The Full Moon in Taurus on November 12, 2019 (at 8:34amEST) is an interlude.
A recess between activities. An intermission between acts. A pleasing lull.
Embrace this Moon as a sensible, sensual pause.
Take a break and breathe. Indulge in the simplest of pleasures. Mind the gap.
Folks often talk about grounding as if it’s a thing to do. But grounded is what we are. Grounding isn’t doing - it’s being.
A giant orb is underneath us, holding us to it.
Let it be.
Drop the static. Unwind the holding patterns at your root. Allow gravity to pull your body closer to Earth.
Give in. Languish. Be on the soft soil.
Offer yourself over to the land’s sweet embrace.
Settle in -- and realize we are flying and circling through space.
On the single, special ride of a lifetime.
There is a rhythm to this dance. Feel it. Inhabit it.
It starts with a beat.
Our bodies tell the stories of this rhythm. Ripening, blooming, falling, fading. Ever-coiling and uncoiling in response.
Receive. Respond. Regulate.
Dance the spiral. Move slowly and deliberately. Let this be a Moon of really landing in the present trance of being.
Take it all in.
Whatever process we are in, we can let it take as long as it really wants to take. We can slow it down to twice as slow as we think is slow. We can feel it more. [Feelings are food for our bodies.]
Live as if you have time.
When we slow to savor time, we stretch it. Get more out of it. More nutrients become bioavailable.
Nothing needs rushing. Take pleasure in stretching out time and digesting things fully. Meals eaten like this are most nutritious. Lives lived like this are most nourishing.
Give yourself all the time you need.
There is more than enough time, and you deserve to really live the time you have.
While you’re at it, give yourself all the love you need, too.
This Full Moon wants to take our love deeper into infinitudes.
Let yourself overflow with love and time.
[To embody this slow, sensual, grounded archetype of Taurus, click here for the movement ritual.]
This Moon is steady and level. Not one for adding things to our plate; but one for clearing it. A time for completing longstanding endeavors. A time for patience and focused endurance. A time of bringing things to close.
What are you letting die? Manure is the best fertilizer.
2019 has been a year of demanding work. Look back over the landscape. Remember what challenges arose. Where did you struggle? What fed you? What kept you going? Where are you finding your fuel?
What remains constant? What are you determined to see through until the end?
Decide how you wish to persist.
This Moon is joined the asteroid Vesta; Goddess of the hearth. Vestal virgins were whole unto themselves, belonging to no one except the perpetual fires they tended and the shrines they purified. Devoted guardians of the sacred, they kept perpetual fires alive in honor of the Great Mother. They performed sexual rites to fertilize and regenerate the Great Mother’s powers. These fires and rites were considered essential to societal cohesion and survival.
How will you tend the sacred flame?
This Moon is opposite Mercury Retrograde - a reconaissance mission into our shadowy depths, debts, and inheritances.
Mercury is cazimi (in the heart of the Sun) and emerging from the underworld. Right now, Mercury is blindingly invisible. Messages streaming straight from the heart of the Sun.
Peer into the shining darkness. Hone your abilities to see through bright obscurity. Reconnect to the root of your real Power.
Here lie memories of who we were before harm, before deceit. What has died remains alive in the otherworld. Resurrect these versions of yourself.
Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is silent. It is psychic. It is body language and shared glances. It is hearing things between timelines previously left unsaid. It is clearing up business left incomplete. It is cutting cords and ending contracts. It is uncovering secrets and recalling codes.
Listen to your most primal instinct.
Look for the ways you can be in Power.
Tune into the coming silence.
This Full Moon is a good time to sit on the Earth and consult an oracle. Or to recognize that you are your own prophet. To ‘divine’ is to conjure, to guess, or to understand via supernatural insight. To ‘divine’ is to shine. To be inspired by, and belong to Gxd.
Drop into the moment and divine.
Bread Moon. Wand Moon. Purple Hue Moon. Warm Brew Moon. Moon of the Seven Sisters. Musty Moon. Threadbare Moon. Moon of Strange and Simple Pleasures. Dancing Leaves Moon. Fallow Fields Moon. Moon of Ingoing. Nothing Doing Moon. Slow Food Moon. Moon of Decomposure. Rust-Dusted Mountain Moon. More-than-Enough Moon. Hestia’s Moon. Moon for Innana and Ishtar. Horned Moon. Chewing Cud Moon. Moon of Familiars. Clay Fetish Moon. Old Goddess Moon. Final Horizon Moon. Cazimi Colloquy Moon. Moon of an Outbreath Before the Toil Ahead.
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Taurus.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
These Moon forecasts are made possible by your monthly contributions.
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Read Full Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below
Aries: I am rich.
The past two weeks, I’ve been moving through a challenge. Overcoming hurdles to connection and advancement. I uncovered some unconscious bias. I’ve learned some things about relationships and about being my own authority. Now I get to re-examine give and take. I tend the sacred flame of receptivity. This Moon has me delving into the unknown. Shifting histories. Rubbing up against the recesses of my own unconscious. Where my conscious self ends and my shadow self begins - this is the zone of intimacy. This is where my power lives. Prosperity is an inside job. I am a goldmine, and I’ve got a flashlight. I find the gems within myself. Wealth is a state of being.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Taurus: I invest in myself.
This Moon is for Me. It is a Moon of self-possession and of purification. I turn the focus entirely to myself. I take this opportunity to make my life about ME. I let go of toxic ties and connections to people that take me out of my power. For the past couple weeks, I’ve been dancing with ghosts of the past. I’ve been seeing old patterns and unresolved relationships tensions bubbling to the surface. I’ve been hearing old stories and evaluating their relevance. This Moon is an opportunity to settle into myself. I welcome the overhaul that is naturally occuring. I trust in my own capacity to bring things to closure.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Gemini: I honor my process.
This Moon is for silence, reflection, and pause. I take a break from verbalizing my experience. Instead, I sit in it like a potion. Bathing. Becoming infused by life. I take personal retreat. I gaze out at the journey of the past year and take notes. What has fallen into place? Where have I made improvements? I notice, and offer gratitude to, the things that feel perfect. I affirm what is still in progress. This Moon is for setting things straight. Organizing clutter. Completing tasks left undone. Clearing my psychic space. This Moon wants me to re-discover inspiration. So, I make space. I open up. I follow the muse.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Cancer: I express and connect.
I am diving deep into my creative wells. There are things stored here that I’ve forgotten about - projects I meant to tend to years ago. I welcome this revival. I resurrect the endeavors that feel most magnetic. I know creative expression is one of my basic needs to live a joyful life. The past couple of weeks, I have been overcoming obstacles with safety, security, and belonging. It has offered the reminder that I am my own family. I belong to myself. I am coming home to myself. From that place of safety, I feel ready to join with others. This Moon connects me to a wider community. One of the greatest gifts I offer is making people feel welcome. I tend the hearths of creating and keeping good company.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Leo: I respect myself.
This Moon reorients me toward my calling. What on Earth am I here to do? What are my #goals? I have been revisiting the past, connecting to my roots, and cultivating health with home and family. As I focus attention on meeting my own needs, I am remembering the truth that my time here is limited. My heart’s wish is to be intentional with my time. The things I spend time doing are the things I become an expert at. I want to work towards something worthy of my life energy. Self-respect means having clear boundaries with my time. Self-respect means saying No to myself so I can move in honor of my Yeses. Self-respect means acknowledging my achievements, noticing how far I have come already, and fortifying myself for the journey ahead. I applaud my progress and celebrate my wins. Paving the way for more wins to come.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Virgo: I send my message out.
There are lies and there are secrets. A lie is a diversion of the truth. A secret is a truth kept hidden. Secrets are not the same as lies. There are times for secrets. Times for information to be kept and held close. Times to offer only one bite of the apple, rather than the whole apple itself. I am waiting for right timing. There are things I have been holding close. Things I have been feeling into, recognizing, and growing into slowly. This Moon represents a release, a truth-telling, a clearing of the air. I let this Moon elevate me into greater awareness; that I can view more of picture, and be made more whole.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Libra: I am potent.
To be potent is to be powerful. Magnetic. Essential. This Moon reminds me how capable I am. It reveals my depths. It invites me into the cauldron of transformation. I am a friend to the mystery within me. The more I surrender to the unknown, the steadier I become. The more I can invite in. I am re-writing scripts about my worthiness. Sinking deeper into my own deserving. This last two weeks has been a process of re-orienting to my home/family environment and sense of security. “Home” is a state of belonging to myself. As I arrive into that state of self-belonging, I gather my assets. This Moon is meant for stabilizing my resources.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Scorpio: I reset relating.
I am remembering who I really am. At many points along the way, I accumulated dust. I am polishing my mirror now. Clearing residue off my identity. As I shed the layers that aren’t me, my relationships must adjust to reflect those changes. I welcome new patterns of togetherness; ones based on honesty, mutuality, and health. As I re-orient to myself and my life, I call in ties that are a perfect fit for my process of healing and renewal.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Sagittarius: I am healing. It is my nature to heal.
Once upon a time, I went to see a prophet. I asked her what I could do to help and honor my grandmother, who was close to death. She told me to envision my grandmother on a boat, and see myself on the shore, grasping a rope that held the boat. She told me to imagine letting go of the rope and allow my grandma to go on her way. The hardest part was the feelings that welled up as I released my grip. The Sun and Mercury in your 12th house of endings and closure says loss can set us free. Let go into the silence. This Full Moon holds the promise that there is a steady rhythm that will come for you when your space is clear. Feel the pulse. Wellness remains. It is intrinsic.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Capricorn: I am connected and creative.
There is nothing I need to do. There is nothing I need to prove. I am not required to earn anything. I refuse to take on additional responsibilities. I replace my longing for fulfillment with a spirit of contentment. I notice what is here now, knowing this moment will never come again. I stoke the embers of my joy. Because my joy is more important than any job I’m slated to complete. The work I do will only improve if I bring to it my real happiness. When I lift the burden of my own expectations, I see that there is lots of room for delight. I delight in my community and my connections. I trust that whatever path I take, I will never be alone. My heart will always lead me to collaborators and companions.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Aquarius: I am safe.
I belong here. In this world. In myself. In my life. I belong here. This Full Moon illuminates my innermost needs. I give myself space to listen. I pay close attention. I listen to my gut. I let myself be soft and tender for this moment. I trust myself to meet as many of my own needs as I can. For the others, I trust myself to reach out and ask for support. This Moon points me towards authentic relating. It asks me to find the home in my life that feels good and true; and to locate kindred neighbors. We are radical futurists. Collaborating on the co-creation of lives better lived.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Pisces: I clear my lens.
Mercury Retrograde has me questioning my own beliefs, rethinking my doctrines, revising my axioms. Currently, truth is up for debate. I allow my mindsphere to rework and replay. So much of life is determined by how we see it, how we interpret it, and what kind of meaning we make out of it. This Moon has me rewriting my stories. I realize that everything I’ve experienced in life has instilled in me a certain lens. As I resolve old memories, I retest my vision. I can see differently, now. As I adjust the angle from which I am seeing, I feel like I’m traveling a whole new journey. I open to the possibility of seeing my life more clearly and honestly than before.
These astrology reports are made possible by your donations. Practice sacred reciprocity and sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.