September 2017 Forecast: Kindred Spirits

Kindred Spirits Heart.JPG

The Astrological Theme for August was "Support."

Members can view the full August 2017 Forecast here.

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In times of great change, where do we find support?

As mentioned in August's forecast, the astrological stage was set for it to be an incredibly historic month. Two Eclipses in Leo coincided with major events that are already reshaping the USA.

The Lunar Eclipse fell on August 7th. Later that week, Charlottesville, VA erupted in lethal violence due to a white supremacist rally.

The Total Solar Eclipse on August 21st coincided with Hurricane Harvey and subsequent major flooding in Texas. Eclipses have a long history of association with major socio-political events and natural/human disasters. The last time the USA experienced a Total Solar Eclipse was 1979. The Three Mile Island nuclear meltdown accident occurred soon after. The last time the USA experienced a Total Solar Eclipse with a coast-to-coast path of Totality was 1918. WW1 ended later that year.

Eclipses are always major turning points. The August 21st eclipse this year especially captured my attention. I spent several weeks researching its meaning and relationships.

This eclipse marked a major new chapter for the USA. This country will be metamorphosing: dying and becoming reborn in ways this nation cannot predict and has never before experienced the likes of.

The transformation process will be unfolding heavily over the next 7 years, but its influence will last long afterward.

I created an online workshop called "Re-Birthing a Nation: Astrology of U.S.'s Fated Transformation" that will remain for sale while the eclipse is still in effect.

It is an analysis of the astrology of current times and a preview of what lies ahead. Click here for more info and to purchase the 90-minute audio, slideshow, and home worksheet as a bundle.

In last month's forecast, I wrote:

"These eclipses teach us to become less (in)dependent and more interdependent.

If you miss the village, remake the village."

So many people needed support this month. So many people need support right now.

Let support be mutual.

It is time for us to ask for help. It is time for us to give help to ourselves, to others, and to Earth. It is time for us to listen and be responsive when help is requested.

Rallies are happening. Wildfires are blazing. Floods are flooding. Whether personal, political, or ecological, August presented us with great challenges. Challenges that launch us squarely into unmarked territory: the Great Mystery.

Confrontation with the Unknown.

Who and what do we take with us as we gaze into the mysterious future-and-past-laced-present?

If nothing else, let us take with us our power to create.

Making meaning. Weaving support. Cultivating community.

The Astrological Theme for September 2017 is "Kindred Spirits."

Be yourself, in full color. Hold nothing back.

When we stand in ourselves firmly and speak our truth, like minds and hearts gather as kin.

'Kin' means related, allied, connected. In kind.

Regardless of who your family is, we are all related. We contain the capacity to develop and fortify chosen families. We can lean into this capacity now.

Look beyond the familiar as you choose your relations.

Build bonds with those of varying backgrounds. Cultivate connection with that which is more-than-human.

When we dance in relationship with that which is beyond what is known to us, we grow to contain more infinity.

Click to read the rest, including day-by-day transit interpretations!

In September's Forecast:

  • Keys to thriving in the current astrological climate
  • Journal questions to help you identify what you have to give and receive in the way of support
  • Archetypal medicine
  • Potent dates to plan your life
  • Crystal remedies pertinent to the month

Want to read more? Go HERE to see your options for viewing the full report; including this month's forecast, day-by-day transits to help you plan/navigate your month, magic questions to meditate on, and crystal and flower medicine aligned with the theme "Word to the Wise."

Curious how this month's astrology resonates with your particular charts? Click HERE to instantly book a session with Virginia.

It's an absolute gift to be able to continue this work. May this forecast be your graceful navigation guide, your invitation to return home, and your empowerment to step more fully into your astounding multidimensional Self.


To Life

As always, THANK YOU for your support.

May we anchor the highest dreams of our collective heart into reality.