The Full Moon in Cancer on January 10, 2020 (2:21pmEST) is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.
Moon of a Land Before Time
game over moon. epic moon. moon of biblical proportion. moon for putting things down. clean slate moon. fossil roots moon. run-with-wolves moon. moon to keep kin safe. one rock moon. forever moon. moon of stories dying out. nothing-ever-dies moon. forgotten mothers moon. authoritative news moon. moon for defining alignments. hold fast moon. don’t fear dark moon. moon of nowhere hiding. nurture life moon. soul return moon. hands feed us moon. moon of all our relations. grandmother moon. remembrance moon. moon of suppressed power. reckoning moon. almighty moon. moon of setting precedents. deepest seed moon. oldest place moon. moon of evolving blockages. tower moon. rubble moon. moon for unleashing dragons.
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon, and the Truth.”
Eclipses are turning points. Portals of destiny.
Lunar Eclipses are emotional endings.
This Eclipse is incredible. It is epic and historic. Biblical in proportion.
Ringing with a serious tone. Ushering in a new era. Rife with opportunities to release and rebuild.
At the start of this new decade, history unfolds before our eyes. Saturn, the planet of state institutions and structures, joins with Pluto, planet of destruction and total transformation.
Saturn and Pluto meet up every 33-38 years. However the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn has not occurred since 1518. Learn more about the astrology of now and be guided well with the 2020 course and/or calendar.
All eyes are on Empire. Like tectonic plates moving deep under the surface of the Earth, global powers are shifting. We buckle under the weight of longstanding collective debt. Towers are built to fall.
Here we are, in January 2020. The turning of the Ages.
Australia is burning. Puerto Rico is quaking. Iran strikes back after the US commits a war crime. Scientists warn about climate catastrophe and impending extinction. Sustaining resources suffer contamination. Civilians worldwide take to the streets to protest oppression and tyranny.
The political is personal.
Are you feeling the weight of the times?
High highs. Low lows. Intense pressure. Exhaustion. Powerlessness. Powerful alignment. Consequence. Release.
The medicine of this Moon is to let yourself feel it.
Whatever you’re feeling, feel it with your whole self.
These feelings can not be ignored, pushed back, or numbed any longer. The cost is too high. The toll is too great. We don’t have the reserves of energy to spare. We are faced with an opportunity to deal with whatever weighs us down before it besieges us.
Crisis transforms to catharsis. As difficult and scary as it may feel, we are ready to do the work. Let’s orient to what really matters. We have got to move the boulders that block us. What a relief to finally face the mountain that’s ours to climb.
So, make space. It’s beyond time to listen. Give your emotions a voice.
Let your feelings tell you what you can no longer carry. What you are ready to put down?
Hear your fears, and love on them. What needs to stop, now?
What we reckon with now isn’t new. It is the oldest of the old. It’s been such a long time in the making.
And, it’s uncomfortable. Be okay with feeling uncomfortable.
We are waking up from collective amnesia.
Realizing more acutely what we have inherited.
It began before us. It is beyond us, yet also within us. We are in it and of it.
We are remembering a legacy of imperialism. Supremacy. Genocide. Slavery. Force. Extraction. Lack. Hardship. Remembering a legacy of separation. Harm, trauma, survival, preservation, and resilience that has passed down through so many generations.
The State initiated warfare and conquest. Stole land. Tore babies from mothers. Demolished community and kin. Disrupted relations. Corrupted the commons. Defaced the sacred. Drew false borders. Forced us away from heritage and our home. Removed us from intuition. Distanced us from our bodies. Made us dependent on external authority. Addicted us to our own oppression.
Whether we were victims or perpetrators or a mixture of it all, we are remembering. We are being called to account. To settle these debts. To start over.
We are being called into healing and repair. We are being called home to ourselves.
How do we go on?
Go backwards to go forward.
Root deep.
Something existed before all this. Something will remain long after we are gone.
Source from the deepest, oldest place possible.
Inside yourself. Inside the Earth.
Contact the Land Before Time.
All of us are descendants of ancestors that predate known history. Peoples who lived before separation. Existing in paradigms we can scarcely imagine.
Call them up from within you.
Connect with slow-to-unfold, innate wisdom. The wisdom of the Everlasting Ways.
Stop doing.
Do less.
Do only what is necessary.
Withdraw energy from what oppresses you. Give energy to that which feeds your soul.
Take the small, accessible steps. Focus on what’s within your control. Chip away at your blockages.
Tend what you care about. Take care of life. Feed people.
Nourish you wish to protect. Nourish yourself.
The personal is political.
Take your real place in the grand design of things.
This Moon is a clarion call. To come forward and live our destiny as human guardians of life
We are meant to be here at this time. The magic that is needed is buried in our bones.
Come home. Occupy yourself.
Overcome the fear of your own power.
You possess the power that could change the whole world in a moment.
First, there was a word.
This Moon comes with the most powerful voice. This voice will be heard on the world stage. It will echo through our bones and blood in with a timbre of irreversible change. Whispering songs of eventual freedom.
The Moon’s voice is our own voice.
Release your voice, the voice of Nature. Spoken in the language of Earth herself.
Every being speaks this language. It is the language of the rock people. If we listen, it can be heard. It can be felt. It can bring us back together in time.
We inherit resiliency. We inherit survival. We inherit the will to live and thrive. We inherit everything we need to continue the cycle.
Overcoming betrayal. Rebuilding trust. Reweaving connection. Returning to relationship.
Give loving care. Life depends on it.
May we come back and build our world for future generations.
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Cancer.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
Astrology of 2020 Calendar and/or Online Course
Two tools for cosmic calibration. Open 2020 with intentional awareness.
Become a sustainer at $5 or $10/month. Or you can make a single-time donation here.
Read Full Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below
Aries: It is safe for me to rise.
I am a passionate self-starter. This year, I intend to make something out of my vibrant energy. To live into my fullest capacities. To rise beyond the ways I keep myself down. I know I am a founder. A director. This Moon feels like developmental stress, encouraging me to take more responsibility for my own calling. A more powerful place for myself in this world is possible. It’s within my reach. I feed myself. I nourish my roots so I can be held while I rise. Which small step will I take next? Step by step, I face my fears and uncover incredible impact that is my birthright to impart on this world.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Taurus: I move and change.
I am tired of the same old stuff. My comfort zone has become so stale. I am here to learn, grow, and keep expanding into possibility. No need to ask for a sign. I know my truth. I send out a clear message: I am free! I am ready to live into my next adventure! There are places I want to travel. Trainings I want to take. Businesses I want to build. I set my sights on my bucket list. I outline my 10 year plan. This Eclipse inspires me to grab life by the horns and put things in motion so these visions can become my reality. Each and every day can be lived to the fullest. I open myself to the school of life. I look to the local opportunities for learning and growth.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Gemini: I deeply commit.
Where am I holding on? And what am I letting go? Commitment is hard. It feels easier for me to avoid, sidestep, and play in distraction. It feels easier for me to keep my options open, so I can flit around as I please. But I am wasting my energy, and my energy has become too precious to waste. I sure myself up to face what feels uncomfortable. Vulnerability is possible. This is about intimacy. About give and take. This is about power. Places inside myself I’m usually blind to are showing themselves now. I can clearly see what has been hiding underneath the surface. I share my secrets. I invest in my healing. Clearing baggage allows me to prosper.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Cancer: I feed myself.
Eclipses are turning points. Harbingers of change. What does it mean when an Eclipse falls in your sign? Significant change falls within your domain - so embrace it. Not sure which change to make? Listen deeply to yourself. Sense your intuition. Check your gut feelings. You have been building up to this since the Solar Eclipse in your sign on July 12, 2018. You are working on being in relationship without giving your power away. This Moon is a stress test on partnership, pointing out a path to developing emotional maturity. If you aren’t well-fed, you won’t be able to stay in your integrity when relating to others. So take care of yourself. Make tending yourself a priority. Connect to others from a steady, well-nourished core.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Leo: I make my movements feel as restorative as rest.
Sometimes it’s not about what I do in a day, it is more about how I do it. The clutter and chores of mundane life are piling up. I feel surrounded by meaningless tasks and busy work. It isn’t always possible to clear my whole calendar. But I can tidy up the uses of my time. I can build nothingness into my schedule. I can also move about from an entirely different attitude. Ditching procrastination. Staying as mentally and physically present as possible, even when it’s uncomfortable or mindlessly boring. Boredom can become meditation. If it isn’t possible to attend to everything, this eclipse asks me to get real about that. To pare down my pursuits and focus on my wellness. I commit to serving others from a place of being centered in my own wellness. I choose rhythms for my own good, that life can be the medicine I need.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Virgo: I welcome the future.
We are all in this together. As I heal, you heal. As you heal, I heal. When one part moves, all parts move. I acknowledge my role in the wider net of humanity. My unique gifts are a boon and a contribution to the collective direction we are headed in. There are some old stories still running in the background of my life. This eclipse makes me aware of them. It helps me see the ways I don’t allow myself to be happy. The ways I undermine my own joy. I choose to shed old skins. I am allowed to change my identity. I know stepping into my expertise will be of benefit to all. I replace the drama of isolation with the delight of teamwork. I create the future we all need when I live from my warm open heart.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Libra: My roots heal.
This eclipse marks a change in my status. My profession, my public appearance, the way I show up and contribute to the wider world. I can’t be bogged down by my past any longer. It takes time to change historical family patterns, and I accept where I am inside that process. I’m in the perfect time and the perfect place to do the work I was born to do. I have full faith that my core issues can heal. All I have to do is hold space for them and really, truly, love myself. Over and over and over again. I accept this charge. The inner security I don’t fully yet know is greater than the codependence I’ve been comfortable with. I no longer develop personal or professional relationships from a place of insecurity. I am doing it differently, prioritizing my own stability and then reaching for connection from a firmly rooted place within myself. I settle in.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Scorpio: I share my thoughts.
Silent-no-more, I sing it in my signature style. This Eclipse has me saying my piece. Speaking my truth. Espousing my views. My voice is a necessary contribution to the healing of the globe. Whether I think it, write it, study it, or teach it, these words have profound power. I embrace my influence, particularly through local participation. This Moon shows me future visions and highlights how I’m going to grow. I am opening up to new ventures. Exchanging with kindred spirits. Professing what I trust the most. I busy myself with what I deem to be meaningful and let other tasks fall away. I wish to focus on the smallest, yet most important components in the year ahead, so I can thoroughly understand them from the inside-out.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Sagittarius: I invest in my worth.
A wise person once told me to “stay with the trouble.” Meaning, be with what feels hard. Money feels hard. Spending, saving - I am in deep inquiry with myself and my inherited troubles about what defines my ability to generate prosperity and income. It takes money to make money. It also takes time, energy, and effort, to build that talents that will get me long-lasting results. This year, I am putting in the work to grow my worth. After much deliberation, this eclipse demands me to be decisive. I commit to making an investment. While I invest in myself, I also divest from forces that impoverish me physically, mentally, and spiritually. I have much more power than I give myself credit for.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Capricorn: I face myself and embrace myself.
This Eclipse brings people into my life who help me to see that I have been the only one standing in my own way. The pressures, fear, and constraints can feel so intense sometimes that I have to remind myself they are imaginary. I am tired of carrying everything, so I’m putting it all down except for my own deepest needs. I call my power back to myself now. I trust I can come back into loving connection with myself. I trust I can cultivate relationships rooted in vulnerability and mutual aid. Being responsible for myself is not the same as piling on extreme expectations. I can work on myself and be exceedingly kind to myself at the same time, and that is what I intend to do. I allow myself softness. Vulnerability. Connection. When in doubt, I will be generous with my heart.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Aquarius: I cleanse and coalesce.
This Eclipse is for tending to my wellbeing. I am feeling the need to get clear. My life wants to be restructured. I use this time to clean, simplify, and reorganize, so I can better relax and access spirit. I reset my altars. I tune my antennae so I can be the clear channel I know I am. I adjust the tempo of my life. I shift the patterns of my habits. I place no demands on myself. I am simply seeking better containers for the wellspring that is flowing within me. So that my material-world live can sustain my spiritual connection. I can live in prayer and renewal
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Pisces: I warm by the fires of my own creativity.
I am feeling my edges in connection with others, so I separate myself and take space when needed. It’s okay to center myself. It’s okay to make my life all about me sometimes. I get to fill up my well and feel the pulse of my own heart. I get to be in charge. Allies have flocked around my gifts. A lot of connections and communities depend on me. The connections that feel heavy need a reset. I am ready to realize how the relationships that are meant to last will remain resilient even when I pull my weight and claim my space. Real allies emerge when each person is allowed to be true to themselves.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.