The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 5, 2020 (at 15:24EST) is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.
Welcome to Eclipse Season, 2020. This is the first eclipse of three this season (the next one falls on Solstice).
Eclipses are initiations. Rites of passage. Portals of acceleration.
FREE 2 hour webinar about this Eclipse Season can be accessed TODAY ONLY - click here!
Eclipses don’t do anything to us. We are collaborators in this grand dance. We are accomplices in global transformation.
During Eclipses, the Sun, Moon, Earth, and we as Earth-inhabitants, come into special alignment. Our present awareness, our history, and our material reality coalesce.
It’s not about seeing or encountering something new. It’s about realizing more of what was already happening. Reckoning with what has been in motion here.
During Eclipse Season, many layers are revealed. Veils are lifted. Crisis leads to catharsis.
This is the alchemy of Eclipses.
They bring major moments of change. Turning points. Significant endings and beginnings. In the case of this Lunar Eclipse, it’s an emotional ending.
These times are activated. Heightened. Metamorphic. Volcanic. Ancestors are close. Many beings are among us.
People are raising their voices. Bodies are moving through the streets in defense of black lives. The state is militarized, as it has been since its inception been.
Polarities are heightened. Factions emerge. We need clear minds and clear eyes to navigate through multiple dimensions and layers of reality.
Are we living in the fabric of things - or in the fabrication?
Change or die. Evolve or die. Change, evolve, shed this old tired skin, to truly live and live free.
What’s happening in the world is Eclipse Season. Eclipse Season is what’s happening in the world. Astrology is the practice of seeing and giving language to connections between bodies, real lived experiences, and archetypal shared stories.
Eclipses impact the collective, as we can plainly see now, as well as the individual personal life. How are you being changed by life right now?
Sagittarius is the sign of Freedom.
What does freedom mean? The dictionary definition is, “the ability to act or change without constraint.” What does freedom mean to you?
What does freedom feel like in your body, mind, and spirit? Imagine it. Memorize it. Note what blocks it. Move towards it.
Do we trust ourselves to be free?
Do we trust each other to be free?
What gets in the way?
How are we going to collaborate to make more freedom in the world?
Freedom requires trust. Freedom requires personal authority. Self-responsibility and community-care.
Freedom means living by the wisdom that everything is interconnected, and it is our relationships, the connective tissue between varying parts, that matter most.
Freedom comes from being responsible to the true nature of our inherent connectedness.
Freedom is generating a world beyond exploitation.
As you are raising your voice, or changing your ways, do not neglect your heart. Stay human. Stay close to your instinct. Feed and nourish your heart. Your heart is the most consistent muscle in your body. Courage and compassion are sustaining.
Gemini North Node, Sagittarius South Node
Freeing the world means freeing our minds. To access real knowing, we much question our long-held beliefs.
The systems we want to get free from are inside of us as well as outside. We can work from both angles in untangling white supremacy and oppression.
This is the first Eclipse to take place since the North Node moved into Gemini on May 5, 2020. It signifies a massive learning curve as we encounter awareness of the lessons we are asked to evolve through over the next 18 months.
Gemini and Sagittarius are about mental processes, learning, and belief systems. Perception creates reality. The mind can be easily manipulated. How do we know what we know? What does my body know?
Who puts the ‘cult’ in culture?
Elite, aristocratic interests fund and manage institutions to influence public perception and behavior.
Sagittarius rules philosophies, dogmas, religions, academia, mass media, institutionalized cultural conditioning, and systems of belief. Our lived, embodied experiences also heavily inform our perspective.
This Lunar Eclipse highlights belief systems and cultural, institutional conditioning that needs to be shed. What happens when a cultural map loses its relevance? We turn to instinct, faith, and, hopefully, wisdom.
What are some of the beliefs that allow the current system of oppression to self-perpetuate? Name them. One such belief is that some people are superior to others based on race, or class, ability, and many other markers of hierarchy. Another is that life depends on participating in or submitting to coercion, manipulation, and force.
What story do we want to tell and live into instead? What is truly meaningful to us? And how do we invest more energy and attention there?
What vision are you holding for this world?
Sagittarius is the sign of synthesis.
n. The combining of separate elements or substances to form a coherent whole.
n. The complex whole so formed.
The current system of oppression is very old. We are digging at the roots. Its power seems magnified. But despite strengthened attempts at control and consolidation into total domination and tyranny, the essence of life will always survive and regenerate.
This is the end-game for brutality. Nature is intelligent. People, united, are ingenious. We are nature. Our true nature is freedom. Our essence is trust. We are love beyond fathom. Who and what we really are? Automatically deactivates false claims by the state to power.
The deeper we dig into this soil, the more we contact our oldest ancestors. The ones who knew life for millions of years on Earth before the current fabrication took shape. The ones who came from the stars to plant seeds here. We are what grew. They, our cosmic ancestors, are beaming their light on us right now. It surrounds us. Some of us can even see it, this ancient light from millions of years in the past and future.
BRAIDING THE SPIRAL: 6-week Eclipse Circle
Join 3 astrologers and a cosmic community to walk through this gate well and be held through complex change. % of profits directly toward black resilience.
WATCH THE FREE 2-HR ECLIPSE CALL (click the text) to get resourced, or join us for the 6-week live circle for active guidance and navigation all the way through.
ablution moon. firewalker moon. moon of the margins. knife edge moon. big grief moon. moon of a very old love. sorry-we-couldn’t-meet moon. moon of unlearning to know. moon of many threads. listening-in moon. moon of stepping back to leap forward. moon of confusions. we will overcome moon. moon for moving past a veil. moon for our common language. human beauty moon. moon of accomplice-to-accomplish. moon of infinitudes. moon of cosmic possibilities. power of 1,000 moons. moon wisely.
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Sagittarius.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
Become a sustainer at $5 or $10/month. Or you can make a single-time donation here.
Read Full Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below
Lessons learned for personal destiny
Aries: I expand my worldview.
Expansion is an inside job. No matter how confining the circumstances seem, I can will my spirit to pulse beyond what I’ve previously learned to foster growth. The act of freeing myself can fortify others in their journey to freedom. How flexible am I willing to be? I sense that my limits are more elastic than I’ve imagined. I stretch past them. The changes taking place for me now stretch the wingspan of my mind. I allow myself to be curious, dialogue, and learn. The result? There is much more to the present world than what meets the eye. Learning this is disconcerting, but also healing. I trust my inner knowing. I find something to have faith in to support my movements.
It is an honor to do this work for you, beloved reader. I will continue as long as it serves and is relevant. How do I know this work serves? Your donations sustain it. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Taurus: I embrace the unknown.
Death is part of life. So much of life remains hidden. Unseen. In a state of decomposure. This Earth is a fertile mass grave. An ancestor party. There are forces here I cannot name that touch me in my own recesses. There are ghosts around me warning and celebrating and tying me closer to the fabric of things. Many spiritual traditions meditate on death. What does it mean to fully invest myself into this life? What does it mean to face death and prepare to die well? There is an energy vibrating between the people as a mass. It contains trauma and wounding and uncertainty. These are the ingredients of intimacy. If nothing else, I accept this invitation to merge more completely with what is.
It is an honor to do this work for you, beloved reader. I will continue as long as it serves and is relevant. How do I know this work serves? Your donations sustain it. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Gemini: I explore relating.
There is so much I have yet to see, know, and discover about the world. The keys lie within my relationships to other people. I travel through worlds of perspectives vastly different from my own. I trust this variety. This Lunar Eclipse reveals lessons I am prepared to learn in partnership, with friends and enemies alike. I choose to partner with people who help me to love myself. This Eclipse could end a significant relationship - or it could end a story I’ve held for too long that is preventing me from truly being in connection. Beyond this tired tale, what vision are we holding together? What values do we share? Adversity can make bonds between people even stronger.
It is an honor to do this work for you, beloved reader. I will continue as long as it serves and is relevant. How do I know this work serves? Your donations sustain it. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Cancer: I inhabit these moments.
One thing at a time. One step. One bite. One breath. What is here, now? What is right in front of me? What is my most clear and simple task within reach? I am sensitive. I am feeling. I am dreaming. I am flooded. I don’t know the way past this point. So I inhabit my tenderness more fully. I grieve. I notice the beauty of grief. I pray. I let my prayers and my tears accumulate and carry me towards some horizon. I speak to myself with care. I love whatever’s ending. I grow into whatever is here. I am the archetypal crab; the space around me is my shell. My home. I nest into and nurture the present moment.
It is an honor to do this work for you, beloved reader. I will continue as long as it serves and is relevant. How do I know this work serves? Your donations sustain it. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Leo: I foster love.
Love is courageous. In practice, it is a formidable force. It is moving. It is beyond human. Love is passionate genius. It is the muse that makes all art. It brings energy from divine archetypal gxd realms and delivers us bliss. Joy is not a luxury. If the movement is to succeed, it must be rooted in enjoyment and pleasure. Saturated in radiant prismatic light. Under this Lunar Eclipse, I let my heart lead. I generate energy through the strength and fury of my most passionate expressions. The colors bursting from me are like signal-flames to my allies. We gather. We collaborate generously. We are accomplices to the erotic.
It is an honor to do this work for you, beloved reader. I will continue as long as it serves and is relevant. How do I know this work serves? Your donations sustain it. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Virgo: I anchor myself for the road ahead.
Most major areas of my life are in question: my home, my work, and my primary relationships. This Lunar Eclipse brings pivotal assessments and changes to my personal life, family, and foundation. I ask to be shown the parts of my past and challenges with my childhood caregivers that need healing. My personal life is shifting drastically, and I am preparing to meet those demands. This Lunar Eclipse reveals insecurities. How can I ensure my needs be met? How can I take care of myself in the longterm? What is my longterm life direction, and are my current relationships suitable to go the distance? These are questions I cannot merely ask - I must live into them and reach toward the answers.
It is an honor to do this work for you, beloved reader. I will continue as long as it serves and is relevant. How do I know this work serves? Your donations sustain it. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Libra: I stay curious.
I am learning. I am listening. I am sharing. I am always sharing, because relationships are important to me. But right now, I am curious about what I think about things. I notice people tend to form their thoughts based on their allegiances and ties to others. I can respect those I love and still divest from beliefs we may share. I am in active re-education mode. I am choosing to resist allowing my mind to be controlled by external forces and streams of information. I stay in conversation and dialogue, and use it to refine my inner sense of knowing. I assess ways my voice can be of service now. I choose to articulate carefully, with respect to the multitude of experience pouring through humanity at this time. I am doing the fine-tuned work of noticing and evolving my thoughts, words, and deeds.
It is an honor to do this work for you, beloved reader. I will continue as long as it serves and is relevant. How do I know this work serves? Your donations sustain it. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Scorpio: I sow co-creative seeds of loving power.
Money. Investments. Commitments. Deep, material sharing. Co-creation. That’s what this Lunar Eclipse is about for me. The honest reality is, we are constantly sowing seeds - and later reaping what we sow. Now is a time to be focused and intentional about what, exactly I am sowing and how I am sowing it. What are my values? Who can I financially support to ensure the things I value most gain support and are able to grow? What are we building together, and how can we make sure it is solid? What does it feel like to share in love and power? What commitments am I willing to make to ensure that love and power are distributed well in the world? Fruit requires deliberate action and patience. I’ll take inventory in 18 months.
It is an honor to do this work for you, beloved reader. I will continue as long as it serves and is relevant. How do I know this work serves? Your donations sustain it. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Sagittarius: I am forever changed.
This Lunar Eclipse launches me into a new life by untying me from the old one. My very identity is being eclipsed. As my known sense of self empties, I fill up with potential. I seek to become even more self-sufficient. I explore the feelings of possibility extending around my spirit. My current sense of belonging and place dissolves - I open up to the dreaming and the intuitive realms, asking where myself and my family are called to land. I ask for advice and lean towards the relationships I am drawn to deepen. If I feel lost or stuck, I grieve. I rest. I let my tears clear a path. I taste the ancient salt that pours through me as it poured through my ancestors as it came from the land. I listen, I let go, I get going.
It is an honor to do this work for you, beloved reader. I will continue as long as it serves and is relevant. How do I know this work serves? Your donations sustain it. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Capricorn: I am reverent.
Despite my frequent attempts to control and manage, I shine the most when I allow. I put so much effort into my work that these moments of letting go seep into my soul like satisfaction. Rest is as important as effort. Dreaming is as essential as doing the work. I let myself be at a loss. I pause. I loosen all grip. The things I have longed for are right here. They are all around me - I just need to let them in. I allow for vulnerability. The key is softening. The key is receptivity. The key is practicing my spiritual talents. I am deeply connected to gxd but somehow, I deny that fact. Right now, I immerse myself in restorative devotion. Something beyond me is holding all this, and I honor that unconditional gentle force.
It is an honor to do this work for you, beloved reader. I will continue as long as it serves and is relevant. How do I know this work serves? Your donations sustain it. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Aquarius: I assemble and amplify.
I have often felt I don’t quite belong here. There is something about this particular point in timespace of accelerated evolution that my innate futurism feels fully designed and equipped for. I don’t belong in this world until it remakes itself in the image of every living being as equally loved. I am made for this moment because we are made for it, and we are remaking it as we go. This is my time because this is our time. Together, we are the truth. Collectivist movements are evolving. Insurgent. Reflecting organic fractal patterns of life itself. We are collaborating to bring the momentum of change through and anchor it into the fabric of consciousness. Change is irresistible. It is us - the who, the we, the how. We are here, the future.
It is an honor to do this work for you, beloved reader. I will continue as long as it serves and is relevant. How do I know this work serves? Your donations sustain it. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Pisces: I pivot my life-direction.
Lately, I have felt like I’ve been waiting. Dreaming. Dallying. Drifting through memory. There is the saying, one gets lost to get found. Now, something major shifts and I’m launched into the next phase. This Lunar Eclipse brings significant change in my public life, longterm goals, and contribution to the wider world. Perhaps an opportunity becomes clear, or a change is made in my home, family, or personal life that re-orders how I am able to show up. I need to be congruent. I need to be in integrity with myself. I need to lead in a way that is relevant for these particular times. I bring the medicine of compassion. I bring the medicine of imagination. My presence can remind us all to live and build the dream.
It is an honor to do this work for you, beloved reader. I will continue as long as it serves and is relevant. How do I know this work serves? Your donations sustain it. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.