The Full Moon in Gemini

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 12, 2019 (12:12amEST) is a predicament. A divergent dilemma. A perplexing paradox.

This Moon is a mixed bag of heavy and light. A dichotomy of contrast and contradiction. It brings an invitation to see many sides, hear various opinions, and wonder how all the puzzle pieces fit together.

Facts, feelings, complexities and judgements - truth contains it all.

“I have never agreed with my other self wholly. The truth of the matter seems to lie between us.”
— Kahlil Gibran

This Moon is a quiz. A collection of questions being asked. A test of knowledge.

You’ve already been studying for this examination.

What are you sure we know? And what is yet to be learned?

This is a learning Moon. A fool’s moon of query and curiosity.

The fool is Zero. Unlimited potential. Setting out into the unknown.

You may feel like you’re back at square one. Like all the work you’ve done in 2019 has amounted in nothing. In truth, you are already halfway up the mountain.


Astrology of 2020 Calendar and online course

Two tools for cosmic calibration. Close 2019 with reverent remembrance. Open 2020 with intentional awareness.

Acknowledge how far you’ve come already. Look at your achievements. Some progress is not so visible on the outside. But fundamental changes have taken place inside your being. Recognize what you are made of.

There’s no going backwards. This is a through-hike. You’ll be continuing on to the summit.

But your resources are depleted. You can no longer sprint forward with boundless faith. To squander your energy is not an option. You must gather up what you have left and ration it to ensure you’ll make it to the summit. Progress from hereon will be slower, steadier, incremental - and permanent.

You have come to a crossroads. This is a Moon of Many Options.

There are multiple paths stemming from this trailhead. There are signs pointing varying directions. Stop and take a snack break. Breathe. Take in the view. Taste the air. This is an open invitation: Choose Soon.

Be like an owl on a high branch in the woods. The fog is lifting. Survey the landscape. Living things are rustling in the brush. The unnameable is moving through.

Be wise as you consider your options.

Which path will take us deeper into Love?

Which path holds the key to long-lasting success?

Every path has its difficulties, but which one will nourish us to the bone? Which is the path of fulfillment?

After a year of experimentation and expansion, where have you gained ground? What will you deepen into and build upon? What extra weight are you shedding? What are you leaving behind?

By the Capricorn New Moon (which is a Solar Eclipse) two weeks from now, you’ll be making commitments to focus on for the year ahead. What we determine will have long-standing effects for the next thirty-six years. No pressure..

I’ve created 2 tools to guide you through the astrology of 2020. Click here to learn more about the Intuitive Astrology Calendar and Astrology of 2020 Live Online Course!

While you may feel unsure about the path before you, the truth is it’s already been chosen. The writing is on the wall. If you listen closely to your bones, you might find the feeling of going onward has already been memorized. This is the path you were born for. Claim your inevitability.

Before you set foot on your way, check your baggage. Step completely out of the old clothes. They no longer define you. They’ll only dampen your progress. Underneath them is your skin. Strip to your most basic shape. This is the Real you.

Confront the realness. Embrace the realness.


The deeper your breathe, the more you can open. The more you commit, the more progress you’ll make.

Structure creates freedom. Rather than over-stretching yourself, you are pivoting to open within limits. As you honor your boundaries, your energy and resources can become well-utilized.

Pull inward to become more potent.

Venus joins Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn on this Full Moon.

Challenges with love and money arise.

Whether in heights or depths, we are hitting our limits. Small, hidden, or repressed issues become huge. We become hyper-aware of lack and deficit.

You are worthy of love and support. You are hungry for it. Break down your barriers to receptivity.

Commit to the power of Love.

The world is full of confusion and contradiction. We cannot expect to do anything that is absolutely right. We can only measure rightness by the truth within ourselves. And our own truth will never be quite the same as somebody else’s.
— Jay Woodman

Mixed Bag Moon. Rubik’s Cube Moon. Moon of Heights and Depths. Zero Moon. Halfway Up Moon. Moon of Heavy and Light. Duality Moon. Empuzzlement Moon. Moon of Many Signs. Real You Moon. Self-Healing Moon. Moon of the Owl’s Roost. Choose Soon Moon. Reinvent Resources Moon. Moon of Contradiction and Commitment. Wise Moon. Check-Your-Baggage Moon. Moon of Un-Burdening Yourself. Trickster Moon. Sink-into-Sands Moon. Moon of Loving More Deeply.

Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Gemini.

You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.

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Read Full Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below

Aries: I am a student of Life.

Throughout 2019, I have been working hard to clear fears and anxieties so I can fully step into carving out a place for myself in this world. I know I have what it takes to be successful. This Moon pulls back the curtain on the investments I need to make to be able to walk the path meant for me. I ready myself to make these financial commitments. Meanwhile, I also identify and reach out to secure professional connections. This is a busy moon of connections and communications. I send my message out. My path is opening itself to me.. All I have to do is claim it, and step forward in confidence.

These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Taurus: I appreciate what I have.

I am devotional with my energy. When I commit to something, I go all in. I become like an investor, continually depositing myself into the things I choose. I am not a lightweight, nor do I fear commitment. This Full Moon brings things up from the deep. I listen for secrets. I welcome these insights. I am ready to see the reality of my situation. When I see clearly, I can invest with wisdom. Where do I need to close a door? Where do I need to unburden myself? Show me the truth of my debts and balances. Intimacy means sharing the shadows as well as the light. I am leaning in.

These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Gemini: I choose communion.

Today, I shine like the Moon. Reflecting the light of the Sun. Relationships are a mirror. They offer a spectrum of learning. Inside my relationships, I can find fragments of my own reflection, as well as see things about the other person. We never have to be of the same mind or hold the same opinions. In fact, our differences bring us both closer to the truth. This Moon shines a light on some deep recesses inside me. Places where I fear intimacy, death, and the mystery. I choose to commit, even though what I’m committing to is largely unknown. I will never be able to logically grasp enough to satisfy my urge to know. I need to submerge myself. To that I give in. I listen to the deep inside myself, and between us.

These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Cancer: I am complete.

On this Full Moon, I make the choice to close the door on what isn’t working. I trust myself to know when it is time to walk away. Something in my life just isn’t a fit, and I surrender to that. I choose my “No’s” carefully and assertively, so I can say YES to the right partner, the right pattern, the opportunities that will be fruitful for me in the long-run. Ultimately, this is about healing myself and following my true path. I put myself into fate’s hands, and I call upon the most supportive people and influences in my life to help me through this transition.

These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Leo: I am interwoven.

This Moon illuminates my network and connections. A collaborative moon, I recall that I express myself best in community with those who really see me and embrace my gifts. Encircled, we reflect each other’s genius. I am ready to slough off the dust that has accumulated in all the hubbub of 2019. I cleanse my palate. Instead of adding to my to-do list, I scale back so I can reset and complete tasks that have been left undone. I will enter 2020 with a clean slate. It has been a busy year of trying to get organized and re-organized. I have put a lot of energy into work and service. I take this moment to reflect on my real talents and what I bring to the table. In 2020, I streamline my work and daily habits to uplift my creative pursuits.

These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Virgo: I am accomplished.

This Moon feels like a culmination. I use this time to take inventory of all that has transpired in 2019. Instead of getting lost in the details of the daily schedule, I distance myself for a clearer view of this life I’ve been living. In 2019, These are all the things I am grateful for... This is what I’ve accomplished... I’d like to recognize myself for... I am proud of… If someone offers me recognition, I wholeheartedly accept it. I let it in. I deserve to taste the fruits of my labor. I welcome appreciation as part of my reward. In the year ahead, I prioritize my happiness, fun, creativity, and romance. New horizons await. I make myself ready to claim them.

These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Libra: I allow myself to expand.

This Full Moon is in my 9th house of new horizons. I open up. 2019 has been all about planting my root - tending home, family, safety, security, and belonging. The foundational work is done. Now it’s time to see what else can be grown and built here. I can let my hair down - it is time for a journey. Life is a mix of developing safety and embracing adventures. This is a Moon of learning and growth. I stretch myself beyond what I know. I move a bit beyond my comfort zone and take a breath of fresh air. My wings are growing, giving me an opportunity to test out my inner anchor. Through all the metamorphosis, how secure in myself have I become? I’m ready to deepen these roots. My favorite commitments are the ones I make to myself.

These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Scorpio: I am hypnotic.

This Full Moon falls in my 8th house of intensity, intimacy, and magnetism. It is a soulful time when I can get a taste of my own depths. 2019 has been a busy year full of mental pressures. This Moon is a chance for me to hit the release valve and come up for air. I regenerate. I sync up with the primal part of myself. Not the mental-verbal-thinking me, but the instinctive, wild me. The sexual, alchemical me. Not everything I pursue needs to make sense or logically fit into my plans. Some things are an expression of my hidden recesses. I explore give and take. I settle my debts. I make love to mystery.

These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Sagittarius: I take a partner.

I am often galavanting to my own rhythm. But this Full Moon highlights my 7th house of relationships. Me and We. I make contact with people, now. I open myself to see what it is we have to learn from each other. 2019 brought a strong focus to my resources. I have been clearing possessions and assessing what I want to keep. I’ve been making space to invest in something - my next chapter. I have decided to go somewhere I really belong. I seek my soul home. On this Moon, I get into conversations with others about their values and priorities. This is how I can clearly see my own.

These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Capricorn: I love myself.

The message of this Moon is clear and simple: SELF LOVE. 2019 has been a hard year of reshaping the essence of who I am. I have been excavating previous versions of myself. I recognize how far I have come in this process, and take this chance to let go of anything else that doesn’t serve me anymore. I lighten my load. The more I clear my space and let go of what I no longer need, the more I set myself up for success moving forward. 2020 will be a year of personal growth, reaping rewards, and expanding my sense of self. I notice the places where I fear my own power. And I view them as opportunities to deepen my love of self.

These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Aquarius: I show my true colors.

This is a Moon of glamour and self-expression. I emerge from hiding and share who I really am with the wider world. I call my people to me. I allow myself to be surprised by who responds to the call. Something deep and old is coming to a close behind the scenes. I may not be able to put a finger on what is ending, but I feel a sort of grief lingering in the background. Buried anxieties and hidden fears are bubbling up from my unconscious. I take deep care of myself as I allow for this psychic cleansing. I am not afraid of dissolving.

These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Pisces: I am home.

This Moon illuminates my roots. I tend to my home, because I thrive when my nest is a sanctuary. I tend to my family - whether blood or chosen kin. I tend to my past, allowing memories to inform the present. I tend to my inner realms, identifying the needs that feel most alive in me right now. This Moon finds me gathering with folks, friends, and connections. Getting together with people makes me aware of some old stuff that needs to be resolved so I can feel safe in community. I dig in despite the discomfort. I know I belong where I am, so I stake a claim and ask for connection.

These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5here.