
August 2017 Forecast: Support

August 2017 Forecast: Support

Click Here to View the Full Forecast for August

The Astrological Theme for July was "Manifest."

Members can view the full July 2017 Forecast here.

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Oh, the manifest world. It seems so harsh and disappointing sometimes. And yet somehow, it is rooted and guided by the miraculous.

We better ourselves through letting go. The less we attach to and the less we are, the more we can be in alignment with that which is beyond us. Keep releasing until nothing but nature is left.

In times like these, holding firm boundaries is important. It is one thing to distance oneself from reality - it's another thing to take care of our mental and physical health by resisting the non-essential.

In a consumerist culture, we are constantly being prodded and programmed to use more, buy more, gain more, learn more. What if the answer to a lot of the problems persisting in the world was as simple as this:


According to my clients, July did deliver its theme of Manifest. Projects were announced or completed. Jobs and relationships were ended and begun. Things that weren't in integrity came to a head and asked to be addressed squarely. Opportunities emerged into plain sight.

There is something of a swift tide moving beneath our evolutions, and we are asked to face and endure the tests along the path.

Keep hope, and strengthen your connections as we continue to encounter the real beneath the real beneath the real. We are approaching a destined Eclipse season...

The Astrological Theme for August 2017 is "Support."

August 2017 is an incredibly historic month. We are officially in eclipse season. Eclipse season, which occurs approximately every 6 months, always bring change and further evolution towards our destiny. They are always strongly influential. But many things about this particular cycle feel especially potent.

Collectively, these eclipses in Leo represent the death and birth of rulership.

These eclipses teach us to become less dependent and more interdependent.

Click to read the rest, including day-by-day transit interpretations!