“Virginia’s presence is a combination of deep curiosity combined with fierce truth resulting in a form of love that truly honors the highest good. I am continually inspired by her vast awareness of the micro and macro levels of what is happening and needed in this world and beyond, and how each one of us plays an equal and integral part. When I am with Virginia, I feel held, seen, challenged to be my my full self, and loved unconditionally and from that I remember what a gift it is to be alive.”
I am an Intuitive Astrologer and Movement Artist.
My motivation is liberation through the natural healing of self and society.
All things become more free together.
The foundation of my work is eco-psychological.
We are intrinsically tied to our current home planet. I am devoted to honoring the experience of being embodied here on Earth. I believe that our wellness is linked with the wellness of Earth and all of her creatures.
I trust the Body. The body, like our planet, is our origin point. The more intimate we become with the body, the more we can heal.
My clients span the globe. They come from myriad origins and backgrounds. Our stories interweave to make a whole.
Intuition informs everything I do in life. I believe all sensitive beings are intuitive, and that intuition holds the keys to discovering paths we are meant to take.
Astrology is an ancient symbolic language I spontaneously remember and work to reclaim.
I am a Movement Artist in terms of my allegiance to embodiment and social progress.
I am a steward of these disciplines, rooted in reconnection with the Earth.
I was raised a classically trained dancer and evolved into a Taoist Martial Artist. I teach Spiral Power Qi Gong and Qoya for spiritual cultivation.
My professional background is in social justice and activism, non-profits and service, entertainment and performing arts, and helping/wellness. My formal education is in cultural anthropology, post-colonial and women's/gender studies, journalism and research/writing for documentaries.
My healing arts background spans Eastern philosophy, Bellydance, Taoist internal martial arts, spiritual alchemy, ritual and ceremony, energy work, shamanic tradition, and yoga.
I am multidimensional. Non-conformist. I live in ideological realms I long to pollinate and share. I live on a bridge, and that bridge is my being, invariably traversing and net-working disparate yet co-occurring worlds.
I am a writer, speaker, and educator.
I write social commentary and astrological observation. I have written for newspapers, blogs, and calendars. My articles are widely read and some have gone globally viral. They are used as teaching tools in meditation halls, study groups, women's circles, and churches. I speak and lecture at retreats, spiritual groups, and activist organizations with a focus on liberation. I also speak at colleges and institutions for higher education. Contact me to inquire about booking a speaking event.
I teach classes, workshops, and retreats. You can learn about current offerings here.
I am a reader, an interpreter, and a messenger.
I serve as the resident astrologer for the global Qoya movement and Earth Magick in Asheville, NC. Since 2010, I have offered thousands of readings. My philosophy is: truth heals. Check my media page to watch my TEDx talk and see the many podcasts I've had the gift of participating in.
I am a creative consultant.
I have a business sense and an inexhaustible supply of ideas. I grew up watching my dad as a solo-entrepreneur. Now I support entrepreneurs offering wellness services with copywriting, editing, mission-making, networking, and astrological assistance.
I am a guide, mentor, and facilitator.
I walk alongside those asking questions. Those coming into their own. Those coming of age. Those embracing their gifts. Those succeeding and those passing through transitions. I provide presence. I extend inquiry. I offer clarity, authentic maps, and skills for navigation. If nothing else, I hold a deep well for suffering to know itself and re-emerge into wholeness with a gratified sigh. If you want to walk together, book a session or look into a longer term package.
Photo by Emily Nichols
Short Form Bio:
Virginia Rosenberg is an Intuitive Astrologer and Movement Artist. Her passion is natural healing of self and society. Virginia believes that we are made to heal, and that healing is a matter of becoming more conscious of and connected to ourselves, each other, and the more-than-human-Worlds. Since 2010, Virginia has offered thousands of readings for clients worldwide. She teaches astrology, qi gong, and various forms of dance, leading retreats, classes, and workshops. Her writings on astrology, spirituality, and society have gone viral and are used as teaching tools in meditation and study groups. Virginia has been interviewed and featured on numerous publications and podcasts. She is Resident Astrologer for the global Qoya movement. Her educational background includes post-colonial and women’s/gender studies, cultural anthropology, journalism, documentary filmmaking, Taoist philosophy and internal martial arts, myriad forms of dance, spiritual alchemy, ritual, ceremony, and energy work.