A glimpse of the future - and the work we need to do to build it.
The “new normal” is nothing like the old.
The caterpillar is a completely different creature than the butterfly.
Decomposition is the transformation that precedes freedom and flight.
We can no longer fit this square into the ever-widening concentric circles and mycelial webs. Our next dimension of existence is anything but linear. It’s a spectral, oracular beehive.
As Mercury stations Retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius today:
the messenger planet is on the way to take some orders from authority about the structure of the future when they get some unexpected information about the nature of adapting to change.
Before we get to the new, we’ve got some more fears to face. Some commitments to make. We’ve got to connect to the wisdom that is bone deep before we can go sky-high.
Last Chance for printed Cosmic Calendars!
Y’all, we decided to order ONE FINAL BATCH of the 2022 Cosmic Calendar. If you’d like to order one for yourself or a beloved, you can do so here. Orders are due by January 20.
This Mercury Retrograde is an uncrossing spell. Unbind the mind and intend to actualize total freedom.
Mercury Retrograde (Rx) Timeline:
Dec 29: Mercury enters Shadow pre-Rx period
Jan 14: Mercury stations Rx in Aquarius
Jan 23: Mercury cazimi (in the heart of the Sun)
Jan 25: Mercury Rx re-enters Capricorn
Jan 28: Mercury Rx conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
Feb 3: Mercury stations Direct in Capricorn
Feb 11: Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
Feb 14: Mercury re-enters Aquarius
Feb 24: Mercury clears shadow, completes Rx period
Mercury Retrograde (Rx) for your Signs:
January 14-February 3, 2022
Aries: My voice makes waves in the collective field. Honesty may disrupt order, but it ultimately breeds connections based in integrity. I shed skin in public & solidify my leadership.
Taurus: Do I take the straight facts, or is there room for flexibility? My work is to tune to Truth. I make myself available to hear the information coming in about my purpose & life direction.
Gemini: I take the journeys necessary to restore my faith & ensure that I am seeing clearly. As I integrate the unknown & acknowledge my transformations, I am delivered into Trust.
Cancer: A deeper honesty is required. Secrets can’t be kept buried - but with whom will I share my confessions? I choose words to reset & restore the balance of power in my relationships.
Leo: Telling the Truth & hearing the Other Truth brings needed awakenings around my life direction. Shedding the trappings of my former lifestyle delivers me into the future that calls.
Virgo: I link my body & mind in ways that support my physical & spiritual wellness. My service path comes into alignment as I embrace the joyful new journeys that stoke my heart alive.
Libra: Edits & revisions further hone the vitality & authenticity of my self-expression. There are layers of depth I yearn to be more honest about. I revisit my past & origins to create clarity.
Scorpio: I rethink home & family. Opening myself to new interpretations of belonging & connection means embracing changes to old & existing patterns. I say what needs to be said.
Sagittarius: My mind is alive with genius ideas. I am uniquely attuned to the shapes of the future. As I compost fears that I am not enough, my voice becomes more clear & true.
Capricorn: The truth is, I am worthy. I no longer expect myself to live inside the confines of a former identity. I make the choice to receive love, delight in play, & invest with authenticity.
Aquarius: Clear, objective honesty is required. I release myself from the tendrils of my former life, that I may stand authentically as the person I’m building myself to be. I am Truth.
Pisces: Something awakes in my dreamspace. I listen to the silence, the small voice, the whisper. Connection is an inside-job. I unhook myself from the collective field to open my channel.
To connect with the medicine of the times, dance with the Aquarius Archetype in the Movement Ritual.
Get guidance like this to live by, at your fingertips, while I step away from the world to birth my second baby.
Year-Ahead Astrology Forecast (instant download)
Reserve a reading with me in the latter-half of 2022.
Wander well,
Title Image Credit: Collins Lesulie
The Year-Ahead Astrology Forecast
Navigate gracefully with the recorded call as your guide.
Want personalized guidance in 2022?
Reserve a reading with Virginia. Limited availability.