The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 14, 2020 (at 11:16EST) is a Total Solar Eclipse.
The Eclipse is at maximum at 11:13EST. It will be visible in much of South America and Southern Africa. During the duration of a Solar Eclipse, from our view on Earth, the Moon obscures the light of the Sun.
The Sun is usually so sure and steady. When its life-giving light disappears, even for a few moments, the result is perplexing.
The Sun void displaces normal avenues of perception. Under this Solar Eclipse, we can see differently.
Eclipses are plot twists. Accelerated timelines. Major initiations.
Expect news of life’s most notable events.
The Lunar Eclipse on November 30th brought about surprising information and an emotional ending.
Today’s Solar Eclipse brings a Big New Beginning.
The Great Conjunction: Solstice Circle
First the tower, then the Star.
Next month’s Solstice dawns a new template.
On December 21, 2020, the meeting of Jupiter and Saturn takes place at 0 degrees Aquarius.
After a long hard labor, this is the crowning.
Let’s gather and rebirth of collective co creative consciousness.
This is a season of light within the darkness. Years from now, you will look back on December 2020 as a time when everything changed.
Before we read about this particular Eclipse, let’s have a lookback… (Or, if you’d like to skip down to this current Eclipse, scroll to “Sagittarius Total Solar Eclipse: 2020 Vision”)
Hindsight is 2020
Did you think 2020 would end without a lightshow?
This finale scene from V for Vendetta comes to mind.
This year has been condensed with historic, mythic, epochal astrology. January 2020 began with a lineup of outer planets (Saturn and Pluto) in Capricorn that hadn’t occurred since 1518 (and will not happen again until 2754/2755!). This combination has been about consolidating power, confronting debts, and a controlled demolition of longstanding institutional structures and embedded confinements that have outworn their use.
Saturn-Pluto conjunctions in history have featured prominently in the formation of central banks, the federal reserve, and large-scale schemes of enslavement and exploitation that create social stratification to preserve profits and power for the elite. This year has been an expose on the economic underpinnings and systems of power that ail us and damage the planet.
Saturn-Pluto conjunctions have also featured in times of plague and collective psychosis. (This article by the AstroTwins mentions a mandate that gave rise to the Transatlantic Slave Trade, a Dancing Plague, and many other fascinating Saturn-Pluto themes.)
1518 was notably also quite recent after European colonization of the New World began.
We have been sick for a long time. The sickness stems backwards and forwards through the generations, traveling in blood and bone.
2020 has served as an intervention.
“What if Covid-19 weren’t a danger independent from our minds and souls but, in fact, a quantum phenomenon – a shared dream character we’ve collectively summoned into existence? An embodiment of something buried deeply in the realms of the collective subconscious that we haven’t, so far, been able to comprehend? A living symbol of a much deeper infection?”
As a global society, we have been entrapped within the machinations of socio-economic structures that rob us of naturalness, forcing us into total fatigue and maladaptation.
“My psycho- or rather socio-somatic model is psycho-neuro-immunology: neither a bacterium nor a virus is the core problem, but rather the people within a society who have been shaken by a crisis. If this crisis lasts too long, is too severe or too traumatic, the immune system of the population is slowly weakened and finally collapses. The people become vulnerable to illnesses and finally to death. This model is valid for any epidemic and can serve as a key for a new understanding of history.”
And so, we stopped.
Immobilized, we entered active collapse.
Forced to pull inward. To scale back. To root into restriction and isolation.
Somewhere in your life, you have been pushed to, and through, your limits.
In 2020, we became hermit-like and hermetic.
We landed square in confrontation with demons that needed to be dealt with.
Wedged between the clamp of lockdowns and the smoke of wildfires,
Stranded beside obsessive fears and riotous uprisings,
Mired in hyper-polarized politics brinking with war-like edge,
The frenzy of suppression and intensive excavation gave way to long-withheld wisdom within. Even in a time unlike most others in history, our bones know the way. Remembering the past shows us the future. Hindsight is 2020.
Three years ago, in December 2017, Saturn entered Capricorn, initiating a treacherous mountain climb. Each person had their own summit to scale, their own fears to face, their own definitions of success and failure to collapse and rework.
When covering rocky grounds like these, ascent and descent are both inevitable.
Once we climb the mountain, the mountain becomes us.
Since December 2017, what mountain did you climb?
What did you lose and gain along the way?
What fears did you face and overcome?
What did you discover about yourself and your purpose?
What kind of mountain have you become?
In 2020, you had to decide how you were going to individuate. To claim selfhood and inner authority. To use the power of separation wisely - not from a reactive, defensive place of grasping for control - but from a clear fire of knowing what was and wasn’t for you.
I write this for all of us: We will no longer be held hostage by the chronic imitations that seek to suppress our nature. We will not be removed from ourselves. What is real, true, and natural, will persist.
At the time of this Solar Eclipse, Saturn sits at 29 degrees, 44 minutes Capricorn. Mere days away from changing signs and leaving this story behind until 2047.
Do yourself, and all of us a favor. Name your mountain, and Honor It.
Astrology of 2021: Cosmic Calendar & Live Course
Your cosmic roadmap awaits.
2021 is electric.
A year showcasing the tension between order and chaos. Between freedom and control. A year of shock, resistance, and program upgrades. Dense rigid planes meet volatile waveforms of multiversal light.
There are 3 ways to engage with this content:
The Live Course
The 2021 Astrology Calendar
The Live Course + Calendar bundle
Sagittarius Total Solar Eclipse: 2020 Vision
This Eclipse is a Spiritual Fire to Release Falsehood
After 3 years of hard labor, this Moon is our sendoff. Our graduation ceremony. Our commencement.
Solar Eclipses generally represent a significant opening or starting point. This one is no exception. However, this New Moon Eclipse falls on the South Node of Fate - a point that represents what needs to be released.
Therefore, this Moon represents a deliverance. A beginning that emerges from an emancipation. It signifies an unleashing of dreamlike astral energies that can either overwhelm us or buoy us to a pinnacle horizon. You climbed a mountain. Now take in the view.
This Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is Extra. Loud rhetorical opinions and hot-air assertions abound. It’s a foot-in-mouth Moon. A Moon for being blinded by beliefs.
Truth-telling is a superpower. But arrogant preaching is obnoxious. Being right is not important - staying true to yourself is.
Resist propaganda. Release assumptions. Increase self-knowledge.
This Moon emphasizes freedom of speech and thought. Connect the dots. Synthesize a vast spectrum of perspectives, paying close attention to the sensations in your body and spirit as a compass. Draw from your own lived experience and the awarenesses of others to see the bigger picture.
Under skies like this, it is easy to be misled. Awash with grief. Astray with misunderstanding. Movements of mind and body are rapid, generating mental confusion and difficulty focusing. Information is unclear and clouded by delusion and paranoia.
Take a mental health break. Relax. Let your mind and body wander freely. Walk by water. Listen to music. Pay attention to your dreams. Allow visions to spiral and flow. Send your prayers to the heavens.
What arises under this Moon is an old story. See it clearly, honor its existence, and bid it farewell.
Toss it in the ritual fire. Burn away the beliefs based on conditioning. Light this dark night with prayer full of possibility.
There is an old story present at large, known as the victim-perpetrator-rescuer dynamic. Accept the ways you participate in and embody this legend. Then love yourself and the world enough to move beyond it.
We only know what we know until we know something new.
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.”
What beliefs no longer serve you? Which ideological institutions (including schools of all kinds, religious background, mass media) have influenced your perception? What philosophies have you lived by - and are they still relevant in current time?
Why do you believe what you believe? How do you know what you know?
What myths have you been living into? What character(s) have you played in those stories? Henceforth, how do you choose to tell those stories differently?
What do you trust? How do you know something or someone is true? Where do you place your faith?
Co-Create the Future: Great Conjunction Solstice Circle
Course Includes:
• Teachings about Jupiter, Saturn, and their Great Conjunctions
• A transmission about this particular transit at 0 degrees Aquarius
• Explore where this conjunction falls in your chart based on rising and sun signs, using Whole Sign house system
• Gain insight into what Jupiter will expand in your life from December 2020-December 2021
• Prepare for what Saturn will restructure in your life from December 2020-March 2023
• Release confinements to invite and activate authentic templates of being
• Attune to your crown, your gifts, your magical powers, and your future self
• Vitalize the future you are committed to co-creating
It is time for a New Mythos. An upgraded ethic. An anti-doctrine.
This is a Moon of glaring truths. (When someone shows you who they are, believe them.)
This is a Moon of new perspectives. (Let your spirit expand and transport you to higher consciousness.)
Truth does not require belief. Truth is. Let there be truth!
Set the truth free, and the truth will set you free. Let freedom ring!
“In the end, it won’t matter whose perspective is right. All that matters is that you remained faithful in spirit, aligned with your ethic, a loving nurturer of your own heart, an inspired contributor to friends, family, and community rooted in maturity and wisdom. No matter how dark it became before the light dawned.”
2020 vision moon. out-of-this-world moon. moon of glaring truth. emancipation moon. ritual fire moon. moon to send up prayers. deliverance moon. extra moon. moon to release falsehood. moon with a view. blind beliefs moon. moon to drop assumptions. wander moon. sacrifice old stories moon. moon to surrender self-victimization. moon to know something new. moon of higher consciousness. moon before the new dawn. a moon to anchor faith. moon for high hopes. moon of positive possibility. vital visions moon. moon to let freedom ring.
The Great Conjunction: Solstice Circle
Join Intuitive Astrologer Virginia Rosenberg and other star-curious kinfolk in a circle of circles, a web of webs, to reach for the future and channel in worlds to-come.
Part astrology lecture, part ritual, part circle. This is a timespace to commune with and commemorate our prodigal selves, our ancient future ancestors, and astral awakenings.
Astrology of 2021
Join Intuitive Astrologer Virginia Rosenberg for an in-depth overview of the Astrology of 2021.
There are 3 stellar offerings to help you navigate 2021:
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Sagittarius.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
Become a sustainer at $5 or $10/month. Or you can make a single-time donation here.
Read New Moon Reports for your Sun, Rising, and Moon Signs Below
Aries: Goodbye old story. Hello to living a legend.
This Solar Eclipse starts me on a new path that will lead me to unimaginable heights. Before I can see the new vision clearly, I have to let go of the old one. While I have been crystallizing my maturity and authority this year, I have also felt unconscious fears that have kept me treading water. I surrender those now. I am unafraid of moving in ways that are honest. I trust my hard-earned integrity enough to expand. My life is an adventure of self-and-spirit discovery. I bring what I know into dialogue. Ready to have conversations, learn, study, exchange, and develop new languages. My commitment to honesty leads me to connect with true allies. This is a journey of a lifetime - let’s get on with living it.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Taurus: True power is shared.
There are so many unhealthy stories about sharing power, resources, and energy. I relinquish the narratives that have been holding me back. This Solar Eclipse marks a major transformation. It represents a new beginning in intimacy. I choose to merge in mutually-empowering ways that set me free and lead to growth. I send up prayers for crystal clarity on how I’m investing my time, energy, and resources. I am the leader of my life. I have a purpose and a life path. For the last 3 years, I have been wandering and undone, my future unclear. This next week changes that. I feel a firm root planting. My core is solid but flexible like the trunk of a tree. Oh Moon, deliver me unto my place in the world.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Gemini: Relationships can set me free.
I choose relationships that choose me. I choose to speak my truth and be heard. This Total Solar Eclipse offers a big release of relationship stories I have lived into. Relationally speaking, I am starting over. Sparking a new myth of connection. Connections that foster mutual growth, spirituality, and expansion. I choose relationships that invite and leave ample space for my truth. I am full of room for other truths. I am replete with my own knowing and curiosity about the stories my partners, companions, and adversaries hold. I trust myself to honor all perspectives, and still stay true to my own. Our narrations do not rival - they interweave to form a brilliant tapestry. Let’s raise our voices together. Let’s connect in ways that set us both free.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Cancer: New habits reinvigorate my life.
It’s time for a clearing. The Eclipse on November 30 brought up matters of health/illness. An invitation to clean up the mess. This Solar Eclipse today invites me to start new rhythms of self-and-health-improvement. What does it mean to live my best life? I simplify, streamline, and set things in order to make my best life a reality. What I do every day matters. I am the sum of the habitual behaviors and patterns I keep. It is possible to reshape nearly everything to cultivate well-being - it all depends on what I practice consistently over time. For the next year, I set my lifestyle in order so I can be in rhythm with spirit. When I know better, I do better. As long as I live, I’ll keep learning how to truly live well.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Leo: New love lights up my life!
This Solar Eclipse is a romantic rebirth. My heart catches fire, and my aura shines bright! An existing partnership may become the lovership I’ve always hoped for. Or a new paramour could light up my life. I release old stories of disconnect and not being seen. I release old stories of my talents and gifts not being honored. I am so loved, adored, and appreciated. I enjoy this to the fullest, because I am joy! I am a radiant child of passionate life! From a place of love and connection, I can create anything I wish for. Partnerships and alliances become ever-more-powerful and regenerating now and into the future as we commit to co-create. I express myself fully and authentically, to infinity and beyond. We’re birthing new worlds, baby.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Virgo: I am SO supported.
This Total Solar Eclipse marks a major new beginning in my home, family, and foundation. Changing my environment changes me. A new story is starting, and I welcome it by releasing the stories of the past that were handed to me by my family of origin. No longer beholden to those outworn perspectives, I am free to create the homelife, family, and work life that nourishes me. For the next year, I organize a life that works for me, and a lifestyle that truly fulfills my need to be of service. I release old stories of insecurity. I am safe and supported. I release old stories that my needs aren’t met. I take care of my own needs. I release old stories that I don’t belong here. Wherever I am, I belong. Through tenderness and tending, I make home and kin.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Libra: Communication is a super power!
This Total Solar Eclipse reveals important information meant to be shared far and wide. I am buzzing with interest. My channel is open to every message. The perfect time to begin a new course of study as a teacher or student, or gather together like minds for conversation and exchange that quickly moves things forward. Whether through writing or podcasting, publishing a book, or simply sharing with friends - I will be getting the word out and it will spread effortlessly in perfect timing. The last 3 years has represented deep and slow internal work as I have shifted the structure of my home and labored to create a supportive, secure personal life. I welcome a shift in tone to re-focus on what brings me alive. Romance, joy, developing my creative talents. I let the art of my authentic self-expression ring.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Scorpio: Abundance is the truth. I attract abundance.
Incoming! This Total Solar Eclipse brings a big opportunity to prosper. Universe, make me an offer! My capacity to receive and attract what I need is ever-growing. I am a magnet for matters most. I fully trust that I will be sustained. For the past 3 years, I have been in a period of learning. What I am creating has felt mysterious at times, as I’ve been in trial-and-error. This Eclipse reveals more about my real values and what I am building. What is worth my time and energy? Who do I want to practice give and take with? Where feels like home? I am ready to drop anchor and reach for the sky. In the coming days, a more mobile period ends and a committed period begins as I grow my roots into the Earth and establish myself. I am worthy.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Sagittarius: I am reborn! New Moon, New Me. Totally.
A New Moon in my sign is always a once-a-year fresh start. But a Total Solar Eclipse conjunct the South Node in my sign hasn’t occurred since December 14, 2001! If that feels like a stretch to remember, I think back to November 2011 to note any themes that seem like a recurring spiral to what’s happening in my life now. This signifies a total rebirth and a glowing sense of myself. I can be the person I want to be - anything is possible. What is the truth about who I am? I envision myself as utterly free. I am free. Totally unburdened, I embody the future. In times ahead, my words become more important than ever. I am a weaver and teacher, helping to hone brilliant minds.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Capricorn: I empty myself of everything.
It’s over. Let it be done. The past 3 years has been an incredible test. A reckoning. A reformation. I have been in a mortar and pestle, the soft clay of my body worn down and reshaped. This has been a once-in-a-lifetime climb and fall, and by the end of this week, I am complete. I yield to the interminable waves. I surrender completely to the conclusion of this process. In full retreat, I allow for this Great Ending. I rest into honoring, taking the time to acknowledge the terrain I’ve traversed. I am a record keeper. My Self has whittled down to that which was always etched into my bones and teeth - the lineage legend, and the spiritual fortitude to care for, and overcome, any obstacle. I am awash, mere skeleton and soul. In the coming days, the tides will turn, and I’ll begin to thicken, feed, and increase - like a newborn baby to the breast.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Aquarius: I channel the future that I am.
Old hopes die, new futures are born. I was created for these times. I’ve been waiting for the 3D world to catch up to me, and it finally is! Living the highest truth is totally possible! Under this Total Solar Eclipse, I release the dreams I used to bear that are no longer relevant. I’m aiming for utmost freedom for all and unimaginable possibility - for authentic innovations and honest social change. This is a movement, y’all, and I’m on the leadership team because I understand horizontal power and collaboration. My people are here, and we’re finding each other. True community. Real connection. We join up to channel the future. Let’s get creative! The future is born of our unique gifts, woven into a coherence star-like grid. As cosmic artists, let’s constellate this sacred geometry in real time. Oh, and let’s call upon our loving extraterrestrial ancestors while we’re at it - this is an interstellar rebellion, a revolution that extends far into outer space.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Pisces: I align with my life’s work.
This Total Solar Eclipse sparks a new beginning in my longterm life direction. I let go of old stories about my place in the world. I release who I’m supposed to be based on societal rules and the expectations of authority figures. From here forward, I choose to define my path. I follow what feels fulfilling. I create goals based on my own definitions of success, failure, and satisfaction. I know which way to go because I follow the feeling of coming into alignment with self and spirit. I am an artist. A dreamer. An inspirer. A mystic. There is work calling me from behind the veil - art I’m meant to make and contribute to the world at large. Spiritual goals are imperative for the fabric of all things. I embrace that my path ahead may look like a spiritual or creative retreat. If so, that is more than enough.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.