Full Moon in Scorpio

The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26, 2021 (at 23:31EST) is a bombshell.

An earthquake of a Moon.

An unshackling.

This is a Moon to get unstuck.

This Moon is volcanic. Eruptive. Erotic.



Unusual and magnetic.

Under this Moon, ordinary awarenesses and normal operations are disrupted.

In the wake of the break, we awake.

Break down, break out, break through.

Shock. Surprise. Amazement.

Tables turn. The inside is out. We are unbound.

Chaos is creative. Death teems with vivacity.  Shock stirs the brew and scintillates the serum.

Embrace evolutionary change. Get unsettled. Make way for Life.

Freedom is a resonance. 

This Moon is a perfect time to use the force to release yourself from false imprints and parasitic entities.

A time to be unapologetically true.

Disarm technocratic timelines of erroneous control.

Counter any streams void of soul.

Unhook from the typical and enter the organic.

Orient to the innate. The primal. The land-based.

There is soul in the soil.

The body always knows first. Uphold the unmatched acumen of instinct.

Cellular intelligence is an ancestral cosmic map.

Undeniable, like goosebumps, guiding ways.

All spells counter to life lose their potency now.

Love is inherent. It can never be deleted.

Nature is sacrosanct. It will never be owned.

Your body is as sacred as this Earth.

Your body gathers light and converts celestial energy.

Your heart is a magnet that expands and envelops all ailments.

The value of your being is immeasurable. You are so preciously infinite. Your power comes from within and precedes the mind.

Over and over again, you consistently become more true.

Quiver. Sense. Open. Enter.

Seed. Sprout. Blossom. Ripen. Be. Return. 


This Full Moon illuminates Uranus in Taurus.

Uranus has been in Taurus since May 15, 2018. It remains in Taurus until April 26, 2026. This transit represents a major overhaul of foundational values.

Through the duration of this transit, Uranian themes of instability, experimentation, technology, rebellion, decentralization, collectivization, and reinvention will particularly influence Taurus arenas, such as:

  • Economies and currencies

  • Earth, weather, and soil conditions

  • Food systems, farms, and gardens

  • Physical bodies and fertility

  • Biology and the material world

  • Basic needs and sensual pleasures

Look, this Moon is an oddity. An anomaly. A mystery.

It is freaky and outlandish.

It illuminates major ch-ch-ch-changes humanity is reckoning with regarding the themes above.

Fertilize the future.

Somewhere in your life, the urge to change is unavoidable and irresistible.

What alienates you from the status quo? These are your unique gifts.

What makes you an outcast? Your unusualness is your genius.

Come alive. Let love get louder.

Your autonomy is evidence of the wild in you.

Trust the impulses that set you free.

Freedom is foundational.

Each of us is a figment of the future.

A new world is ripening as a groundswell. Buds precede fresh growth.

Exit the old. Be, and build, the alternative.

The time is ripe. Let’s found our eden in the shape of what we love, and what loves us most.


Journey to Meet Your Future Self

This is a 30-minute audio guided meditation to bring you into contact with your future self. Receive messages and gifts from this version of you to assist your present journey.

bombshell moon. shake and quake moon. moon of shock and awe. naked moon. unshackling moon. moon of the raw and rare. volcanic moon. eruptive moon. moon of the erotic enigmatic. magnet moon. surprise moon. moon to break and wake. unusual moon. unbound moon. moon of soil-ensouled. inside out moon. tables turned moon. moon of creative chaos. paranormal moon. amazement moon. moon of inalienable intelligence. moon to generate. moon to ripen and build alternative worlds.


SPECIAL Supermoon Call

In this live call, astrologer Virginia Rosenberg will share her perceptions of the cosmic currents, and outline the duration of their influence as well as important moments when things really POP.

Don’t miss the call on Tuesday, April 27 at 2:00pmEST.


Jupiter in Pisces: The Dreaming Sea

Behold, a transition of Jupiter! Join Virginia Rosenberg and other star-curious kinfolk to learn about this planetary current and participate in a ritual welcome of the new collective cosmic energy.

The location of Jupiter describes how we are growing and gaining wisdom. Jupiter, the planet of vision, helps us reach beyond the boundaries of what we ‘know’ and enter realms of possibility. Jupiter, the planet of Natural Law, is a sage teacher.

About the Course:

• A live 2-hour call with intuitive astrologer Virginia Rosenberg as Jupiter changes signs from Aquarius into Pisces on Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 4:00pmEST.

• No astrology experience necessary. All levels welcome!

• an invocation welcoming the wisdom & vision of Jupiter into our lives

• a teaching on the planet Jupiter

• a teaching and divination on Jupiter’s transit through Pisces (May 13, 2021-December 20, 2022)

• reflections on Jupiter’s previous transit(s) through Pisces

• a reading for your sign(s) on where this transit falls in your chart & the opportunities it presents in your life

• a dreaming practice & vision blessing

• if there is time, Q & A with Virginia

As part of this offering, Virginia tends an altar to Jupiter. When you register, you will be invited to send intentions, visions, and prayers to be offered to Earth and Sky for tending.


The Coil Council: Mark Your Calendars for Eclipse Season

Journey through Eclipse Season Summer 2021 with Virginia Rosenberg

Title Image Credit: Marek Piwnicki

Embody Astrology to Learn and Heal.

When the Moon is Full in Scorpio, the Sun is in Taurus. Enjoy these movement rituals, complete with workbook and journaling prompts, to understand and integrate the medicine of the moment.

My schedule is currently closed for readings. Please join my mailing list to stay up-to-date on future unfoldings and opportunities to work together.


Follow me on Instagram here.

Read Full Moon Affirmations for your Sun, Rising, and Moon Signs Below

Aries: I am a treasure trove. As I own my power and honor my core values, I attract and increase my worth.

Taurus: I stay true to myself. The more authentic I am, the deeper my relationships become.

Gemini: I let go of what I no longer need to carry. As I grieve and process previous chapters, a new life begins to open up. 

Cancer: I wear my heart on my sleeve. I show up as my wild, creative, radiant self and magical connections happen.

Leo: My life is ripe for a dramatic shift in direction. I embrace transformations in my home, family, and public presence.

Virgo: My journey is my own. I embrace ideas and connections that open me up to new adventures.

Libra: I invest my resources in ways that honor the depth of my desires. True transformation is invaluable.

Scorpio: Under the light of this Full Moon, I am reborn. Radical honesty gives me a firm foundation to stand on.

Sagittarius: I welcome disruption. A break in the routine makes space for something bigger than me to guide my way.

Capricorn: I invite deeper connections with true collaborators, identifying like-hearted friends I wish to build with.

Aquarius: In life, I go where I am called. Shifts in my home base and public presence ask me to stay light on my feet.

Pisces: Truth is my inner compass. When there are many options before me, I select the path that feels most meaningful.