The New Moon in Aquarius on January 24, 2020 at 16:42EST) is the Chinese New Year of the Metal Rat.
Moon of Far Back and Near Forward*
dowsing moon. groundswell moon. moon of the commons. indra’s moon. aster’s moon. moon of the akasha. arroyo moon. revolution moon. moon of radical acceptance. sharing moon. icicle moon. moon of the web that connects. bathhouse moon. interdependent moon. moon of collective tides. clairsentient moon. disruptor moon. moon of gathered YESes. nonbinary moon. ancient futures moon. moon of otherworlds and interdimensions. no mission-impossible moon. grass-grows-soil-knows moon. genius moon. moon of light and ice. moon of new ways forward.
This Moon is a big gulp of cold air. Stark. Fresh. Invigorating. Activating awareness of the life that exists amid an unmoving deep freeze.
This kind of cold reminds us that we are very alive. That this world is made of many other worlds and inter-dimensions. That there are beings without bodies here. Multiple intelligences. We can feel so acutely that it can make us numb. A thaw is imminent.
The future is now. We are living it. The past is already crumbling beneath our feet.
Growing pains are real, symptoms of developmental stress, as we shed the weight of what we carry that was never ours to hold or harbor.
What a January it has been so far. It’s been a time of eclipses and once-in-a-lifetime transits packed into a span of a few short weeks. Tired of the bullshit. Total change is demanded as we rework generational obligations. The demolition has been purgative, essential, and downright exhausting.
Some of the changes are apparent and structural. Others are occurring deep within. Like simply not being able to summon up energy for certain things anymore. Like we got a new battery. Like we are running a new operating system and have yet to input all the needed data.
Aquarius season shocks us awake. Clear-mindedness and biting cold. Bright light hitting ice and refracting through crystalline structures.
Why fight the old when we can build the new?
It’s time to move out of limited definitions and perceptions. To make the new, we’ve got to make space to think differently.
Take flight. Elevate into a bird’s eye view.
From here, binary becomes obsolete. The land-skyscapes are rainbow.
Everything that exists is a multi-toned variation of fractal. Nothing is separate. Everything is people. All beings are interdependent.
The antidote to extinction is regeneration.
It isn’t enough to stop living in ways that are unsustainable. We’ve got to replace our ruinous pursuits with restorative acts.
We are moving out of a fear-based, hyper-vigilant, emergency-producing, trauma-looping unsupported old paradigm. We are reimagining the future. There is a new game being played, and we get to make the rules.
Some cultures exist without a word for “No.” Some cultures have a thousand words for varying forms of love. Some cultures deal with crime by sharing about harm and reminding the perpetrator about every positive, helpful thing they have done in the past for their community.
It is well within the realm of possibility to shape futures of mutual aid, support, and sharing.
It is within our reach to shape futures of regenerative love.
We can live into futures where nature and technology grow towards each other in collaborative, synergistic ways.
Do you consent to reimagine what living on Earth is really about?
Consensus precedes reality.
Consensus is a gathering of YESes!
If the mission is impossible,
“make revolution irresistible.”
This Moon is a groundswell.
A sea change. A reminder that we are a part of higher and wider intelligences. We are moved by them. They make us adapt.
We are conduits for geniuses - creative spirits**. The genius that moves through us belongs to Earth, Sky, and other wholistic powers extending beyond us.
This Moon is radical. To be radical is simply to be in touch with the genius rising up from the roots.
Aquarius is the sign of the Water Bearer.
“Bring me water, water for my mind.”
This is a dowsing moon.
To dowse is to divine the whereabouts of precious resources in the Earth like water and minerals.
The ingenuity of our emergent futures is stored in the ground and sky. Activate their codes. Conduct their impulses. Shape change.****
We are the aqueducts. The connectors. The ways through which the water flows.
How do you find your place in the revolution?
Let losses become longings.
Let longings lead your creative process.
Grieve what you feel is missing and be guided towards rediscovering it.
If love was lost to you, focus on recreating relationships.
If food was scarce, engage food security.
If money was tight, build sharing networks.
And most essentially,
Do what makes you you.
Embrace what makes you different, and go where you can connect. To your gifts, and to community.
A Love Letter to the Sun in Aquarius:
“Thank you for taking the world we need so seriously. Thank you for being in it but not of it, so that we can have a chance of something different...You’re simply excruciatingly aware of the borders and edges we created that can be changed. You understand that if there’s a wall, there must be another side. The wall is just between two worlds and you will jump and sit and pour water on that wall until it becomes clay again. Then maybe you’ll built another one.”
– Saltwater Stars (ig @saltwaterstars)
*Ellias Lonsdale Inside Degrees
**Elizabeth Gilbert Big Magic
***via adrienne maree brown Pleasure Activism
****Octavia Butler via adrienne maree brown Emergent Strategy
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Aquarius.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
Astrology of 2020 Calendar and/or Online Course
Two tools for cosmic calibration. Open 2020 with intentional awareness.
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Read New Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below
Aries: I am linking in.
No longer can I live in a silo. This New Moon is like a spark plug fueling connection. A lunar push to forge new friends and alliances. I join up with associates and contacts with a shared mission we can collaborate on. I gravitate towards those who help me keep the faith. We are a movement, working together to build a more compassionate world we believe in. I embrace networks and technologies that support a wider reach. I may not be crystal clear what I want, but I am willing to be honest and seek out what feels most true.
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Taurus: I adapt to the new climate.
To be slow is radical. To be satiated is radical. To be comfortable is radical. To fertilize creation on my own terms is radical. To birth autonomously is radical. To love my body is to love the Earth. To feed what I love is to feed the Earth. In the most practical, unassuming ways, I am radical. Radical just means rooted. To be rooted and to be in our bodies - this is what the world needs right now. This New Moon falls in my tenth house of vocation and public life. What I am called towards is subject to change based on what the world needs. I listen to the desires I fear to express. I listen to what I am grieving - I trust it holds signs that will point to the truth. I honor the call to be the most authentic version of myself.
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Gemini: I unfurl and spread out.
Whew, this New Moon feels like a pressure-valve release. After carrying and clearing a heavy load that kept me down, my wings are aching to open up. I am ready to find my way towards freedom. This Moon helps me lighten up. I blink my eyes and look towards the new horizons calling me towards them. Faraway lands, educational pursuits, and fresh projects are catching my attention now. What are the ways my life journey wants to expand me? What am I reeling to say YES to? Relationships feel unclear. Longterm aspirations have been carrying energy away from mutuality. How can we partner in ways that lift each other up?
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Cancer: I transform attachment patterns.
I trust my gentleness. I fiercely honor my softness. My tenderness is my power. If things have felt intense lately, I give my emotions permission to flow. At the same time, I don’t allow my feelings to erode my integrity. I want to make sure I show up to myself and others in ways that are really respectful. This New Moon offers a reset in my 8th house of intimacy and shared resources. When the right boundaries are made, it allows us to come together with depth. I choose to connect in different ways than I have before. I experiment with new methods of being in community. I tidy my life and tend to my wellness so I can go farther than I have before.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Leo: I co-create.
As a Leo, it is normal to be accustomed to being the star of the show. But some acts are more pleasurable with co-hosts and supporting companions. This Moon offers opportunities to begin new partnerships and collaborations - or to freshen up existing relationships. If partnered, it might finally be time to start couples’ therapy, or reinstate date night. If single, saying yes to a date could bring passion back into life. Whatever your status, take this opportunity to team up. Secret longings may emerge under this moon. Don’t follow them blindly. Have fun, but don’t stir up unnecessary drama. Pay close attention to deeper, less apparent desires. They inform how your flames need to be fanned.
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Virgo: I change my rhythms.
What I am able to accomplish in life is the sum of my habits. This New Moon is an opportunity to reset and start my year off right. I re-orient towards my wellness. Ready to jumpstart my health, I identify my goals and break them down into manageable steps. I schedule the workouts. I meal plan. I meditate. I make it feel good so I can stick with it on the daily. I’m showing myself that I have my back. Taking care of myself is the best way to handle things life puts in my path. Something fishy comes up in relationships this weekend. It is likely a reflection of my own confusion and longing in this area. Strengthening my core helps to stabilize me through it. I am committed to developing self-security.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Libra: I open up to joy.
I have been working hard on cultivating stability and inner security. Now, I lighten my load. I look up. I reset my sights on pleasure. It is time to have some fun. To smile. To express myself and let my hair down. It is time to tend the creative flame inside me. To discover what colors I want to paint. What songs I want to dance to. It is time to romance myself. To seduce passion back into my spirit. I let myself be the star of my life. I play the leading role in my own show. To center myself is healing.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Scorpio: I nest.
Focus is on home, family, and foundations. I tend to my den. Cleansing and reinventing my haven makes it safe. It feels good to let my space reflect my essence. I hunker down. I make myself cozy. I make my favorite foods and teas, relishing in the magic of nourishment. This deep season is one of my most creative times. I invite my closest folks into the fold. We explore varied ways of being together. Of making mischief and creating together. Something feels tempting to me right now. I check my resources realistically - emotional and physical - to assess what I can handle and invest in.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Sagittarius: I live out loud.
If we are going to build our future, we can’t afford to be silent. I break the culture of silence and tell it like I see it. Communication is key, so I say what needs to be said. The response I get will tell me more about which steps I need to take and which people will help me get what I desire. I risk over-sharing rather than withholding information. Writing, studying, teaching - are all life features that come emphasized this Moon. It also highlights local connections and activities. A time to keep my antennae high. A missed message could be a missed opportunity.
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Capricorn: I review my riches.
I shed something massive in the last month. It changed the fabric of who I am. Now that I am running a different operating system, I check in with my assets. It’s time to review my resources and what sustains me. The way I earn has to match who I’m becoming. Opening a new bank account, investing in cryptocurrency, planning new income streams… all fall within the realm of possibility under this Moon. The economy is fundamentally shifting. I stay watching and flexible, ready to adapt, find needs, and fill profits. Meanwhile, major changes like the ones I’ve been going through lately deserve to be grieved. To keep things flowing, I keep letting go.
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Aquarius: New Moon, New Me.
Ah, to be awake! To know myself, and to have the opportunity to rediscover myself again and again! This is a vitalizing time of year for me. I see clearly. I follow my own lead. Put simply, I do ME. This Moon wants me to love myself. To treat myself. To be myself. To be awake to the higher, wider, and future dimensions of myself! I say yes to all of it. I say yes to the whole of ME. Living into who I truly am has rippling impact and is a gift to humanity. In solidarity and splendor.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Pisces: I amplify spirit.
Daydreaming is a source of recall. I shut down my mind and meditate. I let myself drift and drip to be electrified with most important messages. I get lost to be found. I become the music. Release is cleansing. I clear myself of everything - physical, mental, psychic, spiritual. I let myself be a vessel tipped over. Shapeshifting and codeswitching are part of my magic - but I am careful to avoid taking on other people’s energies. If I do sponge something up, I bathe it out. I forgive myself for what needs forgiving. I know I am the special one I dream of. There is a well of unconditional self-love burgeoning within me.
Your donations make this work possible. If they speak to you and you want them to continue, please sustain them with a monthly contribution. Or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.