would be greatly appreciated. If you can donate, please hit reply to contact me to coordinate and distribute.

I woke up from sleep and wrote this from midnight to 2:30am. Currently, life is moment-to-moment and the task list on urgent projects within the community is endless in addition to mothering young children through a crisis. If you have never been in a disaster area ongoingly, it’s impossible to understand how all-consuming it is. I hope that in the coming times I will be able to document more.

I am incredibly thankful to be alive and surrounded by strong, bright, resilient souls. These events are teaching me so much about what’s truly important and the heart of humanity.

Long Live Appalachia,


Solar Eclipse in Libra & Hurricane Helene Update

My heart is so heavy. As many of you know, my family and I are based in Western North Carolina, in the Blue Ridge Mountains we dearly love. I have been here for 15 years. These mountains and our community have raised me up in young adulthood and motherhood. I am eternally grateful. My soul is of this soil.

Though my home was fortunately spared from severe damage, we watched as our creek rose 15 feet within a few hours and our neighbors houses were submerged. We were without power for 5 days and in a complete communication blackout that still persists. The lack of communication is the most challenging part of this crisis (in addition to widespread lack of drinking water, food, fuel, basic necessities). Five towns near us are a total and complete loss...

The title of the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces was "A Proverbial Flood". As I shared in my Eclipse class two weeks ago, that Eclipse started a 20-month period that will bring waters into focus the world over.

I will now reveal that back in June, I decided to name the 2025 astrological calendar "Immersion" as the theme for the year... 

Every culture in known history has flood myths preceding a massive rebirth. As heartbreaking, devastating, and grievous as this is, I believe it is also a time that can cleanse our inner and outer worlds. The swell of love I feel alongside the intense overwhelming loss is angelic in quality...

The 2025 astrology, to me, is hyper archetypal and biblical in tenor...

The New Moon in Libra (exact on October 2 at 14:49 ET) is an Annular Solar Eclipse (exact on October 2 at 14:46 ET). This Solar Eclipse is a reset through unity. A new beginning begotten through ending false separation.

I titled this Eclipse "Renew Your Vows" in the 2024 Cosmic Calendar.

Libra—the sign of balance, harmony, and justice—invites us to reflect on our relationships and the agreements we’ve made with ourselves and others.

Under this Eclipse, we’re given an opportunity to revisit and renew these sacred promises.

What promises do you want to reaffirm? What agreements need rewriting?

Review what you have consented to. What you have compromised. What you have accommodated.

This moment signifies a renewal of relating in the personal, social, political, and aesthetic realms.

The first Solar Eclipse in Libra in the current cycle occurred on October 14, 2023. This signified a major change in the global balance of power as tenuously peaceful relations erupted in conflict and shifted political landscapes near and far.

Now we are faced with even more questions about negotiations, justice, conflict, and compromise. We face new challenges and new opportunities to join together. 

As the crisis is unfolding, we the people on the ground are coming together in every way we can. Particularly as political forces try to force and fabricate division, it is our UNITY and SHARING and MUTUAL AID that keeps us alive and strong.

The waters are flowing. WE are the waves.

Let your care and love for your children, neighbors, beloveds, and communities motivate your actions. Turn your energy to these relationships; they are what is real.