New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 15, 2020 (at 00:07EST) is an exposé.

An unmasking of hidden nether regions.

Undress. Unveil. Disclose.

Subject what is hidden to the action of light.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
— Carl Jung

Jung describes the unconscious as an ocean of darkness. The bottom of the ocean is a place of incredible pressure that never sees sunlight. And yet, creatures survive there.

The bottom of the ocean is so deep, dark, and cold, that many of the creatures who reside there evolve to glow. Inside the harshest of conditions, they generate their own neon light. Some of them look like monsters with pointing teeth and hollow eyes. Others are ghost-like, barely perceptible and never warm, yet persisting.

This New Moon is about your inner depths. The hidden, secret crevices that cannot be seen or understood by the rational mind. Their influence permeates your life experience.

Go deeper in. Deeper down. Underneath. Layer after layer.

Dive for the ancient pain. Dive for the treasure of buried magic and civilizations long dead, but always still encoded in the remaining ash. This imprints live on in us. An uncovering...

What’s in these histories of water and blood and soil?

What’s in the ways you learned to conduct yourself in order to obtain love?

What’s in these unrequited yearnings, the memories of unresolve, the immense fears of trying the untried?

Declassify these documents. View the lineup, and select your hungry ghosts.

It’s limbic. It’s epigenetic. Ancestral. Primal. Psycho-sexual-emotional. Passed down and through.

As gutting as it may be to penetrate yourself and feel into these elements, there’s treasure there.

Here are the undead and the unspeakable. The horrors of destruction, and the gleaming relics left in the aftermath. These are the deathless, survivable elements of consciousness within self. When all else is burned away, these gem essences revive what’s real around itself. A potency. A regeneration. A changing magnetic.

There’s gold in these leaden hills.

Somehow, this ocean full of death offers the comfort of stark relief. A terrifying awe. A ghastly fathom of comprehension that defies the dialectic.

These waters stem from source, and they’re continually renewing.

A reminder that we are always connected to a primordial womb. That mystical membranes made of mucosal trees held us for months of gestation before emergence from the dark. That cells split in a blooming spiral of geometric mirroring, substance folding in and mating with its own self and its environment before the first great separation.

We can go back, again and again, to an undifferentiated before that preceded our beginning.

What’s happening in the outer world is projection. Every binary we find ourselves betwixt or embattled with serves to fuel our transformation. Stay in the darkness of undoing and unknowing. Remain unattached to either side, and work at unearthing the depths each side provokes within.

This death precedes colossal innovation. These urges are inevitable and cannot be kept at bay.

What does death feel like?
— Hannah Colello*

Something in you is dying. Shedding. Burning away.

Is it death, or is it change? What is the difference?

What are you putting in the cauldron?

Keep burning off the dross. Keep coming undone. These eliminations are invaluable.

Feel and honor the urges that purge up from the deep. They want you to merge deeper with what you’ve always needed and who you have always been.

You have the godly power to change and be changed. Sense into it.

Sometimes we hold on to what hurts us. Sometimes it feels as though the poisons cling to, or possess, us.

What are you letting go of? What is letting go of you? What grips or loops are you releasing yourself from?

Shed what you need to shed. Harness what you need to harness.

Poison or medicine - it depends on the dose.

Death or birth - it depends where the observer is placed in relationship to the veil.

Mars in Aries stations Direct alongside this New Moon

Mars in Aries stationed Direct on November 13 at 19:36EST. Imagine turning the race car around and getting into gear to march full speed ahead towards a determined direction.

The planet of war, will, and action, first entered Aries on June 27, 2020.

It stationed retrograde on September 9, 2020, delaying our actions, rerouting us, and throwing our desired direction into a process of revision. Since September 9th, we’ve been asked to slow down, proceed with caution, realize what we really do/don’t want, and modify our actions to be able to actualize what we will through developing strength and commitment.

Mars moving direct now is an uprising. Clarity around what to stand against, for, and with. Are we able to stand for and against what we will without creating an enemy other, or is that an impossible feat? 

Be in it to win it. Move with the clarity that self-responsibility and inner-authority are paramount. That outsourcing authority often leads to great consequence.

The path ahead is not without burdens or obstacles. It requires us to continue to fortify ourselves in facing and overcoming steep obstacles, fears, and barriers, while keeping our integrity intact.

Venus in Libra is square Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn

Powerful transformations are portended within the balance of relationships, resources, and values.

On the collective level, this aspect represents incredible rebalancing of wealth and assets-in-power.

On the personal level, it emphasizes major changes in relationships in the spirit of transparency and reciprocity. Invest in self-worth and an equal exchange of energy. Venus will square Saturn on November 19, bringing a realistic anchor and commitment to the recent shapeshifts in relationships and resources.

Mercury is Direct in Scorpio

Seeing in the dark. Moving through the unknown. Epigenetic research. Deep esoteric magic. The messenger planet remains in the underworld mining for hidden gems until December 1.

What research began when Mercury entered Scorpio September 27?

On November 17, Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus, offering surprise information and awakening. Remain mentally flexible and adaptive. Truth is stranger than fiction.

This time is a bit like opening Pandora's box. Once we see its contents, we can’t unsee them. We can, however, incorporate these shocking truths and revelations into our process of evolution. Utilize them to harness your power and increase your agency.

Finally, this New Moon opens our upcoming Eclipse Season Portal.

Eclipse Seasons are profound times of acceleration and change. A quickening is on the horizon.

Stay tuned to the next 2 Moon posts for all the juicy details.

If you’d like to tune into a live astro-reading on the Eclipses November 30 and December 14th, join my mailing list here to get notified when they’re announced.

cauldron moon. membrane moon. moon of purgative purgatory. dark sea moon. venomous creature moon. moon to glow in the dark. unmasking moon. plasma moon. moon for mourning and rebirth. nether moon. leaden gold moon. moon of the little death. limbic moon. placenta moon. moon for the full range of feeling. magnetic moon. hypnotic moon. moon of deep release. poisonous plant moon. grave-meets-sky moon. moon of secret stories surfacing. temptation moon. renewal soup moon. moon to harness your latent power. eclipse season, begin.

Title Image Credit: Artiom Vallat

* Hannah Krieger


The Great Conjunction: Solstice Circle

Join Intuitive Astrologer Virginia Rosenberg and other star-curious kinfolk in a circle of circles, a web of webs, to reach for the future and channel in worlds to-come.

Part astrology lecture, part ritual, part circle. This is a timespace to commune with and commemorate our prodigal selves, our ancient future ancestors, and astral awakenings.

Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Scorpio.

You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.

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Read New Moon Reports for your Sun, Rising, and Moon Signs Below

Aries: I unleash my power.

Under the darkness of this Moon, I am reborn. I shed my skin and evolve. In vulnerability, I return to the original imprint within me for regeneration and renewal. While intimate, deep, and intense, my transformation is not hidden or private. It feeds my public presence. I am ready to show up raw and real. My raw and real is magnetic. This is where my impact resides. I am irresistibly drawn toward my life path and my place in the world. I allow myself to not-know, and trust my own energy. No longer at war with myself or in delay, I simply feel a calling and follow it. There are obstacles ahead, and I am more than ready to face them. I have the courage and strength to move into my future.

Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Taurus: I rebalance my relationships.

It’s time to go deeper. I invest in relational bonds that can maintain mutual transformation and evolution over time. My primary partnerships must show that there is enough trust and shared perspective to foster plenty of room for growth and expansion. I believe in the power of weaving together. Around the time of this Moon, buried beliefs and hidden wisdom come into focus. I invite the arrival of deeper truths. No longer content to be in a service role, I choose a pathway that allows me to spread out. My daily life must allow me space for inspiration. My routines are a container for my own healing. I have become allergic to martyrdom. No longer willing to self-sacrifice, I release outworn service roles and move into wider realms of possibility.

Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Gemini: I am healing. I am well. I am whole.

There is a phrase, “you are perfect just as you are, and you could use a little improvement.” (Shunryu Suzuki) Remember that evolution is natural. It is simply a matter of participation with processes that are innately unfolding. What will I choose to become more present to? Under this Moon, I imprint routines, habits, and rituals that remind me of my power and assist me in becoming more intimate with myself. It’s a time of organizing energy for optimal healing, including scheduling time to heal through release. Deep urges for emotional and intimate connection rise through romantic and creative pursuits. I am not ‘too much.’ I honor my ancestors and my muses. I honor my capacities for dramatic flourishes. It’s all me, and I love myself deeply as I am in the now, knowing that my changes are inevitable.

Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Cancer: I celebrate the affairs of my heart.

My heart takes center stage under this Moon. What kind of romance can I begin with myself and my beloveds? If my life were a canvas, or a piece of performance art, what colors would I want to see? What scenes are playing out? Life is meant to be passionately enjoyed. I place pleasure and self-expression at the top of my priority list. How can I have more fun? Deeper truths have finally surfaced inside my most significant relationships. In order to co-create the ways I want to, I’ve got to tap into my own mojo. I feel something totally new starting with my work in the world and my life path. The juicier and more expressed I am, the better these bright futures will be.

Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Leo:  My past transforms into raw potential.

I trust my trauma. I trust that I have much to learn about the impacts of past wounds and formative experiences. I trust that I am capable of learning and healing. I hold space for my inner depths. This Moon represents a rebirth in the realms of home, family, and inner foundations. I take this opportunity to be honest about what’s here. Regardless of the raw material I was given in early life, I place attention on securing my roots and creating a nourishing environment to nest in now. Clearing, streamlining, and setting up supportive rhythms will hold me and my kin amidst whatever comes up. I seek enough open space in my homelife to facilitate self-discovery. This Moon stimulates perspective, growth, and a worthy quest.

Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Virgo: I open pathways of communication.

This New Moon presents options, choices, decisions, and opportunities for dialogue. Refreshing communication patterns open up as I open my own heart. My mind is active. I find new ways to think about things and say what I want to say. When I ask questions, I often find answers. I am ready and willing to learn. I communicate honestly and passionately, using conversation as a vehicle for self-expression. There is a revival going on in my life. I reinvest in what I value. I trust my capacities to generate and magnetize the resources I need. I find myself unveiling. Getting naked. Becoming more vulnerable, and more available for intimacy and deeper union. 

Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Libra: I am worthy, and I belong.

This New Moon represents a powerful new beginning in my ability to receive, as well as my ability to tend the resources in my care. An excellent time to tend deeply-ingrained or trauma-related issues that show up in my financial life patterns. This is a chance to start over. What template do I want to set for tracking and maintaining my income? Great time to begin a practice of financial solvency or work in a program like debtors anonymous. Deeper truths are emerging from my past as well as in the zones of home and family. This is the push I needed to resolve a false sense of security so I can truly belong to myself. Even relationships and partnerships are spicy right now. Plenty of opportunities to assert myself and give myself shelter from conflicts that disturb my peace.

Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Scorpio: New Moon, New Me.

This Moon is unapologetically centered on ME. I take the space I need to focus on myself. I do what I do best: transform. The intensity of release and rebirth is familiar and exhilarating. Yes, I can evolve again. I will. I am. The evolutions I embrace now are the result of big learnings. The changes I make stem from deep conversations that offered me more perspective than I could access on my own. Sensitive discussions are alive. As information is revealed, I practice adaptation to meet it. I make moves on the ground to serve what is happening. I get back on track with the habits and rhythms that keep me clean and clear and able to show up effectively on the daily.

Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Sagittarius: I surrender to the flow.

Magic happens. Magic is always alive. This Moon offers me the space to tune in and reconnect to magic. There is the magic of letting go - opening my hands, and allowing for total release. The magic of embracing natural endings and inviting feelings of closure to find their way into my being. The magic of remembering what inspires me, and making space to rest into the dreaminess of regenerative time and creative pursuit. Something tells me that I can finally relax. I have an inner knowing that all the stress around resources of the last three years will soon pay off. Regardless of outcomes, right now I choose to play. Expressing myself is part of my vitality and what gives my life meaning. I let the joy of living tumble from me and create what it will.

Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Capricorn: I recognize myself as connected.

These longstanding feelings of isolation belong to a paradigm that is losing its power. I believe in the possibility of new futures that are already building into our world. I recognize and honor myself enough to allow myself to be witnessed by others. I respect the deep work and inner process I have traversed over the years, and sense that the time approaches for me to share the fruits of my labor with collaborators and allies. What matters is that I share what is most real to me. As I continue to do this, I create opportunities for new ways of relating. New shared futures. New stories, no longer confined by status quo tales of constraint or lack. I know that I am innately connected, and I look for the proof that affirms that inalienable truth.

Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Aquarius: I begin a new cycle of success.

How do I determine success? What makes a well-lived, impactful life and career? This New Moon powers up my impact and deepens me into my life path. I have a calling, and invisible forces are prodding me to claim and fulfill that calling. For the last three years, I have been on a big spiritual journey. I have been dreaming, healing, and working introspectively behind the scenes. Creating closure with the person I used to be is leading me to take my proper place in the world. This week brings up another deep layer for healing and wisdom. I choose to respond with gentleness, compassion, and forgiveness as sensitive matters arise. I meditate on the subtleties and gain potent insights to inform my process of healing and recovery. A real rebirth is imminent. I harness intentionality to assist in the building process that lies ahead.

Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.

Pisces: I explore new horizons.

This New Moon stimulates a chapter of growth, beginning a new journey or quest. What questions feel most vital for me right now? I let these questions guide my way, bringing me towards experiences, travels, and learnings that will eventually lead me to answers, as well as meaningful perspectives to live by. For the last 3 years, I have been working on establishing reliable community connections. This week, I take a good look at where those relationships stand, particularly with regard to sensitive or private information. Whatever emerges helps me to realize when to share my intimate details, and with whom. I take heed. Current circumstances kickstart my future and amplify my earning potential. There is a lot of hope here, as I generate income, energy, and connection.

Your financial gifts ensure that the Moon Reports continue. Please sense your heart and intuition around making a contribution. If you find you’re able to give, I offer deep thanks to you for sustaining this work. Click here to become a monthly contributor at $5 or $10/month, or make a one-time donation of at least $5 here.