Photo by Rob Potter
The Full Moon in Capricorn is on June 27, 2018 (9:53pmPDT)
This Full Moon contains a serious tone. The moon in Capricorn conjoins the planet Saturn; emotionally highlighting hardships of the journey we will be on for at least the next two years. Gravity may feel a bit stronger beneath the light of this Full Moon. This lunation illuminates the weight of our bodies; the heaviness of our bones.
This Full Moon begins eclipse season, as the next New Moon is a partial solar eclipse. Eclipse seasons are heightened times of intensity as portals of change. Choices are made. The climate is somber and sober. We are seeing with clarity, though possibly also with a negative bent.
Concrete considerations and stark realities are setting in. Hearts can be heavy. Responsibilities can stack up. You may feel lacking, inhibited, regretful, or particularly hemmed-in by concrete limitations. Face what needs to be faced.
Breathe. Grieve. Take necessary action. Move on. Lighten your load. This moon is for practicing emotional maturity and resilience.
When the going gets tough, we strengthen our resolve. Limitation is an invitation to rise, overcome inhibition, and aim for improvement. These are long-term projects we are working on. Limitation can also be an invitation into acceptance. Is there anything more rewarding than confronting, and fully embracing, reality?
Saturn is the taskmaster. The record-keeper. The kungfu master in the sky. Saturn presides in the domains of discipline, dedication, and hard work. This planet grants eventual results and rewards; fulfilling fruits of our labors.
Saturn keeps a conscience. The ‘God of Time’ recalls harms and incomplete acts, requiring their eventual accounting. Some call Saturn Lord of Karma. These are times of karmic reckoning. Learn more about the transit of Saturn through Capricorn (Dec 2017-2020) in an online workshop here for $25USD.
We have all been here before, in parallel times, similar swoops on the swirl of life. We are made of everything and everyone that lived prior to now. Their strengths, their weaknesses, their feelings of pride and accomplishments, failures, mistakes and long wide roads are embedded in our bodies. Ancientness is the marrow of our bones.
This moon brings the remembrance that each of us is an ancestor and a master of our own lives. We each have within our jurisdiction the ability to self-determine and remain in our integrity. Each of us is an authority. What kind of authority are you? Paint a picture of yourself as a good ancestor, and live into it.
In times of stress, where do you draw strength?
My strength comes from shared efforts. The uttering of truths. The knowledge that I can lean into, I can source from, I can draw upon, powers of wisdom and living that predate and extend far beyond my own
While the Sun is in Cancer (through July 22), feelings, home, family, and emotional bonding are in focus. How do we balance hard work and purpose with femininity, comfort, and self-care? This month, make sure needs for nurturance get met. Protection and security are tantamount issues – but do we really know how to stay safe and protected? Is it higher borders or closer bonding? #familiesbelongtogether
What do you need in order to feel cared for under this moon?
Mars is in Aquarius for now and for the rest of the summer. This position highlights our differences rather than our similarities. It keeps us at odds and in old embattlements, ideologically diametrically opposed. Stand in your truth, but recognize a more objective view. Depersonalize differences. What if our differences could lead to admiration rather than confrontation? Collaboration can feed our spirits kindred. Reinvent behaviors. Make new choices. Base them in experimentation, revolution, and people-power.
Mark these dates on your calendar. Mars makes movements on each date that are sure to change things and stimulate release. Let go to rise up.
- July 20, 2018 Mars Retrograde conjunct South Node in Aquarius
- September 26, 2018, Mars Direct conjunct South Node in Aquarius
We are in this midst of a massive shift. A transit recently began that produces major, permanent changes May 2018-April 2026. To learn about this transit, its effects, and how to best align with it, download the course for $26USD Uranus in Taurus: Breaking New Ground by Intuitive Astrologer Virginia Rosenberg.
Is it time to have your personal chart read? Book a reading with Virginia here. Blessings to all who navigate.
Read Full Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below
Aries: I am the master of my public life and career.
You have aspirations, Aries. You have long-game intentions when it comes to your work, your career, and what you offer to the wider world. This area might feel blocked, or perhaps you are supremely aware that where you are in your work is not ultimately where you want to be. Patience. Someone or something is standing in the way. Or is it? Maybe they are modeling something for you; inviting you to stand in yourself with more authority. Stay close to your own integrity. What do you know about yourself to be true? Your alliances are shifting. There is a changing of the guard. Focus on forming true bonds with people who allow you to be authentic. This will support you in coming into yourself, being respected, and ultimately fulfilling your true purpose.
Taurus: I commit to seeking my true beliefs.
Your life is rocking and rolling, Taurus. If not now, then it certainly will be over the course of the next several years (before 2026 – click here to learn about why). Often, when we are faced with intense changes, it helps to turn to our spiritual connection. How is yours doing right now? With the transits you’re experiencing, it is normal for your spiritual life to feel under construction. You may be seeking new beliefs. Commit to finding what you have the most faith in. Notice what you still trust. You may be desiring a structure in your life that supports more travel, adventure, learning, and exploration. If so, the next two years offers you an opportunity to redesign your lifestyle (and possibly your career) in favor of these passions.
Gemini: I evolve my attachments.
This moon can rile up intense emotions, Gemini. Strong emotions may not be your forte.. Your default is to seek to logically understand and communicate about things. Some things cannot be immediately remedied or figured out through conversation and thought. If that is the case now, you are invited to expand your capacity to hold discomfort and live into mystery. During this time, you may be realizing that your attachments and investments are drastically changing. You are dying to an old version of self, and as a result, your resources are being deeply rearranged and re-invested. Be cautious, practical, and effective with how you distribute your personal power, energy, and wealth. Think long-term gains. After a death becomes a natural rebirth.
Cancer: I entrust myself to harmony.
Emotional bonding is important to you, Cancer. You are moving through a period of restructuring your closest bonds. During this moon, challenges to your relationships and partnerships (romantic, business, and frenemies) become forefront. You may be moved to set boundaries or rectify your expectations in these areas. What needs are and aren’t getting met? How can you harmonize and synchronize with others? Are there extra responsibilities you are taking on in your relationships that have become burdens? Relationships that endure these tests will strengthen, and commitments will be renewed. Relationships unable to support your needs and your sense of inner peace will need to be limited.
Leo: I am responsible for my health and rhythms.
You love leisure and joy time, Leo. Your wonderful creative energy could really benefit from order and organization. This moon may highlight places where you are disorganized and disorderly. Locations in life where you are dropping the ball. Rather than take it personally or fall victim to criticism, make a commitment to improve your daily habits and your skills. You are so full of creative energy and you could really make something of that. But without consistency, process, practice, and follow-through, your generous spirit might never truly make its mark. It isn’t enough to simply be yourself and shine. Applythat shine to truly be of service. Great moon to make commitments around healthy, wellness, work, discipline, and projects you’d like to bring to fruition.
Virgo: I take a break to simply enjoy life.
Once you get busy, Virgo, it can sometimes be nearly impossible to slow down. It’s like being on a hamster wheel. Especially if you are in the middle of some major tasks and projects without an end in sight. You are working up a storm these days. Take a breather. Separate yourself from the tasks at hand. Do something purposeless, just for the sake of enjoying yourself. What gives you the most pleasure and enjoyment? What really feels like fun? If you aren’t able to take a break this week during the Full Moon, make joyful plans for the near future. Be serious about your pleasure pursuits. Over the eclipse portal of the next 6 weeks, make sure you dedicate at least one day per week to a pleasurable pursuit. Prioritize it.
Libra: I cultivate my inner roots.
You are doing foundational work these days, Libra. Inner work. This moon highlights what you’ve done so far – as well as the unfinished elements of this process which you’ve really just begun. You are residing in realms of childhood. Growing up. Things you inherited. You are reflecting on your parentage and the ways to separate yourself from the things your parents and childhood gave you that can no longer follow you forward. You are learning to set a solid foundation for yourself when it comes to security, home, and family. You might be seeing how difficult that can be. You are realizing things anew; and uncovering gifts within yourself that are very old and sure to serve as a stable base. It just might take awhile to get everything in place. Have patience and compassion for yourself and all your relations.
Scorpio: I study, learn, and teach.
This time in your life is for developing your mind, Scorpio. The Full Moon might bring up insecurities around your intellect or communication skills. You may wonder if you are smart enough, or feel you lack something in the way of your mind. Keep learning. Keep asking questions. The more you dedicate yourself to the knowledge base you seek, the more you will naturally become one with it. It’s not about getting the best test scores; it’s about knowing something through and through because it becomes a part of you. Keep showing up to it, researching, and delving deeper. Your own mind and relationship to your topic of interest is a study in and of itself. If you aren’t already, in a couple of years, you may be teaching what you are learning now.
Sagittarius: I create financial security.
How are your resources, Sagittarius? How do you feel about them? Do you feel that there are enough available? Are you comfortable with what’s in your wallet and your bank account? Are your values being reflected in your earnings? This Full Moon can bring up insecurities and concerns in this area. It’s a good time to look closely and consider wise investments of your time, energy, and money. You have a couple of years ahead of you to get things more aligned in these areas. If the finances aren’t showing up right away, what are some inner resources you often rely on? Recognize yourself for these gifts and skills. Notice where they came from and when they tend to come forth most. Honor resources in your life of every form (or formlessness). What are they? Whatever the things are that you value. Make a list of your top 5 values.
Capricorn: I am enough.
You are in a process of coming more into yourself, Capricorn. You are at the beginning of a major new chapter of identity and purpose (one that will last the next 29 years). You understand that developing a new identity takes time, and that who you are is influenced by the commitments you make. This moon might spotlight what you presume to be your shortcomings, faults, or failures. If so, know that these are just branches of your being that are ready to be pruned or improved. And that there is no rush. Even if you didn’t modify those branches of your being, you would still be enough. Yes, you are becoming what you must be. But that process does not need extra pressure in order to happen. Recognize yourself for who you are now, exactly where you’re at.
Aquarius: In order to heal, I let go.
There is a lot of heat coming your way this summer, Aquarius. At times it may feel like you’re at war with yourself. This moon would be the perfect time to go into deep retreat. Find a space of no-mind in meditation. You have such strong mental abilities that they can sometimes be overpowering. Dive in for the space beneath and between all thoughts and differentiation. Separating yourself from other people can help you dissolve any ills. This is an introspective time of unraveling. It can be a cleansing time during which you release the past and begin to heal. Healing may first find you on spiritual levels. It is not a mental activity. Healing can sometimes transcend the mind in order to take root in the body. Keep letting go, and be well.
Pisces: I integrate and interrelate.
This moon may bring forth a longing in you, Pisces. It may stir loneliness and feelings of isolation. You could feel a longing for community and a stronger network of relations. Though you may not typically be community-minded, this lunation encourages you to find your people. Perhaps you miss being a part of groups that once served you but no longer fit. Search your heart to see what causes light you up. How can you give back to wider humanity? Are there organizations in your area that could help facilitate your desires to make the world a better, more humane place? Feel into it. You have a lot to give.