On the New Moon in Libra on October 6, 2021 (at 07:05), find the courage to unite.
It takes strength to love. It takes boldness to build beauty in the world.
It’s up to us - you and me - to make peace.
With the stuff of our lives, we can make art instead of strife.
We can choose win-wins over compromise.
We can activate our abilities to meet-in-the-middle.
Don’t settle for false peace.
Fly a flag for mutuality.
This time is ripe for renegotiating agreements.
Reset relationships. Tweak the patterns in your togetherness. Cultivate a more refined sense of companionship.
Real connection is possible. Codependence constricts connection. Independence and interdependence support one another.
Sometimes separation is a prerequisite to true harmony. Let the boat rock until the current rebalances.
On September 27, Mercury stationed Retrograde in Libra.
Around this time, turnabout messages came through. Minds changed. News of buried business came up from the deep.
Conversations lingering on the surface contain a deeper cause.
All chapters come to an end. Something’s discontinued.
Mercury remains Retrograde in Libra until October 18. If you can delay signing a certain contract, or making a major purchase, please do.
This New Moon is conjunct Mars, initiating a new 2-year cycle of motivation and movement.
Vision opens up. A journey begins towards the vista on the horizon.
Follow your inner knowing. This is no new quest - it’s a myth that’s been written in your bones since your beginning.
The first leg of this adventure will become clear in about 6 months time as the seeds planted now culminate at the Libra Full Moon on April 16, 2022.
In October, many retrogrades come to an end.
Pluto stations Direct the same day as the New Moon, bringing rumbles up from the underworld.
Issues of power, corruption, and trace impacts of historical trauma can be ghosts that linger in the bedrock.
Avoid shying away from the deep and dark. It is the light you shine in those corners that keeps the shadows from becoming all-consuming.
Saturn stations direct in Aquarius on October 10. Jupiter stations direct in Aquarius on October 18 (same day Mercury also goes direct in Libra).
After the structural stall we’ve been feeling since May/June, we will begin to gain traction on our most pressing projects. Keywords for Aquarius: decentralize, collaborate, collectivize.
Take the opportunity of this New Moon to rebalance, bask in some beauty, and saturate your system with oxygen. It’s a moment of dynamic pause before a deep dive into the alchemical cauldron over the next couple of months.
Title Image Credit: Timothy Eberly
Feel it More. Embody Astrology to Learn and Heal.
Both the Sun and the Moon are in Libra. Enjoy this movement ritual, complete with workbook and journaling prompts, to understand and integrate the medicine of the moment.
Sky Scholar 2022 Waitlist is Open!
Sky Scholar 2021 is sold out; both cohorts are filled to the brim with radiant souls! We are so grateful to the 60 students who are enrolled and journeying with us on this 6-month journey into the craft of Intuitive Astrology.
Due to high demand, my schedule is currently closed for readings. To work with me, you can opt-in to the upcoming eclipse offering. Join my mailing list to stay up-to-date on future unfoldings and opportunities to work together.
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