Sacred Activism: moving through spiritual racism and other oppressions


Sacred Activism: moving through spiritual racism and other oppressions


Have you been impacted by racism in spiritual spaces?

Are you curious about the ways in which you may be perpetuating racism in your spiritual communities?

Have you thought about the intersections of race, power, and spiritual community and want to hear others’ experiences?

Sacred Activism: moving through spiritual racism and other oppressions is an inspired, interactive conversation from the viral blog post, Converting Hidden Spiritual Racism into Sacred Activism: An Open Letter to Spiritual White Folks. Intuitive astrologer, Virginia Rosenberg, and folk healing artist, Richael Faithful, come together to talk about the intersections of spirituality, racism, power, and community-building.

We will explore and unpack topics such as: “Light”-washing. Spiritual bypassing. Spiritual materialism. Financial exchange for healing/spiritual services. Prosperity gospel and Law of Attraction. Transcendance and escapism. Cultural appropriation. Judeo-Christian and colonizer/dominator narrative. Victim/Savior/Martyrdom. Blood and belonging. Race and human ecology.

We invite you into the conversation! This is an authentic and respectful dialogue of deep and active listening. Not to find solutions, but to allow healing evolutions to naturally spring forth from the collective. Join us in an intentional container to explore, understand, and deepen.

Can’t join us live? When you register, you can still receive a recording.

The webinar will be recorded, and content may be used for ongoing writing projects. However, speakers will be kept confidential.


Anytime. The call was recorded Wednesday, February 21, 6 - 8pm and all materials are now instantly available.


Upon registration, you will be provided the call recording and materials.


Is sliding scale $20/$25/$30. Please choose the amount that reflects your level of ease with income. For assistance with determining this, feel into your heart and bones and find your truth.

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