The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 3, 2020 (at 11:57EST) is quantum prismatic.
the smallest quality of radiant energy
sudden and significant
one’s share or portion
“incantation, magic charm”
“worn to avert evil”
“irresistible power to please and attract”
optics: a transparent solid body; used for dispersing or reflecting rays of light
crystallography: a form of many intersecting faces
apparition, specter, “visible band showing successive colors, formed from a beam of light passing through a prism”
spectrum: entire range (of something)
The prism is YOU. The spectrum is US.
You are a star child. A glowing provocateur. We are children of the Sun. Unequivocally woven together as a renegade rainbow of luminescent, irreverent change.
These are not lofty poetic statements. They are simple, quantifiable facts. Recognize poetry for what it is; an oracular life-giving art, a way to narrate being by breathing magic back into itself.
This Full Moon coincides with Lammas (Lughnasadh), celebration of full sun and plentiful harvest. Ripening fruits, corn, sunflower, and Mother’s first grain.
Absorb the Sun. Light is food. Light is life.
Extremes in balance. These points in the turnings of the wheel are marked observations of the play of light, and how light-and-body changes recreate life in our experience.
At this peak moment in Earth-and-Sun dance, we spin poised at the ledge between Old and New ways of existing.
Feel and fathom the weight of the world crumbling.
Sense the gifts on the other side of the fall.
Heavy news, serious conversations, and the stress of continued entrenchment in sick systems weigh on the mind. We can finally make definitive choices, decisions, and commitments that we’ve been working up to for the last couple of years.
Under the lure of this lunation, we are liberated by the love of light.
I choose to love, and be loved by, Life.
One of my favorite expressions of life is its unabashed irrepressibility. Its cherished multi-colored bawdiness. That when life is damaged or thrashed back, it invents expressions for its own healing. Life remains rebellious in the face of restraint.
Light may be captured, but it can never truly be contained.
The truth of this world is in prisms, not prisons.
Life is boldly unfuckwithable. No mechanism or technological semblance will gain control over a pervasive vigor of genius far beyond its greasy grips. Artifice is too small-minded. While warfare of any kind may see results in the short-term, it’s wider effects will always be drastically disastrous for those who perpetrate and perpetuate annihilation.
Domination-strategy is laughably incapable when compared with the luxurious generative capacities of soil.
Our nature is in possession of powers of heart-consciousness that far surpass technological constructs. Artificial intelligence is cold, lifeless, and beyond the pale.
Life will always find ways to adapt and increase.
Be like life. Grow towards the light. Bend towards freedom. Create.
This Moon features a dynamic aspect with Uranus; planet of chaos, anarchy, and future-creation through higher-octave awareness.
Keyphrase for Uranus: Expect the unexpected.
Uranus is the outlier, the mind-opener, complicating the equation by bringing in unaccounted-for influences. Drawing energies from the margins, or ‘out of left field’ that cause major change in perception and behavior. Whatever you can imagine likely won’t occur, as Uranus produces effects we can’t conceptualize before they happen.
Uranus is Wyrd Ancestor Future.
This Moon portends weirdness. Sensuous queering. Plots twists, wild turns, mishaps, and surprises.
Linear time meets space-time-continuum. Human self meets divine wholeness.
Awakening is unstoppable.
Currents of consciousness pour through us from the ground-up. The Earth-grid is reprogramming with codes of times-to-come.
Journey to Meet Your Future Self
Use this meditation to connect with, and receive guidance from, your future self.
Uprooting and unsettling the entrenched. Animating our magical powers. Shaking us open to possible futures.
The futures available to us when we create life as art.
The futures available to us when we anchor community as immunity.
The futures available to us when we bring more of ourselves and our truths to the world.
The futures available to us when we realize energy is free and limitless.
The futures available to us when we open our minds.
The futures available to us when we collaborate for love.
The futures available to us when we bend away from the patterns that hurt us and reach towards each other instead.
My promise to myself and to you: I will always love your humanity.
I will open my eyes to see you more clearly. Show me who you are. Show me what you love.
Differences and disagreements are not only natural - they are keys for connection and wholeness-in-action.
Under this Moon, look for a place your mind is closed. Observe an area where you tend to freeze, judge, close off, or shut down. What moves you to disregard another person’s humanity?
Experiment with cultivating positive regard for difference.
What might happen if you regard difference from a neutral place of curiosity, recognizing that every person has a unique experience of life and access to varied abilities and information?
Without demanding that anyone outside of you changes their mind or behavior, what mental or physical changes could you embrace to feel more free?
What happens if you hold your own, and allow others space and autonomy? What happens if you are free to think and see and be as you wish?
Uniqueness can be leveraged to elevate the whole.
I choose to trust our inherent connectedness.
Our interdependence will strengthen as we center inside ourselves.
Unbind from influences that prevent you from being true to who you are. See others for who they are, and allow yourself to be seen.
By your nature, you are an electrical being. Plugged into a glittering intergalactic grid. Turned on.
There is a Sun, a Star, within you. Pulsing. Vitalizing your spirit and warming hearts all around you. Sending out signals saying, “let’s celebrate life. Let’s be true to ourselves. Let’s make love.”
This Full Moon is a brilliant spotlight displaying that Life is ultimately Light.
Physician Richard Gerber describes all matter as “frozen light.”
“...drawing on the implications of modern physics, we can conclude that human beings are made of light held in matter.”
You are here to be and co-create light. To paint life with the vivid colors that express what’s held within your heart.
What color are your flames? What channels do they move through to create connection?
How are you receiving, absorbing, and transmitting light?
Irresistible change is upon us. Channeling through us. Created by us.
The channel is clear.
Let’s choose to change the world by being true to our humanity, and loving more.
heretic moon. iconoclast moon. moon of all things connected. light is life moon. loveshine moon. moon of magical magnificent children. interstellar moon. quantum spectrum moon. moon of matter as frozen light. cosmic joke moon. spiral staircase moon. moon of chromatic chaos. electric heart moon. playfolk moon. moon to name your rulers. peculiar moon. flight path moon. moon of our future ancestors. prisms moon. not prisons, moon. moon of people rising, together. divine right moon. unfuckwithable moon. commune moon. moon of irresistible humanness.
Title Image Credit: eberhard grossgasteiger
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Aquarius.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
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Depth Alignment Circle to Stay the Course
When all is coming apart at the seams, what do we anchor to?
Ourselves. Each other. Consciousness itself. The active process of honest change.
Let’s weave a web to weather this storm and go far, together.
Read Full Moon Reports for your Sun, Rising, and Moon Signs Below
Aries: I connect in communities who see me.
Life is short. I was born to be exactly who I am, and I intend to live my life to the fullest. I embody myself wholly and unapologetically. No one else has to understand me or agree with me, but I do require enough space to be true to myself. I trust myself to go where my own energy feels vital. I make bold invitations for those around me to step further into themselves. I look for the ways conflict can help me build inner strength and increase ingenuity. As my resources change, I embrace chances to adapt and I further awaken to my worthiness. Falling out of favor in oppressive constructs simply puts me more in touch with my real networks of support.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Taurus: I am awakening.
Often, awakening comes with a feeling that one can’t “go home” again to the safety of what once felt familiar and comfortable. The world I once thought existed seems to be a distant dream. I am not one to forget or let go easily, so I intentionally create space to acknowledge the changes that are happening within myself, in my life, and in the world at large. I know I have a place in this changing world. I celebrate my evolutions, honor the ways I have adapted, and center the gifts of my body’s higher intelligence. What lies ahead seems part dystopia, part utopia. I trust my body to guide me through. The more I anchor into myself and the things that make me unique, the more I become a beacon for others.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Gemini: I broaden my horizons.
This Moon offers me and my life an expansive boost. This Moon marks a growth chapter, a time to spread my wings. One of my greatest gifts is my curiosity, my inquisitiveness, and my ability to explore multiple dimensions of complex awareness. This is the gift of a learner, a teacher, a wisdom-gatherer. I possess the necessary talent of dexterity of mind, pollinating connections and disseminating information. In a time of culture wars and misinformation campaigns, I tune my antennae to relevant specificities. I trust myself to see with clarity. I trust myself to share information well. There are massive movements happening. I wield weird words. I tell about it.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Cancer: I invest in myself.
The last couple months of Eclipses was particularly intense for Cancerians. Some of the most stable arenas of my life have been heightened as zones of change. I need tending. Emotional labor is real labor. Deeply and (eventually) completely healing the past is necessary work, and it requires concrete investment. This Moon invites important conversations with loved ones and people in my life who historically have been unable to care for me in ways that meet my needs. I trust that if I practice tending to myself, I will also build relationships with those who know how to nourish me. It is safe to center myself. I build belonging.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Leo: I love and celebrate us.
This Moon can feel like a day out of time. Time shrinks and expands in proportion to one’s presence-to-life. Sensing that time is scarce makes it slip away more quickly. A moment soaking up the sun can feel like a magical, fully-utilized eternity. When was the last time I lost myself in joy? When was the last time I fell in love with life? This Moon reminds me that the joy I experience can be shared, transmitted, and exalted in communion with another. I awaken my heart to the beauty of my connections, personal and professional. I spend time cherishing and adoring connections to bring them more alive. What are we making together? Let’s make it fun, and let’s laugh about it.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Virgo: I rest, restore, and prepare.
This Moon is both busy and quiet. It’s a Moon that highlights the importance of useless time. Reminds me that not-doing is as essential as doing. That dreaming and praying informs living and carrying-out. I have fun and embrace enjoyment in ways that ultimately help me get more clear and organized. I bring things to completion so I can prepare for the next phase. What’s been left untended? What needs healing? What would it be like to pattern my life and daily habits to support my physical and spiritual wellness? I recognize that much is unknown right now, so I work with what’s immediately available and make small steps as visions of the future open themselves to me.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Libra: I center self-love.
I love myself, period. My self-love is not a reflection of the types of relationships I am in or who is around me. My perception of myself is not swayed by external perceptions or judgements or stories I used to absorb to gain access to other people. If my relationships disappear, my self-love will not wane. I cherish the relationship that I have with myself. This Moon delivers me into greater understanding of my shadow, ancestral baggage, and emotional-psychic content that has divorced me from my power. I am not a tool of the current culture - I am a creator. Nothing will interfere with my self-sovereignty. I am living as an artist, an expresser, coming into contact with others who can witness my truth.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Scorpio: I plant my roots to grow the future.
This Moon spotlights foundational issues of inner-world and outer-world, private life and public life. I look to see with greater clarity where I belong and how I can contribute from that place. Home is where I want to grow with others. Changes are sparked by disruptions and reinventions in significant relationships. I listen with openness so I can truly hear what the other person is bringing to me. Important conversations are opportunities for learning and clearing the air by saying what honestly needs to be said. Repressing my voice or hiding how I feel will ultimately fail me. Blockages help me see what’s most important to express.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Sagittarius: I communicate honestly.
This Moon reminds me to tell the truth. Not from a place of dogma, righteousness, or attempting to persuade others to adopt my philosophy. But from a place of trusting that conscious communication, where the perspectives of all parties are considered, is how we learn and grow. I speak in a way that invites others to find out more about how they really feel. I ask questions to allow others to inform my views. When we noodle together, we can wayfind together. I look for the ways we can partner and cooperate. This is a learning Moon - a writing and teaching Moon. Irresistible changes are unfolding in my work and daily life. I use thinking and dialogue to move through as well-informed.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Capricorn: I invest in what is vulnerable and enduring.
Investing energy into what is real and sustainable requires me to redefine power. I no longer seek power-over. I now seek power-alongside. I am clear that, like all of us, I have inherited toxic patterns from the trauma that has perpetuated through multiple systems of oppression. My ancestors live on in me. I look at the ways I fear being powerless. I confront the ways I have exploited others or myself. I am realizing the necessity of learning other ways to live. Stabilizing amidst intense feelings of groundlessness, I recognize the need to abandon empire and ownership. I unhook from the toxic trance of control and invest into building terrain of fertile soil for all to feed from.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Aquarius: I radiate the electric truth of who I am.
This Moon lights me up and shakes me from the inside out. Tectonic shifts in home, family, and my inner life radically change the ways I express myself and relate to others. Histories are reinvented through me. While I can’t go home again. I can land on another planet - a landscape that is a more accurate match for my current frequency. Here, I land with kindreds. The land is my people. I make invitations for closeness with those who are willing to see me and feel my heart. I sense my heart and my edges with acuity, knowing myself as the outlier - the rebel futurist - in every situation. What helps me to belong and relate is honesty. Truth. I trust the world will form around each person embodying their unique sovereignty.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Pisces: I let go so all things can fall into place.
The divine is in the details. Matter is filled with spirit. Every commonplace activity can be a form of prayer. I look for gxd in the tying of shoes, in the washing of dishes, in the sidewalk cracks forming. I sense angelic guidance in the rippling patterns on the surface of water. This Moon highlights the spiritual and mundane qualities of time and being. It reminds me that when I am too busy and full of doings, my intuition dulls. I get lost inside my uses. The roles I perform. The parts I tend to play. Under this Full Moon, I find a quiet place to rest and hear beyond the normal churnings. I listen for the subtle voices. There are messages there about new possibilities and options I hadn’t yet considered.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.