The New Moon in Pisces on February 23, 2020 at 10:30EST) is reclusive and musing.
Pull away. Exit time.
Doze and flow.
Untether from linear livings. Close your schedule. Let your boat lilt, tilt, and sail adrift. Find the place where clouds meet sea.
Rest there.
Surrender control and calculation. Unwind into astonishment. Be held by your own wonder.
Relax into emptiness. Ebb into fantastic otherworlds inside you. As vast as they are deep. As still as they are churning. Eternally soft and all-encompassing.
Swim. Lift. Float. The bigger the wave, the deeper the dive. Breathe when you’re back at the surface.
Do what helps you elevate. Follow the smoke. Get out your watercolor pastels. Run the bath. Toss the salt. Meditate. Sleep. Put the music on. Light the candles and watch the shadows flicker.
Feel the world.
Be the tears and let those waters carry you closer to what loves you.
You, always loved. You, forever loved. You, your love is borderless and brimming.
Pour yourself out. Let go.
Lose yourself in the imaginings. Be absorbed in the dreaming. Merge with the magic.
Imagination precedes reality. What is created is first gestated. Water develops form.
This Moon is a cradle of soaking seeds. Seed-soaking before planting is an old-time garden trick. It softens the seeds and opens them up, preparing them for germination.
Let your seeds soak.
Your timing is always perfect.
If you can’t bring it forward now, the season may not be ripe. The deeper you rest, the more you’ll be ready when your time comes.
If you can’t see clearly yet, enjoy the mystical evanescence of your fog. When the clouds dissipate and the rain stops, your colors will glisten more brightly and cleanly than before.
This Moon is an exhale.
There is wisdom in dissolving. Open yourself up to receive.
Be between the lines. You may not know what is coming. You can’t see where the flow is leading. But you can feel the current.
It takes trust to dissolve. To be soft. To allow. To release. To yield. Dip into this vast reservoir.
You need nothingness. It is one of the essential nutrients that feeds you.
When some of us were young, we used to make soup. Playing in the mud at the forest edge. We would take sticks and leaves and whatever else we could find, dig a hole, and add ingredients. We played like this. Making soup, swirling mud, imagining our bowls and banquets. Feeding fairies and turtles.
Go off on your own, to the edge of the wood. Make soup. Don’t think about it. You will know intuitively what to add to it. Follow inspiration. Get messy in the wisdom of your stews and brews. Let them carry you away.
This Moon brings memories of times we used to escape. What would you escape into, then? Are those dreamings as nourishing to you now? What in your current life feels like it meets your most lingering longings?
This Moon is salt waves lapping us into heartbreaking clarity.
Rendering sunlight into bubbles trapped behind our eyelids. This is the lens we see with now.
From the fisheye, be transported into overflowing otherworlds that exist beneath these shining skies. Fill up. Empty out. Forever, again.
soup moon. yield moon. soaking seeds moon. salt moon. snooze moon. moon of allowing. nothingness is a nutrient moon. feel the current moon. fisheye moon. moon of the softest powers. reclusive and elusive moon. turtle moon. clouds meet sea moon. moon of a last breath. illusion moon. drain the tub moon. feeding fairies moon. germinate moon. miscommunications moon. moon of most persistent dreamings. moon of lingering longings. ephemeral voices singing moon. moon of muddy waters and shining skies.
Embody this Moon through movement and journaling as guided in this Embodied Astrology ritual for Pisces.
You can book an intuitive astrology reading with me here, as well as follow me on Instagram.
Astrology of 2020 Calendar and/or Online Course
Two tools for cosmic calibration.
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Read New Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Signs Below
Aries: I allow for the unknowable.
This New Moon requires rest and renewal. I am ready to heal. Stepping back from life allows me to love myself. I step out of persistent roles and responsibilities like old clothes. Some of what I’ve been involved in is weighing me down. I give myself the space to reassess how external pressures and expectations hold sway. Underneath the concrete details of my life, what am I longing for? What am I not living for? What am I letting die? What is no longer me and now fading away? I honor this as an opportunity to dispel the inauthentic and fill up with awe.
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Taurus: I reconnect.
This New Moon plants dream-seeds of connection, community, and visions for the future. I pay close attention to my dreams, intuitions, and the messages coming in from allies. It is possible that everything I want is within reach. On some level, perhaps I have been running away from truly enjoying the nourishment that could be available to me right here at home in my locale. Have I been overcomplicating or denying my own gifts? What do I have to offer the people I care about? It may be so second nature that it falls into a blindspot. I ask for reflection and lean into my relations for clarity.
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Gemini: I conjure my course.
My way feels foggy. I am processing a lot of emotion and energy. Sometimes that feels like it carries me away from useful pursuits and undertakings. I feel confused about where I am headed. In truth, the larger scope of pursuits and undertakings is changing shape. The world is changing, and as a character in this world, I am changing, too, in response. My place in things is only as useful as I am responsive to important influences. My life path is muddy and flooded right now. It will take some time to dry out. I can stay with the trouble of not seeing clearly yet. I can trust that I am held close within a wide dreaming, and I will be guided.
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Cancer: I open.
To open is to take a risk. To open is to divulge my own softness. To unmask my heart. What might happen if I risk this uncovering? I might connect to something wider and more possible than what I currently know. My heart might break into its own truthfulness. I might trust myself more. I might be guided to a new horizon. I might trust life more. I might let life lead me into an adventure. I might make a compass out of my own instincts. This Moon marks the beginning of a learning journey. What meanings might be made if I live from an open place?
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Leo: I dive deep.
This Moon is a cloister. A cave. A closet. Here I am with the skeletons and history books. Spirals of DNA weaving through all I do. Becoming fascinated with my own mysteries. I welcome the kind of solitude that lends itself towards deep research. I introspect. Plumb inner depths. Rebalance my psychic books. I let myself see and feel into all the ties that bind. Wonder if all things are equal. Know that they aren’t. And accept that in some deeper way, they are and always will be. The deeper I go into these places in myself I can never really access, the more I merge with change.
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Virgo: I am met.
This New Moon plants seeds of partnership. I pay attention to the subtleties in my connections. How am I meeting the people in my life? How are they meeting me? What are my closest folks reflecting back to me about myself? Where have things gotten messy between us? How can we get more clear? Are there problems present that I do not know how to solve? Of course there are. When I do not know the answers, I allow myself to pray. When I see my own issues reflected in my partnerships, I accept the invitation to love myself more fully.
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Libra: I embrace wellness.
This New Moon is a reset for me. A clearing. A cleansing. An opportunity to forgive everything that hasn’t worked for me or my life in the last six months. This Moon is a slate to start fresh on. To set rhythms in motion that fortify my wellness. To prioritize the digesting of experiences. I accept the invitation to fall in love with the smallest details of my life. I observe imperfections as opportunities to find surrender. I separate myself from behaviors I thought kept me safe, but in actuality kept me defended. I continue growing towards self-responsibility.
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Scorpio: I am a seed.
Within me are dreams. Creations and things meant to be. Lying in wait. Burning under the dark surface. Abiding their inevitable birth. Accessing these creations right now looks like making space for sleep. Scribbling notes down on a page. Noticing which colors speak to me. Romancing myself with whatever gives me pleasure. Entering fantasy. Daydreams are heart-messages. So, I allow myself to lose focus and play there. Where am I finding joy? I keep returning to those reservoirs of vitality. I trust the worlds waiting to be birthed through me. Knowing they have an intelligence of their own. They will come in perfect time and perfect way.
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Sagittarius: I imagine home.
Home can feel like an ephemeral place. Sometimes a physical locale. Sometimes arising from relationships and people. Sometimes home lies within spiritual ties to a landscape for a certain time. Sometimes, to me, home feels like whatever I am looking forward to next. An escape valve. A relief from the monotony of daily rhythms. Home is the road. Home is release. What does home consist of for me, now? What are my associations with belonging? Where am I deriving comfort? What makes me feel safe and held? This Moon holds the power to redream old and inherited legacies. Sometimes the best way for me to make space for myself in life is to deeply change what I came in with. I have patience with this task. I am supported.
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Capricorn: I think again.
As I change, my mind also changes. More than black and white, I am embracing grey and multi-colored tone in my perception. I trust myself to see through saturation and contrast and order my interpretations of meaning appropriately. This process of sifting through obscurity makes me smarter. It makes me a better communicator. It brings me out of my bubble into connection. No longer do I avoid or evade offering or receiving all the necessary information. Subtleties can clarify the whole picture. I am releasing old habit patterns of outsourcing my identity to notions of success, failure, and self-expectation. I am here, human and all.
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Aquarius: I anchor myself.
To anchor means to solidify my base. To anchor means to tether myself to something real, something meaningful, something I can account for. While I sway in these shining seas, I can know that I won’t get totally lost. I anchor myself to resources, values, and talents that are inevitably supportive. I anchor myself to forms of nourishment that don’t just support me - they also become me as they foster my development. This Moon is like food for me. I notice what I am eating, and what I dream about eating next.
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Pisces: New Moon, New Me.
I let this Moon absolve me. Dissolve me. Forgive me. I let this Moon love me beyond the people I know I’ve been before. This is my moment to ebb and flow. To redream myself into being. Soften any noise or confusion about who I’m here to be. I do best without limits or definitions. I do best by running water. I do best in silence and in poetry. I do best in running pain through a sieve and laying it to rest. I allow the mud and grit to settle so we can all be reminded of the supernatural clarity that is available to us if we relax our minds. From this everloving place, I diffuse my compassionate essence.
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