Rising Woman: New Moon in Taurus


New Moon in Taurus Astrology Report May 15, 2018 (10:48amPST)

During this most fertile time of the year, plant seeds of wakefulness and reinvention. Plant seeds into the deep dark Earth. Plant seeds with the knowing that they will gestate in mystery; that whatever they grow will be determined by a greater intelligence than one you alone can conjure.

Allow nature’s genius to guide all creations.

Astrologically-speaking, this may be one of the most influential weeks of 2018.

The Scorpio Full Moon two weeks ago was full of revelation and exposure. It showed things that cannot be unseen. It asked us to shed what we have comfortably been. At the fabric of our being, we were changed. Many of us were launched into a portal of major unknowns.

The Earth quakes to release pressure and make space for the New. Let shock be an on-switch for innovation.

In times like this, we sense and feel with acuity. We dig deep as a means to survive and thrive. We adapt and weave webs of connection. There are no roadmaps or instructions. The pallet of ‘good/bad,’ ‘right/wrong’ doesn’t apply. Inside a mysterious soup of complexity, we must learn to trust our body. To prioritize our senses. To place our ear to the soil and our nose to the flower. To listen to the rumblings of the Earth.

Read the Full Report Here on RisingWoman.com

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