“Darkness and light are kindred spirits that make us whole. By loving our darkness as much as our light we build a bond and a deeper sense of who we truly are. We come home to the unconditional love of our own sacred heart.”
September Artist Feature:
Lucretia VanDyke is a Healer who has cultivated alchemical gifts since she was a little girl mixing herbs, clays, and muds on her grandparents’ farm. She is an herbalist, diviner, mentor, artist, sacred sexologist, ceremonialist, esthetician, spiritual coach, and energy medicine practitioner. The piece pictured above was inspired by recent visions she experienced surrounding the Total Solar Eclipse. It combines plant medicine (Black Cohosh and St. Johns Wort) to provide a catalyst of internal growth and sweet release. Plants are kindred spirits that allow us to connect with Earth Magic and bridge worlds.
The Astrological Theme for August 2017 was "Support."
Members can view the full August 2017 Forecast here.
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In times of great change, where do we find support?
Holy shit y'all, the last month was crazy.
As mentioned in August's forecast, the astrological stage was set for it to be an incredibly historic month. Two Eclipses in Leo coincided with major events that are already reshaping the USA.
The Lunar Eclipse fell on August 7th. Later that week, Charlottesville, VA erupted in lethal violence due to a white supremacist rally.
The Total Solar Eclipse on August 21st coincided with Hurricane Harvey and subsequent major flooding in Texas. Eclipses have a long history of association with major socio-political events and natural/human disasters. The last time the USA experienced a Total Solar Eclipse was 1979. The Three Mile Island nuclear meltdown accident occurred soon after. The last time the USA experienced a Total Solar Eclipse with a coast-to-coast path of Totality was 1918. WW1 ended later that year.
Eclipses are always major turning points. The August 21st eclipse this year especially captured my attention. I spent several weeks researching its meaning and relationships.
This eclipse marked a major new chapter for the USA. This country will be metamorphosing: dying and becoming reborn in ways this nation cannot predict and has never before experienced the likes of.
The transformation process will be unfolding heavily over the next 7 years, but its influence will last long afterward.
I created an online workshop called "Re-Birthing a Nation: Astrology of U.S.'s Fated Transformation" that will remain for sale while the eclipse is still in effect.
It is an analysis of the astrology of current times and a preview of what lies ahead. Click here for more info and to purchase the 90-minute audio, slideshow, and home worksheet as a bundle.
In last month's forecast, I wrote:
"These eclipses teach us to become less (in)dependent and more interdependent.
If you miss the village, remake the village."
So many people needed support this month. So many people need support right now.
- What support do you need right now? From whom and in what forms?
- What support can you give right now? To whom and in what forms?
- Where do you currently have support? Where could you use more?
- What support do you have currently that you can share with others?
- What would it feel like to be supported? When have you felt supported in the past?
- How do you want others to feel as a result of you offering support?
Who do you know who needs support? What prevents them from getting the help they need? Step in.
Let support be mutual.
It is time for us to ask for help. It is time for us to give help to ourselves, to others, and to Earth. It is time for us to listen and be responsive when help is requested.
In times of crisis and great change, forming bonds and sharing resources is essential to survival.
If you plan to donate for Hurricane Relief, I request you consider that populations of color and marginalized communities are typically affected disproportionately. The Red Cross is NOT recommended as a disaster-relief organization based on its controversial track record. THIS LIST is of organizations accepting donations that benefit marginalized populations specifically.
CLICK HERE to access a more general list of ways to donate for victims of Hurricane Harvey.
Meanwhile while floods rage in Texas, 1,200 people died in Southeast Asia this past week, also due to flooding. I'm not sure what the track record is like with these aid organizations, but if you would like to extend help, CLICK HERE to view options.
Rallies are happening. Wildfires are blazing. Floods are flooding. Whether personal, political, or ecological, August presented us with great challenges. Challenges that launch us squarely into unmarked territory: the Great Mystery.
Confrontation with the Unknown.
August invited us to step more into our essential selves. Who we are and what we bring, beneath the layers of what we know. When things fall away, what remains at the heart of what is? That which was already always there, now emerging.
Who and what do we take with us as we gaze into the mysterious future-and-past-laced-present?
If nothing else, let us take with us our power to create.
Making meaning. Weaving support. Cultivating community.
The Astrological Theme for September 2017 is "Kindred Spirits."
Once upon a time, I had friends.
We laughed and played and danced together. We made magic and celebrated holidays and lived alongside each other.
Then I wrote an article that went viral. An Open Letter to Spiritual White Folks, which you can still read on my blog Here. The writing and spreading of that article was a catalyst in my life.
My friendships changed. Someone I had spent holidays with for years in a row disowned me and claimed we were never friends. I was slandered. I was told I had violated boundaries and was a threat to people I loved. I became viscerally afraid of leaving the house in my predominantly white town. [I had only felt that kind of fear in my own town when I used to take walks with my partner who was a man of color.]
It's worth noting that literally every negative reaction I experienced during that time came from a white person. That is not an exaggeration or mis-statement.
The results of writing and sharing that article were heartbreakingly beautiful. As old friends left my life, new friends arrived. I received messages and invitations from people all over the world. As I declared where I stood and what was true to me, like minds and hearts gathered as kin.
In August, I experienced the immense joy of gathering with kindred spirits to co-facilitate a Magical / Radical Art and Re-storying Retreat in Portland, Oregon. This was a tangible result of the catalyst of sharing authentically and joining with others whose songs resonated in tandem response.
Womyn gathered to speak their hearts and their bellies. To turn their lens onto decolonization. To crack open and share stories and cultivate anew. To weave. To touch plants and acknowledge their medicine. To dye with indigo. To practice making Art.
'Kin' means related, allied, connected. In kind.
Regardless of who your family is, we are all related. We contain the capacity to develop and fortify chosen families. We can lean into this capacity now.
Look beyond the familiar as you choose your relations.
Build bonds with those of varying backgrounds. Cultivate connection with that which is more-than-human.
When we dance in relationship with that which is beyond what is known to us, we grow to contain more infinity.
Yes, our loved ones are kin. Kin is also the land upon which we reside. It is the plants that surround and make oxygen for us to breathe. It is the creatures and insects who populate our ecosystems. It is the rivers and streams and planets and stars who are people themselves. Kin are the elementals and the spirits who weave among us AND GIVE US LIFE. Kin is music and story and movement. Kin is light. It is darkness. It is color. It is breath. It is the absence of things.
The Sun and the Moon and the Earth are our Kin. Their circuitous dancing movements literally govern our years and our months and our days.
It was an Honor of the highest order to witness the Great American Total Solar Eclipse in totality, held by the land with my loved ones in Terrebonne, Oregon. Terrebonne means "Good Earth." On this Good Earth I perched, covered in clothing, feeling my body and spirit purging and coalescing with that which was ready to be released.
At the time of Totality, the land darkened. A cold wind from the moon penetrated our pores. Long purple shadows grew along the mountain ridge before us. Animals ran and shook and slept and hid and went into stillness. Humanity erupted in screams; streaming tears; uncontrollable laughter.
I and my mates were overcome with every primal emotion. Terror and elation ripped through me like a diagonal spreading convalescent wound. Hunger and satisfaction and fascination and humility overcame all senses. It was a death. It was like being in the room at the moment of birth. It was a recognition of something deep and ultimate and unnameable.
We saw God. God was that cold body and that light body making changes for life on Earth. God was the unification of perception and experience and Otherness.
The Eclipse was a cosmic marriage. Dissonant opinions united into a state of awe and wonder at the miracle of experience.
In a time of great division, the Eclipse harkened and transported us home with immediacy.
It is often said that We are One.
But have you felt, in your body, that reality? Have you internally touched the sun and the moon and the stones and the desert? Have you heard the river's voice pour from your own throat? Have you held the hand of the broken one down the street and whispered their fears through your lips? Have you bled the blood of old and tended the soil of infinitude?
What if we gave ourselves up enough that the truth in us made our family?
What if reality was a simultaneously occurring interdimensional respite from falsehood? And what if the way to enter that was simply to acknowledge the enduring connections at each intersection of thread in a fabric of co-occurrence?
What if, while the world burned around us, we snuggled into each other's shoulder and sang, "Not to worry. Breathe. No matter what, it Is what it Is and what Is is Okay. And I'm here. With you. Taking care of you and me and our life."
Name your kindred spirits, and spend time with each of them as they reach your awareness.
Give attention to the land and the plants and their oxygen. Acknowledge the rain and the wildfire. Give thanks! Calm the fear in your heart and be in relationship with That Which Is. And in the quiet moments, sink into the well of all that is Not.
This is wholeness.
There's truth in that.
And in truth, if there's not comfort, there is still Self Recognition.
Beyond Self Recognition is our location and the what of existence.
Give Thanks.
Archetypal Medicine for this Month
Cerridwen the Cauldron Goddess of life, death, rebirth, eternity.
Let transformation be home to you now, and embrace the inherent wisdom of the death/rebirth/transfiguration process. Release the roles that no longer serve you. Embrace change. Getting what is given.
Curious how this month's astrology, and last month's eclipses (in effect through January 2018), resonate with your particular charts?
Click HERE to instantly book a session with Virginia.
Nature is Chock Full of Medicine
May this blog be a place to discover helpful natural remedies that can guide your way through this journey of life on Earth.
Stone Medicine for the Month from POUND Jewelry
Druzy Stones are stones of the Collective. Each tiny crystal point within a druzy stone makes up the cluster of sparkly goodness that we get to enjoy for all it's natural beauty. Druzy clusters accumulate on the inside of a geode that are only visible once the geode is cracked open, symbolizing that the beauty is within. This stone is a reminder we are not meant to go it alone and the journey is much sweeter when we join heart forces with those around us. Keep creating beauty and remember you are never alone. And then shine like never before. Rock On.
In-Depth Transit Forecast
All times listed in EST
September 1 Mars inconjunct Chiron (2:02am)
*Adjusted Behaviors* What is motivating your actions and desires? Is it selfish, selfless, or a mix of both? What if none was the right answer? Simply notice what drives you. It may be time for an adjustment to come into deeper self-and-oneness integration.
September 2 Mars trine Uranus (8:13am)
*Revolutionary Moves* Behavior and instinct meet rebellion and progress. Mars is on the degree of the Total Solar Eclipse and the Heart of the Lion. If you aren't sure how to proceed, go into your heart of hearts and follow the response that arises. Discover and act upon your unique gifts. Do what's in your reach and set us all free.
September 3 Mercury Rx conjunct Mars at Eclipse Degree (5:37am)
*Immediate Response* The same degree that was stimulated in the Total Solar Eclipse is emphasized again by Mars and Mercury! The Heart of the Lion continues to pour its influence into us through heavenly gates. Let passionate, heartful communications and actions be spread. Today offers an activation as Mercury the Messenger meets Mars the Warrior. RESPOND versus react. Rapid, angry speech or news of violence or destruction can flair. Put your money where your mouth is. Take tangible steps to actualize ideas. Avoid reckless provocation and resist abuse. Drive slow! Best used to share through inspiration, inspire/engage, and stand up on behalf of what is truly in your heart of hearts. Sometimes listening is the best way to stand for someone else. This book is a great read now: Conflict is Not Abuse by Sarah Schulman. Rather than fight, take personal responsibility and build strength. One day at a time.
September 5 Sun opposite Neptune (1:27am) Mars enters Virgo (5:35am) Mercury stations Direct in Leo on the Eclipse Degree (7:29am) Venus inconjunct Neptune (5:33pm)
*Sensitivities* Sun in Virgo is opposite Neptune in Pisces. This is the axis of Service where the sacred meets the mundane and vice-versa. It is time to develop compassion for yourself and others. Some folks think compassion is being a savior or a martyr. What if compassion was simply giving of yourself? No need to attach any ego to it. Use this time to dream, drift, forgive, and surrender to ultimate. Release and cleanse.
*Down to the Details* Mars in Virgo asks us to do the work. Get down to business. Make lists and attend to ongoing processes. Analyze and discern. Clean up and purify. Be fastidious. Devote ourselves to something. Act in service of that which is greater than us. Tie up loose ends. Be moved by virtue and practical relevance. Show up with a casserole in hand and make sure the laundry gets done. Tend to our physical and mental health. Get into rhythm and routine.
*Hold the Phone* Mercury the Messenger is stopped in the sky. Communications and local travel can be paused or interrupted. Listen for the deeper messages and things that aren't said. News will be significant today and in surrounding days.
*Confusing Relations* Who are we and where are we going? We may be realizing that our projections and appraisals of ourselves and our paths are incorrect as they are informed by current events. Changes are imminent. Keep dreams alive and ping them/reconcile them with reality. Look at the image of a medicine heart attached to this forecast and awaken to Love and Compassion in and of yourSelf as a relational and responsive being.
September 6 Full Moon in Pisces (3:03am)
The Full Moon in Pisces on September 6, 2017 (3:03amEST) is a cauldron of compassion. Sensitivity is heightened now. Be silent and absorb through the most subtle of senses. Release confusion. Offer up anxiety or any desire to withhold or hide. Now is the time to let flow. Dive through self-deception into the holographic living dream of reality. Welcome humble synchronicities and embody the magic of flesh. Feel the essence and spirit within all things. Feel the truth within and between linear construct. Feel an unconditional dreaming moving through you. Pour yourself out and to make way for Emptiness. In your release, merge with the Great Oneness. Be cleansed by the rhythmic, senseless music of existence. Resonate with the song of every heart, layered upon and within itself in overlapping relation. Acknowledge your conditioning, and move through its fog into something neutral and unpolarized. Get lost, and become one with all that eventually becomes lost. Shed, and become one with the eternal. Cry your holy tears of letting go and with them, feed the ancestors whose toil made our bread. Surrender more. Even more. Circle open for your cells to imbibe and dance with and embody unconditional love. With the soft power of grace, forgive all of it.
For every New and Full Moon, find a complementary Movement Ritual on the Qoya Blog.
September 9 Venus inconjunct Pluto (3:23am) Sun trine Pluto (6:45am) Mercury enters Virgo (10:51pm)
*Adjusted Values* What is battling for attention is striving for affection. Is it self-love or corporate interest? We live in a culture that has conflated the two. Find your self-love outside the realm of corporate or structural interest. Let corporate be informed by authentic love of self and life as play.
*Personal Power* Today the light of just being connects with a deeper source of power. Especially recommended as a day to connect with/perform ritual for the Earth. Another excellent use of this energy would be to connect with the power of your work, your service, your ability to materialize and be resourceful. Let's connect with true resource so we will be able to heal through it and share it with others.
*Discernment* Mercury in Virgo is exacting. Service, work, and detail-oriented. Practice presence. Practice gratitude for exactly what is, now. This transit separates Wheat from Chaff. It makes use of digestible material and information. It turns passion into devotion. Gather all your information, now, and put it to work.
September 12 Venus trine Saturn (8:50pm)
Venus in Leo trines Saturn in Sagittarius. Affections, relations, and resources can stabilize now. Ground into a long term view in these areas. Make commitments and investments. Call upon the wisdom of grandmothers and other elders to inform your resources. Listen to time!
September 13 Sun square Saturn (10:58pm)
*Grounding the Vision* Sun in Virgo squares Saturn in Sagittarius. The result is stress and often anxiety. Let off some frustration. Big picture meets little details today. It can be easy to have a vision, but when it comes to execution, is there follow-through? It can be easy to stay comfortable in minutia, but what about extending into a realm of faith? A place where you are larger-than-life? Today, we are asked to balance detail and vision. This transit requires attentive duty and overcoming hardship. Be humble explorers in realms of the infinite. Take on the task of physically building a belief system based in reality and service to others/Earth. Illuminate the skills necessary to lay the foundation for healthful globalization. Honor rejection, limit, and containment. They help to mature you and act as an accurate guide for your way.
September 15 Venus sextile Jupiter (3:44pm)
*Love and Laughter* The joys and pleasures of life now arise from creation and socialization. Embrace others and the natural balance of expression we all share in the glory of our togetherness. Good day for trying a new look, beautification, art, and society. Caveats come from egotistical social networks making themselves dominant.
September 16 Mercury Direct conjunct Mars (3:02pm)
*Thought=Action* The same degree that was stimulated in the Total Solar Eclipse is emphasized again by Mars and Mercury! This time Mercury is traveling Direct from our view here on Earth. The Heart of the Lion continues to pour its influence into us through heavenly gates. Let passionate, heartful communications and actions be spread. Today offers an activation as Mercury the Messenger meets Mars the Warrior. RESPOND versus react. Rapid, angry speech or news of violence or destruction can flair. Put your money where your mouth is. Take tangible steps to actualize ideas. Avoid reckless provocation and resist abuse. Drive slow! Best used to share through inspiration, inspire/engage, and stand up on behalf of what is truly in your heart of hearts. Sometimes listening is the best way to stand for someone else. Actions should be clear at this time. We've made it through Mercury Retrograde, so reconsiderations will begin to come out in the wash. Forward motion.
September 17 Venus inconjunct Chiron (3:17am)
*Reclaiming Love* Love could reveal itself as dis-integrated, now. Is there some way your ego eclipses unconditional love for all-that-is? Or alternately, does your love of spirit/escape eclipse love of Self and personal engagement? Today asks us to balance and blend. Love of Self can be love of All and vice-versa. Make meet and mate and merry. This is the art of healing.
September 18 Venus trine Uranus (12:27am)
Self-love is progress. It can deliver us into a future woven from creative participation. Freedom is worthy. Revolution is valuable and needed for the progressive evolution of consciousness. Womyn, and the feminine, gather to produce change. Create relationships based on liberty. The electric quality of your gatherings with literally amplify love on this planet. No need to cooperate with oppressors. Use your buying power to support your beliefs and the direction we can head in as a global society.
September 19 Sun opposite Chiron (3:32am) Venus enters Virgo (9:15pm) Mercury opposite Neptune (11:49pm)
*Healing Brokenness* Sometimes, the way we are broken is about how we work. How we serve. The role we play. What we put ourselves through in order to improve. Sometimes, it's chronic illness that current society doesn't seem to have the medicine to heal. That current society creates inflammation. Cultivates disease based on racism, classism, and all the ways we use life-blood to serve a system that ultimately is not in service to us. Sometimes, it's about reclamation. Reconciliation. Sometimes we use our journeys to reclaim our health in whatever way we find possible. Sometimes that means drawing lines and making boundaries. Simplifying our foods and our daily needs. Praying. Meditating. Employing life-rhythms that are both physical and spiritual in their honorings and allegiances. Sometimes our brokenness is a gateway to healing, and there is nothing right or wrong about it, but it is a legitimate way that we meet the world and the world meets us.
*Love and Conscientiousness* Venus in Virgo is down to Earth. Humble. The love of process, of paradigm, of anatomy and mechanism. Venus in Virgo is the canning of the harvest. She's the weaving of wool. The sustenance preparing to guide our way through winter. She is the value of living in service to others. Of transferring wealth to definitions of the populace that sees a lack of it. The love of skill and refinement. She is virtue. Her energy is pure. Eat of her bread.
*Foggy Mind* Mercury opposes Neptune to infuse the earth with idealistic dreams. Empathy can take our working and businesses and processes higher, and this can be a sustainable thing. It may be a confusing learning curve as we re-route to head that direction. Let the mind go in order to experience the type of thought that can actually be of use, now. Be inspired.
September 20 New Moon in Virgo (1:30am) Sun inconjunct Uranus (6:20am)
The New Moon in Virgo on September 20, 2017 (1:30amEST) is about healing. Healing is natural. It is already always occurring. Are we conscious of it? Are we supporting that process with our care-fullness? There is a saying, "feel it to heal it." Sometimes we try to bypass or avoid negative or difficult emotions and experience. Now is not one of those times. Suffering is rich, and contains the seeds of dreams. When we allow ourselves to feel it, we can open to it. We can fertilize the essence of spirit through our attention and our care for what is. Something invisible and infinitely beautiful is developing within us. It is a means by which we can connect with everything at all times, seamlessly. It is a skill and practice of wielding spirit and embedding it into each aspect of daily life. This happens not through removal or transcendence, but through absolute presence. It is an innate perfection. There may be truth in a vastness. An insight that all is inherently right, for no other virtue than that it IS. Even the wrong or the damaged or misconstrued, may be the exact emblem or component needed for an entire mechanism to function and operate. What happens when we extend our felt-sense and our loving embrace to each and every division? Can this be a rainbow bridge? An instant delivery to the magic of communion? Feel it to heal it. Dance at the intersection of your divisions. Notice what arises on your bridge.
For every New and Full Moon, find a complementary Movement Ritual on the Qoya Blog.
September 22 Mercury trine Pluto (2:01pm) Sun enters Libra (4:02pm)
*Deep Insights* Mind is grounded now. Focus on the work that needs to be done. Draw from deep within as decisions are made. If new information arises, trust it. The power of emergence is afoot. Good time to bring hidden concepts and communications to the surface.
*Relationship Identity* The Sun moves through Libra for the next month. Time to balance, relate, and harmonize. Libra is the sign of divine reciprocity. This means being in Right Relationship with others, and with all-that-is. Instead of viewing things as a transaction (I get this much for this much), focus your lens on relating. What interpersonal qualities are you aiming to build and exercise through this thought/action? Are they harmonious? Individualistic? Are they kind? Are they true to your innate being? Feel into, find, and promote balance for the next month particularly.
September 23 Jupiter inconjunct Chiron (4:28am)
*Growing Pains* Mixed blessings. Find and mind mentors and teachers around this time. Healing is appropriate but it can come through unexpected ways or misadventures. Expanding hurts sometimes. Keep on going and breathe.
September 24 Mars opposite Neptune (3:49pm)
*Low Energy* Actions can be befuddled, confused, or deceived today. Be careful what you move towards. Slow down, rest, and dream on it for a bit. Sometimes shame or guilt guides our behavior. If issues arise, dissolve them to nothingness. Lead them to emptiness. Let go and follow the flow. Avoid playing the victim. Opt instead for martial artist on the defense.
September 25 Mercury square Saturn (10:36am)
*Mental Pressure* Decisions, decisions. Do we consider the practical or the visionary? Is there some way we can access both? Big picture meets little details. Find the formula for execution. Visions can bring impact when made real. The conversations made and ideas spread help to bring practical action. Embrace serious insights, now. Make mental and verbal commitments. Shed the ideas that are out of date or too naive. Do the harder mental work, and it will pay off.
September 27 Mercury opposite Chiron (6:12pm)
*Painful Words* Thoughts, communications, and words can bring up sensitivities now. Embrace it for integration. Notice where you feel insufficient. Notice which words hurt, and practice saying them in exploration. Taking in learning can bring healing. Look into multiple channels. Explore practicum and skilled routes. Use your hands and lungs. Open to the next level of integration through intersection.
September 28 Jupiter opposite Uranus (12:25am) Mercury inconjunct Uranus (9:55am) Pluto stations Direct (3:36pm)
*Big Changes* Shifts afoot are unpredictable. Loud noises, both warlike and celebratory, are amidst us. Directed at anything in particular? It's hard to guess where they will land. Leaps forward in technology are available now. Socio-political change is stirring. Relationships are rebalancing. Sudden gains and/or losses for humanity. Releasing tension. Focus on the new, the untried, and the radical. If we can conceive of it, it probably won't happen. Something completely different will. Genius, chaos, and madness are close cousins.
*Mental Adaptation* Our minds are evolving. Sudden changes in insight need our attention, but not necessarily yet our action. Wait and integrate yourself before enacting your influence on the world.
*Metamorphosis* Pluto is the planet of transformation and power and shared resources. It also rules destruction, regeneration, and rebirth. Since about September 20, we have been feeling Pluto's mysterious and often unnerving influence beneath it all. Consciously release that which no longer serves any of us. For real and for the sake of what is inherited, passed on, and born anew. Soil turn.
September 29 Venus opposite Neptune (8:11pm) Mercury enters Libra (8:42pm)
*Love and Illusion* Martyrdom is often mistaken for compassion. True compassion is based on respect versus the need to save. At times, the desire to experience love is a tide so strong that it can confuse or deceive us. Today friendships, relationships, finances, and what we value most is awash in formlessness. At best, this promotes unconditional love. At worst, we are seeing through rose-colored glasses. This is a sensitive transit. It can lift us into higher states of being or lead us to disappointment. Our dreams can be unrealistic. What we desire to receive from others can soften our hearts and/or lead us astray. Remember we are all human and spiritual. The key is blending both well. What actions can you take to promote this balance?
*Communicating Peace* Good time to negotiate and rebalance inside friendships, partnerships, relations of all kind. Enact sacred reciprocity and look for a feeling of cohesion. May your words and thoughts help to maintain harmony.
Curious how this month's astrology resonates with your particular charts?
Click HERE to instantly book a session with Virginia.
It's an absolute gift to be able to continue this work. May this forecast be your graceful navigation guide, your invitation to return home, and your empowerment to step more fully into your astounding multidimensional Self.
To Life
As always, THANK YOU for your support.
May we anchor the highest dreams of our collective heart into reality.