The New Moon in Leo on August 18, 2020 (at 22:42EST) is courageous.
Brilliant. Bold. Luminescent.
Gather ‘round the heart fire.
courage (n.)
1) heart (as the seat of emotions)
2) spirit, temper, temperament, innermost feelings, frame of mind
3) valor, quality of mind which enables one to meet danger and trouble without fear
4) zeal, strength
5) bravery, pride, confidence, lustiness
This is a Moon of joyful beginnings.
Take heart.
Locate this generous musical muscle, like a sun star within you. Warm. Beating. Pulsing. Shining. Central.
Creative. Generating. Circulating spirit and essence all throughout your system. Nourishing your body with fresh, oxygenated blood and lumens.
This Moon feels like a bright spot within the tumult of the year. A luminous lunation. A Moon to strengthen and embolden us before treacherous troubles ahead.
Astrology Ahead - Navigating the Remainder of 2020
Learn about the upcoming astrology in this FREE WEBINAR.
(“Disaster” means against the stars. Get guided to go with them instead.)
It’s no secret that major trials are before us. We are alive, at this particular moment in time. Yes, we are here. What are we going to do with it? How are we going to say YES to life now?
We can do hard things. Become stronger, wiser, and more self-responsible.
We can “stay with the trouble.” (beloved phrase of Bayo Akomolafe)
In the Free Webinar, I mention that the path ahead feels like a battle. There are war aspects in the charts.
But the truth is, I believe we are being asked to be warriors for NOT WAR.
I believe the true test in our midst is to stop fighting.
Not-war is different from peace. It is the opposite of acquiescence. To unmake war, we anchor. Resist. Fortify our strength and sovereignty. We know where the line is, and hold it.
Let’s be real.
Violence, separation, attack, punishment, contempt, supremacy, exploitation, victimization, theft, extermination, othering - these are baked into our conditioning.
If it’s what we’ve inherited, it’s how we attach. Until we break the cycles.
If it’s what we’ve been taught, it’s what we perform. Until we learn anew.
If it’s how we’ve been hurt, it’s often what we perpetuate. Until we heal layers-deep.
These conditionings are embedded until we have embodied, relational experiences of living differently.
It’s important to clarify what we don’t want in the world.
But it’s more challenging, more rewarding, and more effective at scale and for the longterm to know what we DO want in the world, and in life. And to work to make those desires real each and every day.
It’s time to get to the real work of making.
To be soldiers of love and art and vitality and reunion.
To face and overcome the fears of the wild that have been indoctrinated into our public spaces.
To forge shapes that look less like fabricated strife, and more like liberated generations.
This Moon is a joyful song and a battle cry.
That each one of us will stand firmly in ourselves for the he(art) of life, not of war.
What will you stand FOR?
What do you LOVE and ADORE?
What are you WILLING to CREATE?
Light up your heart. Send out a flare.
This Moon is a reminder to be brilliantly, boldly, and brightly YOURSELF.
“more you is better”
Show yourself. I want to see you.
True you. Shiny you. Unbothered, unfuckwithable, smiles-for-days you.
Show me what you love, so I can love you even more.
I want to celebrate the miracle of you, beloved effulgent one.
Not someone you are supposed to look like. Not a shrunk plastic version of you.
Be generous when you express yourself.
Be you, runneth-over with auric light.
You, sun-drenched. Seated in your own sovereign glow. Replete with life.
You, as life-artist. Your medium is whatever colors and materials life gives you. Your canvas stretches from waking to sleeping each day.
Dancing your dance; the dance that knows there never was and never will be another you.
I want to see your wonderment. Who you came here to be. What you adore to make. How you live out loud.
When you were a child, you marveled at the grandest minutia. Giggling at the sight of a bee. Singing songs about socks. Shrieking with delight at the sensation of sprinkling water.
You were, and still are, a magical child. The world as your stage. A set for dramatic interplay of loving cosmic forces coalescing to applaud your ever-astonishing creations.
Have you forgotten?
You are a creator. You came to play and create the game. To be the center of your story.
How much fun can you possibly have with what’s here? Amuse yourself. Live your vision.
Center your joy - your vibrancy is relevant and vital. You are magnetic and electric, like a battery that stores life. Turn yourself on. Charge up with joy juice.
Keep filling up with more of yourself - not less.
Joy is never selfish. The more joyful you are, the sweeter life is for all of us.
Loving yourself is the most selfless act you could perform.
The more you live courageously and love yourself, the more permission you give for others to reveal their light.
Have the courage to illuminate who and what we really are.
Think of a time when you felt totally yourself.
What brings you alive?
What makes your heart swell?
What makes you special? What do you love most about yourself?
How can you be more like yourself right now?
Place your heart at the center of this moment. Follow the creative pulse.
Let your heart speak. Let the magnetic field of your heart lead your way.
Be you: brighter. Bolder. Not to ignore fears and strife, but to confront, build confidence in ourselves and our relations, and summon real courage to do right by life.
This is how we build new worlds. We play them until they exist.
Free Webinar: Astrology Ahead
The road ahead is rough, but necessary. Know what to expect. This webinar will help you get prepared and stay grounded to weather it well.
luminescent moon. illuminate moon. moon of joyful beginnings. celebrant moon. grapes are ripe moon. moon of moves beyond war. lavish moon. the honorable moon of sparkles. moon for loving more loving. mane moon. valor and strength moon. moon of daisy in the sky with diamonds. litty kitty moon. CREATE moon. moon of feline amusements. grand fire trine’d moon. YES moon. moon for passion’n’play. show yourself moon. queen bee moon. moon to be totally yourself. great-hearted moon. peach tomato moon. moon of hella encouragement.
Photo Credits: Lawrence Walters, Nathan Anderson, Rog Shafi
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Leo.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
Read New Moon Reports for your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs Below
Aries: I make love, not war.
I am burning hot. Rather than repress myself or attempt to put out my own fire, I choose to carefully direct my energy. There has been a pressure building between me and the world as my place in the structure of things permanently shifts. Limitations and obstacles from external forces push me to become more self-responsible and sovereign. I accept this challenge. I can grow up and get stronger at the same time. Self-love is the most selfless thing I could do. The more I create from love, the less I play useless games that keep me small. I am leaving false beliefs far behind. Leaning into learning. Curiosity. I take a chance and speak from my heart.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Taurus: I am supported.
There is energy for me in change. There is energy for me in the closing of a chapter. There is energy for me in surrender, and in letting go. Old perspectives and beliefs are revealing themselves to have less power over me now. An inner restlessness has prevented me from fully landing where I am. Now that I see more of the whole, this Moon offers me a way to settle into myself. I can clearly see my supports. I name what nourishes me. I feel more sure that the feeling of home starts within. I connect with my family, my roots, and my kindreds in ways that are life-giving and make me want to invest myself more deeply.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Gemini: I spin webs of connection.
This is a social and mental Moon for me. A Moon of communication, contact, and exchange. There is energy for me in community. The best kind of community for me right now is intimate. These are friends and fellows who are willing to go deep. How do we practice feeling each other without sharing every thought? I am willing to relate despite my fears of the unknown. I am willing to connect despite my obstacles to intimacy. I am curious about my own unconscious and the ancestral inheritances that keep parts of me inaccessible to others. I crave connection - and I fear it. My answer to that riddle right now is to remain curious, and to keep coming back to myself.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Cancer: I treasure how bountiful life is.
Life is giving. Life gives of itself to make more of itself. Life gives itself so all of its creatures may be sustained, supported, and loved. I receive life’s gifts, for I am worthy of them. I savor and taste them fully, let them sink into my skin. This Moon shines lovelight in my zone of wealth and resources. I step out of roles too-small. I leave behind old ways of working in order to earn more within my own definitions of wealth. Responsibilities to others can help me, rather than prevent me, from treading my path in the world. This Moon brings an opportunity to invest for long-time returns. New ways of making income. Full-hearted awareness of what I truly value. I let go of anything that stands between me and receiving life as delicious bounty.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Leo: New Moon, New Me.
Fresh. Vital. Vibrant. The Sun is shining through me - skin and soul deep. This Moon glows me up and gets me grinning with a grateful heart. Everything is my audience, and so like the life-giving Sun, I shine. Born as the star that I am, I show shimmering shades of generous, glorious love. Right now in the world, I am moving with heart. Moving with trust. Moving with meaning. I am a sovereign one. A passionate creator. An amused romantic and love-maker. I go about my life, in all its nuanced complexities, with the levity of loving. Wholly. Completely. Adoration, affection, and play come easily. I connect with playmates in the spirit of mutual delight. We know we are here to love and laugh together at the drama stars make as they explode into a timeless more.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Virgo: I surrender to powers beyond me.
This Moon falls in my zone of rest, release, and renewal. Putting in less time, energy, or effort, is not the same as giving up. I give myself permission to take a load off. At a certain point, it is healthy for me to acknowledge that I am not in control. That I cannot plan for everything and I can’t control outcomes. I delight in the feeling that everything is not up to me. That indeed, there are unseen, unconditionally loving powers that are guiding the material world. There are grand plans beyond the small ones I can invent. I am guided to fulfill those plans when I am quiet, still, and non-doing. I notice how easily I can create when I let go a bit and soften my edges. This Moon is for letting go. Embracing transition and transformation. And finding a restful calm in knowing I will have a place in this world, and I will be guided in the dark.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Libra: I call in connections that grow life.
This New Moon begins a chapter of community, collaboration, and circulation. I network with people who recognize my brilliance. People I want to love and grow with. Storytellers who question beliefs to shift culture. This Moon is a meeting of minds and hearts. We find our likeness through the lens of our differences. I open my mind to expansive visions of what-might-come. I hear my own hopes when I listen to what others wish the future will be like. For the next 6 months, I am putting to bed old and inherited patterns that have been baked into my relating. I will, with certainty, secure my inner foundation, so we can truly stand on equal ground.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Scorpio: I make my mark.
This Moon marks a beginning in my zone of life-direction, place-in-the-world, and how people see me publicly. Doing what I love is essential. Or at least, I require loving what I do with most of my time. For the next 6 months, I am busy. But I can choose to move at a slow-enough pace to remain present. I can simplify my energies and entertain the healthiest habits and patterns that matter. Important conversations, ideas, and choices will have me retracing my steps. I give myself time (until December or January) to settle all the way into the life path that wants me in it. I go the way my depths crave. Mystery doesn’t scare me. I ask it to call me to know where I’m meant to be.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Sagittarius: I see (and be) far and wide.
This New Moon centers the joy of expansion. Growing and going are my favorite feelings. I delight in wandering the wilds. This Moon is a reach. A preach. A spiritual dissemination. The beginning of a new chapter for me to grow into. I find myself in the myths of bushes burning. I’m a spiral flame exploring, adventuring, roaming vast plains and vistas. I don’t wander to get lost. I go to retrieve scrolls and stories that set others free. Those stories are medicine, swinging wide the gate, synchronizing a worldwide citizenry around common sights. I am an author. My power to create is greater than any feeling of lack. I invest in it relentlessly.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Capricorn: I embody the real and use my erotic power.
I will not be buried. I will not be oppressed. I will not be held down. I will not be corrupted. My energy will be used for real and lasting change in this world. As elite systems collapse in society, I seek inner authority and listen to the wisdom of the eldest species on our planet. In a climate of corrupted power, I hear the music of mountains. I trust my power. My power to make, to manifest, to protect. I trust my power to transform. I will take pleasure in my body. I will take pride in the soil. I will delight in the natural, the physical, and the sustaining. I respect my sexuality. I honor my unconscious, unexpressed feelings and knowings. I allow power to move through me undistorted. I move from within, in ways that feel right.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Aquarius: Loving sets me free.
This New Moon falls in my zone of relationships and partnerships. It is a joyful new beginning to a 6-month unfolding of connection-with-another, or a fresh and fun start in an existing partnership. I seek an etheric, goldilocks love. A quantum love, ripe with spiritual messages and motivation to learn each other’s language. I seek to love with just the right amount of space between us. Not too much, not too little. What I want to know is, can we co-create a future together? Can we keep each other, and this Earth, free? What do the angels have to say about us? All will unfold in time. For now, I am open, curious, and listening at least as much as I am sharing.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Pisces: I set rhythms in place to hold me well.
On this New Moon, I take pride in creating order and setting things right. I clean up, clear out, and put everything in its rightful place. My sensitivity and vastness needs clear containers. My creativity thrives when the waters of my ocean are crystalline. So, I detox my schedule and simplify my life. I go back to square one. I start from zero. I clean my slate. The things I dust off and move out are symbols of the state of mind I’m evolving beyond. As I end a challenging-yet-gratifying chapter that spanned the laser 2.5 years, I dream into the lifeways that want to flow through me next. I invest in a future that is safe, whole, and authentically connected.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.