The Full Moon in Taurus on October 31, 2020 (at 10:49EST) is twisted timelines.
Be wild or be bewildered.
The night is eerie and confounding. You find yourself in a sensual slow dance with the unknown. Raw. Moving breath-by-breath. Roiling with intense alchemical energies. Outcomes are inscrutable, so you stay close to your power.
Something invisible grabs hold of you. Restless, you heed an inner call to move outside. To follow passions stirring, scintillating, coming up from the deep.
The light of the Blue Full Moon hits you. The weird rays mystify you, magnetizing you to some deeper force within. You feel compelled. Entranced. Unable to resist. Your senses magnify.
It’s like a switch turns on. A whiff of blood catches scent in the air. Your hair stands on end. Electricity pulses through your body. You are growing, shifting, changing shape. Your hunger overtakes you.
Something is in your throat. Rising up from your belly. A buried truth. Your primal essence. Erupting. Your hands grasp at your neck as you tip your head back. The guttural secrets of your undisclosed soul howls across the land.
To thyself be true.
This Moon is a cataclysmic chrysalis, catalyzing chemical change.
A world-shaking Moon of irresistible evolutions.
Breakthrough. Unfetter yourself. Set your body soul free.
Moon to lay it bare. Moon of raw honesty. Moon to merge with the most mysterious, rare, and vulnerable magic.
No need to freak out. Just let your freak out.
Journey to Meet your Future Self
Feel the death of what was as you embrace your uncanny, supernatural ability to merge with your future self NOW.
If you thought your trajectory was linear, you are in for a shock. Strong likelihood of time travel, telepathy and teleportation in the forecast. Let your extra senses lead - your life force energy and the Earth grid are your guides.
Light it up. Ride the waves. Stimulate source. Allow the portal to open.
“The creative force (is) at odds with itself”
Feel the pull of opposite poles as this Full Moon alights:
tangible / intangible
certain / obscure
comfortable / intense
stable / wild
holding on / letting go
Every form must transform to stay true.
The forms break open to reveal what they contain within.
Mercury Retrograde Journey through Scorpio: Soul Retrieval
You have already been transforming. Retrieving repressed elements of self. Returning to your true nature. This Moon is a big POP in that process. A body-Earth-system upgrade.
The serpent has been charmed.
The genie is out of the bottle. What are your three wishes? What future are you investing in?
Once these gems are mined, there’s no going back. Only onward, forward, upward.
Purge the dense energies that have been keeping you stuck. Remember yourself. You deserve what you desire most deeply. Let yourself feel it.
Here’s a timeline of the Mercury Retrograde journey. Reflect on how it’s unfurled in your life, and mark the upcoming dates of note:
September 27, Mercury entered Scorpio, initiating your mind into the depths of what needs to be researched.
October 7, Mercury opposed Uranus in Taurus. Revelations, awakenings, sparks… awareness coming up from the deep. Raw + sensitive truths.
October 14, Mercury stationed Retrograde in Scorpio. Going backwards in time. An irrepressible emerging of parts of self that need expression. Coming out of the shadows by going deeper into them.
October 19, Mercury Retrograde opposed Uranus in Taurus. Honest conversations. Truth-telling. Important revelations. Soul-essence revival.
October 25, Sun and Mercury Rx conjunct in Scorpio. Unconscious elements becoming conscious. Core self, mind, and voice integration.
October 27, Mercury Rx entered Libra, initiating relationship re-negotiations. Now that secrets have been shared, how do we rebalance and restore harmony?
October 31, Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus. All of the above timeline POPS futher. Expect the unexpected. Surprises. Trickery. Disruptions. Up-leveling. Serious conversations and re-negotiations.
November 3, Mercury stations Direct in Libra. Communication and travel restrictions/slow-down. Obstacles to deciding. Maintain your inner peace within difficult process.
November 6, Mercury in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn. Another round of serious conversations and re-negotiations. Get advice. Seek realistic conclusions that support harmony and justice.
November 10, Mercury re-enters Scorpio (taking you back to what began September 27). Initiating a second sweep in the underworld/deep dive realms of intimacy and soul-essence.
November 17, Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus. The final repeat of events on October 7 and October 19. Get to the raw, vulnerable heart of the truth. Honor the raw that erupts.
Relational Renegotiations
In addition to surprises, disruptions, impactful awakenings and uplevelings, this Moon is accompanied by important discussions and mental stress as Mercury Retrograde in Libra forms a square to Saturn in Capricorn.
It is normal to feel separate from ‘other(s)’ inside this time of individuation and re-defining Self. Everything is reinventing and rebalancing - especially the things that have felt stable for a long time (to the point of becoming stuck and ingrained). While this is likely intense and uncomfortable, it requires refined and elegant balance.
Have the conversations. Get advice and mediation. Say the real true words, but resist judgement. Resist collapse and over-negativity. Notice the tendency to build barricades. Misunderstandings and disagreements are easy to fall into. Recognize each person’s limitations, and respect the walls and bounds that make themselves known. Coming to a final decision will take time. Don’t rush it. Stretch your capacity to hold what’s here. Strengthen your resolve to maintain your own peace and trust in the natural order of divine design. The stardust is still yet to settle...
You are always met. You are always mirrored. Keep close to yourself - your beauty, your power, your truth - and let that lead.
Beyond the prism of your body, you are a rare multifaceted gem connected in a cosmic fabric web. Polish off the grime. Keep shedding. Keep refining down to the shape of your soul essence and let it gleam.
“And there is nothing to say, everything to do, with nobody left to do it—except the forgotten one inside who knows the way.”
spooky blue moon. electric death moon. moon of a world, shaking. lycanthrope moon. pelvis moon. moon of dark depths and ripe fruits. mining-for-gems moon. full tilt moon. moon for a gleaming soul retrieval. twisted moon. snake charmer moon. moon of bliss in the abyss. wild moon. wowza moon. moon for letting life in / and out. heavy metals moon. breakthrough moon. moon of the chrysalis catalyst. tricky treats moon. privatest parts moon. moon of most vulnerable magic. pleasure maze moon. primal ground moon. moon back to your nature. moon back to the future. don’t settle for less than stardust.
Title Image Credit: Kenrick Mills
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Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Taurus.
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Read Full Moon Reports for your Sun, Rising, and Moon Signs Below
Aries: I let life out. I let life in.
This Full Moon shines weird light on my deep recesses of power. There is a well of source energy within me. It is magnetic and primal. It knows the way. I surrender to it. I invest in it. I allow it to open me. With the help of this Moon, I release toxic situations from my life. With the help of this Moon, I harness innate magnetic energy to draw in what my soul needs. I merge more deeply with my own magic. Even in the darkness of unknown futures, I trust myself. I speak words that validate myself, honor my values, and anchor integrity and authority into my being. Affirming myself is an act of healing. In collaboration with divine order, I am the director of my life direction. No one can take this power from me. It stems from the riches within.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Taurus: The more I free myself, the more I can connect.
My body is waking up. The cells of my body are tingling. Singing. Higher sensations of radical authenticity are flooding my system. Stagnation and stuckness is cured when I embrace my wild, erotic, animal nature. There are ways I am no longer willing to be self-sacrificing. I unhook from victim codes and anchor into higher states of truth and consciousness. No longer tethered to old programs, I feel my wings unfurl. The unleashing of my self catapults me into deep sharing in partnership. When I ride the waves of my own potent energies, my person can meet me in ecstasy.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Gemini: Pleasure is a prayer that serves my well-being.
Am I living in service to myself? The rhythms of responsibilities in daily life are of importance, but are they confining my spirit? I cannot afford to get lost in the muck of the mundane. I’m too magical for that. Parts of me that have been long-buried are coming back alive. This Moon represents a spiritual activation and sudden clearing. I am coming out of confinement. The subtle realms are calling me, waking me up in ways that will guide me to merge with my future. I let my life become a prayer. Pleasure is essential. Erotic energy is healing. I commit to confronting inherited blocks and residual trauma so I can increase my capacity to experience intimate joy.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Cancer: I allow myself to be witnessed.
This Full Moon activates community connections that are grounded in authenticity. These relationships are unfettered by a sense of mutual responsibility. Instead, they are fueled by creativity and play. I open myself up to friends who act as allies to my self-expression. I am honing my ability to belong to myself. Commitments to others need not interfere with my sense of safety. I overcome relational obstacles and build commitments that promise to stay supportive. Part of that work is promising to support myself. As I become more self-secure, my expressions courageously emerge.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Leo: It is safe to be wild.
Despite all the powerful changes unfurling, there is something unshakeable in me. I touch that primal place - the courage to breathe in the dark and let my freak out. I stay close to my roots, my blood - all that deeply feeds me as well as what I feed. This Moon illuminates an axis of public and private life. Deep urges and transformations in my personal sphere radically shift my life path direction. On a practical level, what needs to remain stable? On an intimate level, what cravings lead to inner fusion? I find myself in a plethora of options. Sensing choices. Making sense. Gathering information. I take my time with every consideration, holding conversations with grace.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Virgo: I choose to grow.
This Moon activates learning and expansion. New experiences. New horizons. Journeys ahead. I feel the wind on my face and spread my wings, ready to fly into unexpected realms of adventure. There is a growth edge available in consciously choosing my perspective. I have agency over what I believe and how I engage with information that is presented to me. I trust myself, and I trust truth itself to guide the way. I am a source of wisdom and answers. Under the light of this Moon, I commit to knowing my worth. I commit to prioritizing joy, pleasure, creativity, and children. As I connect with my own worthiness, possibilities emerge to heal more deeply into intimacy.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Libra: I am powerfully magnetic.
This Moon lights up my power source. Its weird light shines in my zones of giving and receiving. Unexpected disruptions and releases merge me more deeply with myself; attuning me to the gifts available when I walk away from what no longer serves me well. When I let go of what’s toxic, I invest in true stability. Under this Moon, I speak for myself. I give myself the grace of sharing my own story. I speak words that anchor me to inner support. Words that help me to know that I am deeply, unequivocally held. When I value myself and use fierce courage to heal the hurts, I build real belonging.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Scorpio: I allow my relationships to transform.
Surprise. Something stirring beneath the surface is revealed with a bang. What I want becomes available through an experience of extreme contrast. It’s a paradox that when I allow others to be free, I land more firmly in a bond that is spacious enough to feed my power. I am dilating. Stretching open. Merging with my mysterious self. Gaining momentum and levity as tectonic plates shift. There are no secrets here. There are angels. Choices. Decisions. Hidden loves. There is healing, here. In order to foresee the future, I explore what it means to radically trust bodies - my own, and the sovereign bodies of others.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Sagittarius: I am reverent.
Whatever is happening in my life right now, I consider it divine. My life is my altar. The present moment is a place of worship. I infuse prayerfulness and devotion into the small acts of my life. I notice where I have been lacking intention and move to correct those absences. My lifestyle and acts of service survive a radical shift. I dream into the future of what my daily life could look like, if it opened up into a lifestyle that was more accurately reverent towards what I hold most dear. Though it’s past harvest time now, I take stock and inventory, reflecting on what improvements must be made. I make ceremony that reflects the values I wish to anchor and carry forth into my future.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Capricorn: I reconnect with my joyful heart.
Cobwebs, be gone. I allow self-restraint to crystallize into clear presence and expression. This Moon lights up my capacity to be freed by fun. Some things are best processed through play. I turn my efforts into artfulness. If I’ve been feeling weighed down by all the histories of myself, I try on a different persona. What happens when I let my heart lead? What happens when I see myself through the eyes of my heart? What happens when the structure of my body is filled with the pulsing light of my own vitality? I practice this inner smile, and feel myself plug into collaborative connection. There is a future self waiting for me, here, just beginning to sparkle.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Aquarius: I am seen and held.
Within every great change and transformation, I am held. It is safe to be seen, even during my metamorphosis. Parts of me are revealing themselves and the world is responding. The Sun shines a light on my place in the world as public presence. I am stepping towards my purpose. I feel how this is a natural extension of where I came from. My ancestors. My past. My memories. I allow energy to flow freely up through my roots, bonding me more deeply with my original innate self. Surprises and activations impact home and family. I find stability in my core self as I follow the path of my life direction.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.
Pisces: I practice adaptation.
This Full Moon illuminates a full spectrum of choices and options. New information has me changing my mind with swiftness and dexterity. I upgrade my perceptions of truth. Seems like there are so many things that need to be said. I take care with how I share potent, yet sensitive information. These are secrets that not everybody needs to hear. What I share reveals more about who I can connect with, and who I need to maintain distance from in my community. Conversations and considerations lead me into deeper authenticity. This is the place I want to build my future from - intimacy and authenticity.
Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.