New Moon in Virgo

The New Moon in Virgo on September 6, 2021 (at 22:51EST) is complicated and simple.

A Moon like exquisite lace and apples dipped in honey.

It marks the Jewish New Year. The first of the high holy days - the days of awe.

I feel awe in the most minuscule moments in September. This time of year, the ground is singing with sparkling voices in the evenings. From where I sit, Jupiter presides over the deepnight sky.

The mornings hang with a delicate fog, speaking silently, the outbreath of annual growth. The changing winds are fresh and cleansing.

In the Northern Hemisphere, Virgo season is the harvest time.

The holy mundane moments when the growth of the previous seasons is plucked from the vine to be sorted, processed, and stored. 

What grew in your life this year?
What fruited or produced?
Of this, what is of use? What will carry you through the next two seasons?

There are preparations to be made. Foods to store. Medicines to make.

Skills to sharpen. Duties to be done. Details to digest. Processes and practices to perfect.

With reverence. With sacred attention. With the active absorption required for attending the present.

Virgo is the archetypal Virgin. Virginity as a state of naturalness and sacred self-possession. United in body, mind, and the divine, she is whole unto herself.

Virgo is steward to the sacred. Living in a state of respect for tending to the tasks of life. Honoring the natural world, making needed improvements, and ensuring deeds well done.

Name what is most sacred to you. Serve it devotedly. Become a disciple.

Know what needs improvement, and notice how it’s already perfect.

When you can’t analyze to the answer or solve the problem, ask for help from a support person, or from a higher power.

This is practical magic. Straightforward and down-to-earth.

Take this time to clean things up and set things in order. Restore health practices. Organize habits and settle into systems to support you in the coming months.

Let your routines become little everyday rituals.

Cultivate an elegant life-design for the next leg of your journey. Clear the noise to create more presence. Simplify and streamline so you can live with more sincerity.

Tie up loose ends.

Make space for fresh rhythms and ways of working and being that match the current times.

Meet the moment. Let discord serve a rebalancing that leads to greater harmony.

This New Moon is a quiet, but powerful push into a new design. 

simplest moon. lace moon. moon of apples and honey. exquisite moon. complicated moon. moon of problems & perfections. harvest moon. high holy moon. moon of the days of awe. delicate moon. outbreath moon. moon to release the exterior. mundane moon. medicine moon. moon of skills to sharpen. sorting moon. storage moon. moon for systems of service. reverence moon. refinement moon. moon of daily appreciations. devotion moon. distillation moon. moon of useful elegance.

Title Image Credit: Maria Shanina


Feel it More. Embody Astrology to Learn and Heal.

Both the Sun and the Moon are in Virgo. Enjoy this movement ritual, complete with workbook and journaling prompts, to understand and integrate the medicine of the moment.


Immersive experiential intuitive astrology education.

If you would like to join us for this journey, claim your spot now! Please note: the 12pmEST cohort is full, but a few places remain in the 8pmEST cohort.

Due to high demand, my schedule is currently closed for readings. To work with me, you can opt-in to the upcoming eclipse offering. Join my mailing list to stay up-to-date on future unfoldings and opportunities to work together.

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Read New Moon Affirmations for your Sun, Rising, and Moon Signs Below

Aries: I remember what I most want. Wellness means organizing my life around my deepest desires.

Taurus: There is nothing to fix. There is only more love to let in, circulate, & cultivate in every moment.

Gemini: I clear unfinished business & allow things to fall into place. I imagine & acknowledge that I am already home.

Cancer: Clearing my mind & organizing my ideas allows for smooth communication with allies & future collaborators.

Leo: I attend matters of substance & sustenance. A wise time for planning how to use, invest, & improve my resources.

Virgo: New Moon, New Me. I appreciate myself & my life exactly as is. I have reverence for the organic ways I continue to grow.

Libra: I invite gentle, yet powerful endings & clearing. There is a grand design at work. I surrender to it.

Scorpio: I gravitate towards creative, inspiring, & functional relationships. Collaboration is gratifying.

Sagittarius: I stay attuned to who & what I am in service to. I redesign the ways I work to meet new goals.

Capricorn: I open myself up. Physical, mental, & spiritual journeys spark higher expression & self-awareness.

Aquarius: I embrace the inner workings of the unknown. There is a perfect design beyond what eyes can see.

Pisces: I choose healthy relationships. I sense the subtle delineations between caring for myself & caring for another.