The Full Moon in Taurus on November 19, 2021 (at 03:57EST) is a Partial Lunar Eclipse. Blood moon. A moon with teeth.
Eclipses are time warps. Pivotal moments of accelerated evolution. Lunar Eclipses bring major culminations and endings.
During eclipse season, shadows emerge. Hidden information comes to light. Things slip in and out as if through a backdoor.
Under skies like these, stuck energy can’t help but move.
Use the moment to change the unchanging.
Shift shape.
The Taurus-Scorpio axis is all about attachments, resources, and possessions - physical, emotional, psychological, and ancestral.
This Taurus Lunar Eclipse signals major changes, breakdowns and breakthroughs surrounding finances, stores of value, currency, investments, material stability, food, the body, fertility, and sensual pleasure.
Sometimes the difference between poison and medicine is the duration of an experience. When something overstays its welcome, what once was tolerable becomes toxic.
If we continue to hold on out of habit, we jeopardize our opportunity to create real comfort and stability.
What needs to be shed so you can stand on solid ground?
Pare down.
Conserve to luxuriate.
For the last couple of weeks, we’ve been in an underworld research mode. This alchemical cauldron has been brought to a slow boil, bubbling off the dross. Purifying into essence.
The light of this Moon shines on simple soil. The spell of the sensuous (Abram).
Whatever we’ve been digging up as of late leads to unexpected actions that bring us back to basics.
Surprising shifts and separations land us back in the body. Re-enchant us with the earthly world. Deliver us deeper into incarnation.
Let every death serve a ripening rebirth.
This Eclipse is most notable because it marks the beginning of a new evolutionary theme we’ll be embodying for the next 2 years. Eclipses will take place every 6 months along the Taurus-Scorpio axis from now until October 28, 2023.
(Last time Eclipses occurred on the Taurus-Scorpio axis was November 2012-April 2014, but the nodes were reversed then. The time prior to that, with transiting North Node in Taurus, was May 2003-April 2005.)
This Eclipse has the greatest influence on those with Sun or Rising in fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Those with natal planets or chart points from 22-29 degrees Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will also feel impact.
Say goodbye to dependency on setups that siphon your life force.
Grow your own sustenance.
Substantiate your stability.
Personify your power.
You are made of Soul and Soil. You are the Earth itself. Remember it. Be it.
fallopian moon. shift shape moon. moon of the primal & pivotal. intimacy moon. stability moon. moon to get un-clutched. time warp moon. bull & scorpion moon. moon of visible shadows. back to land moon. incarnate moon. moon to grow your own. solid ground moon. to have and to hold moon. moon like a spell of the sensuous. back door moon. unhook moon. moon to divest & reinvest. ensouled soil moon. poison to power moon. moon to self-substantiate & mind what matters.
Title Image Credit: Martin Adams
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When the Moon is Full in Taurus, the Sun is in Scorpio. Enjoy these movement rituals, complete with workbook and journaling prompts, to understand and integrate the medicine of the moment.
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