The Full Moon in Gemini on December 18, 2021 (at 23:35EST) is kaleidoscopic. The Sun and Moon face one another, their stretch illuminating the Galactic Center: the middle of the Milky Way.
A space crevice. A Dark Rift. A tear betwixt worlds, leaking in Dust and allowing for interdimensional travel.
We’re at a cosmic crossing-and-uncrossing.
Open your mind to perceptions seeping in from other planes and planets.
Nothing here but light and centrifuge. Divergent, varietal, and spiraling. A celestial slingshot.
The accelerated shifts that come with Eclipse Season are still active, as this is the concluding lunation highlighting themes of Gemini and Sagittarius before the Nodes of Fate transition into Taurus and Scorpio.
Final exams.
This Moon is like a whirling wind, whipping through the stories, misperceptions, and myths we’ve been sifting through while the Nodes have been moving through Gemini and Sagittarius since May 2020.
The transiting North Node in Gemini led to a bifurcation.
On May 7, 2020, I wrote about the prophesied “end of the 4th world” as described by the Hopi people. The tale as illustrated on Prophecy Rock illustrates a split within the populace - some living close to Earth and others living separate from the natural world.
Whatever path has been chosen, the road ahead is long and winding. Pare down what you carry. Find joy and sobriety in strategies-of-Next.
This Full Moon is ruled by Mercury in Capricorn, giving it a serious and practical tone that can support long-range structural planning. Cross things off the list. Concrete boundaries, parameters, and commitments are essential for successful manifestation.
Mercury isn’t the only planet traversing pragmatic Capricorn. A few hours after the Moon is Full, Venus stations Retrograde in Capricorn.
Venus is on her way to the underworld. Going down. Going in through the tunneling dark.
Over the next several weeks, relationships and resources undergo necessary, irreversible changes. The deep work of confronting, composting, and overcoming the past is at our doorsteps. In our heartstrings. Our bank accounts.
In Capricorn, the assignment is to become owner, operator, and authority. To live on purpose. Unencumbered by manufactured fears. Impervious to all influences that aren’t explicitly permitted.
Venus Retrograde in Capricorn Timeline:
Nov 17, 2021 Venus entered shadow
Dec 11, 2021 Venus conjunct Pluto
Dec 19, 2021 Venus stations Retrograde
Dec 25, 2021 Venus Rx conjunct Pluto
Jan 29, 2022 Venus stations Direct
March 6, 2022 Venus clears final conjunction with Pluto
Have patience. This Venus Retrograde brings a thorough process of excavation. By the end date in March 2022, you will have a much more realistic sense of what is possible to achieve.
For the next few days while the Sun remains in Sagittarius, enjoy an optimistic and social spirit. Celebrate your learning and growth, and the ways these lessons have expanded your vision.
The remaining days of this calendar year are a retrospective.
The headline transit of 2021 has been Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus.
Past v Future. Structure v Freedom. Continuity v Chaos.
This disruptive transit has formulated acute tensions that lead to a crisis of consciousness. Breakdowns are ongoing. Breakthroughs are imminent.
December 24, 2021 features the final exact square between Saturn and Uranus (the first was Feb 17, 2021 and the second was June 14, 2021). It’s easy to see how this transit has been wreaking havoc on a global level. Use these dates as inflection points to bring awareness to how it has been rocking your world.
Take sincere inventory of what you’ve lived through in 2021. Acknowledge the achievements accomplished and wisdom accrued. Confront the failures and clear out the burdensome residue.
By the calendar year’s end, dedicate yourself to laying down excess baggage. Previous paradigms live within us until we put them to rest.
Dwell within your own caverns. Allow relationships and resources to transform. Compost the old. Notice the ghosts rising from the deep. Pay attention to secrets. Complete unfinished business. When the hidden emerges, reconnect with your inner power to be reborn.
Two weeks from now at the Capricorn New Moon, we’ll be ready to realign and set practical intentions for moving ahead.
Something I know to be true is that whether an empire is rising or falling,
Humans manage to survive, persist, and remain intact.
Dare I say it,
Thriving is possible
even in the crumbling.
kaleidoscope moon. milky way moon. moon on the galactic center. dark rift moon. space crevice moon. moon for multidimensional travel. near-solstice moon. spiral walk moon. moon for crossing and uncrossing. spellwork moon. divergent moon. moon like a celestial slingshot. good grief moon. venus retrograde moon. moon like a final exam. offloading moon. clearing baggage moon. moon to sweep out the house and make space for strategies-of-next.
Title Image Credit: Suzi Kim
These Moon Posts, beloved as they are, will be discontinued in January or February 2022 as I prepare for the birth of my second child.
To stay connected to my work and be guided in the year ahead:
The 2022 Cosmic Calendar
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Join me for a live Year-Ahead Astrology Forecast on December 28
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Reserve a reading with Virginia. Limited availability.
Embody Astrology to Learn and Heal.
When the Moon is Full in Gemini, the Sun is in Sagittarius. Enjoy these movement rituals, complete with workbook and journaling prompts, to understand and integrate the medicine of the moment.
Podcast: About the Winter Solstice
Astrologer Virginia Rosenberg is back on Find Your Voice, Speak Your Truth to share about many things of note going on in the cosmos.
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